Watch BB16!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday: The Overnighter

Happy Saturday, y'all! Late last night, the feeds finally returned from a hr hiatus. The nominations were confirmed as soon as the feeds turned back on.

Nominated for Eviction are:

Johnny Mac is this weeks target and he's fully aware of it. Oh, and he plans on throwing the veto today, so there's that.

In other news...

Just when you thought this season couldn't possibly get any worse, it has. Frankie Grande visited the house yesterday to take Liz and Vanessa (Liz's guest) to their "luxury" trip outside the BB house. The "prize" (and I use the term loosely) was to go see an Ariana Grande concert. (*I seriously would've asked to stay in the BB house instead.)

Soooo, you're probably asking yourself "Why is J-Mac gonna throw the damn veto??!" and here is your answer: because it's his offer to Austin/Liz in hopes that they take him to Final 3. Johnny Mac's only hope this week (if he decides to actually throw the veto) is for Liz's hate for Steve to override Vanessa wanting J-Mac to leave this week. But, one step at a time. We'll see what happens at today's Veto Comp.

I will be back later this afternoon to post the Veto Comp Results.

Stay tuned...
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KNicole said...

How about this for a novel idea JM. Win the damn veto and save yourself. This cast sucks.

TheFamDoc24 said...

My head hurts from slamming it on this here desk over and over.

I really love JMac the person. But Johnny Mac the player is one of the most confusing things I've ever seen. His decisions just make no sense. I think after Becky left and he saw the numbers, he just gave up. Ever since then I've been waiting for the "big move" but have not received it.

At this point I seriously am just watching so that I can confirm this season will indeed end and I'm not actually caught in the 6th circle of hell, forever doomed to watch these people because of my past sins.


slnc said...

Omg! They're sooo stupid! I can't with these dumb asses...I don't watch anymore, just read your blogs...ugh! I guess ignorance is bliss. Can't wait until its over, I want to see their reaction when the others that have been watching from home Dai, jason etc...tell them how dumb they are. Congrats Vanessa, I would actually be pissed if she didn't win! Who else deserves to??? And I don't care for her at all...Jaime how do you continue to blog??? Big ups to you cause I would've been done! I think you should be given a luxury ...A punch these fools in their throat luxury for making you endure this bs! :p ♡

R.Cazares said...

Of course Johnny Mac plans to WIN the veto. Duh! He's just covering for himself in case he loses it. Then he'll SAY he threw it and hope foe a miracle. Pretty clever if you ask me. And desperate, too. It's all he gots.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

These people are idiots!!! I so agree with you KNicole

~Diana~ said...

I'm with you! Seeing Frankie and going to his sister's concert is NOT a luxury to me. I would have rather been in solitary confinement for 24 hours!

I hope JM just wins the veto!

Chikis said...

I miss Evil Dick! Someone to really be afraid of! Not Vanessa! In so bored I even miss Rachel's whining!

Nana said...

I totally agree. CBS, get people who want to play the game. Screw trying to find Hollywood hopefuls. This is beyond ridiculous!!! JMac was my last hope in this "game". For heaven's sake, I'll volunteer to play if all it takes is throwing comps. But, I'm not built that way. I've watched this show since season 2. This season has to be the worst. I didn't think anything could top season 15 with horrible casting. But, alas, I was WRONG!

Jamie said...

me too, Diana!! lol

and slnc, id LOVE to!!!

Chikis said...

I'm with you slnc! Just make it end!!!

Steve Robbins Art said...

>Frankie Grande

I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Thanks for the heads up- I think I can avoid Sunday's episode.

Chikis said...

Yup! Me too!

C.Montes (Cattyana) said...

Geez what an idiot

Unknown said...

I have never commented before but I am obsessed with this blog💙 I truly mean this, I am done with Big Brother after this season. Vanessa drives a Lamborghini Gallardo, worth a few mil. Austin isn't hurting for money and neither are the twins. And they will be the final 3. It makes me irate. How about putting actual money hungry people in that house? Ya know, like cast people who are struggling to pay rent??? Then let's see how nice and soft the game is. No, If you're struggling to be able to go food shopping, you aren't throwing comps and Bowing down to others to avoid confrontation. I'm sick to my stomach hearing that Austin and Liz will be the final 2. I hope CBS realizes that they will lose so many of us.

Frenchy said...

I agree 110%.

fan of the 1% said...

I agree Krystal. I would like to see a group of people that need the money. This is like Donald Trump winning the lottery. Vanessa played a great game , but why did they even put her in there. The ones that could have really used the money are gone. This sucks. 😔

fan of the 1% said...

I agree Krystal. I have no idea why they would put a multi millionaire in the game. It's like Donald Trump winning the lottery. I want to see regular hard working people who actually need the money. They would show us a good game. A true fight to the finish.

Rachel said...


Ya ever hear of a grown 35 yr old woman shitting herself while reading your blog? It's embarrassing just like this season. This is the sorta thing I'd just usually keep to myself but since there isn't much entertainment to report in the game I thought I'd share my game my pants.

I'm a sick person, I know this. I need in that BB house!!!!!!!! After this season and the past two nxt years BB needs to be resurected from the depths of predictable land. I could use half a mil. I will cut a bitch to get it lol but seriously.

Oh and if the season cldnt get any worse..they chose Frankie?!? To go see his donut licking fat person america hater sister?!?! Wow what a real treat. They may as well locked them in a room with pink hair dye, make up, a pig, disco lights, glitter and a gun with a card that says Americas Choice.

slnc said...

That would be gooood! Kystal Ppl who are thirsty for those coins!!!! Yaasss!♡

Saginaw Guy said...

Is it possible that Vanessa actually guaranteed them money to throw the game to her? That is the only thing that makes sense. They can't all be that stupid.

FiddleDeeDee said...

Gave up? Has he ever tried? No. He lost comps, all in the name of throwing them. Whoopie-no respect for that game play.

FiddleDeeDee said...

Kudos on your post! I for one would love to see you on BB. How can we make this happen?

Dianne said...

Why do people still think Vanessa "deserves" to win when she chickened out on putting Liz and Austin up? Nobody "deserves" to win anything. As any gambler (such as Vanessa) can attest it only takes one mistake to lose the pot. There are still a few plays to be made, at this point Austin, Liz and Steve are still in the mix. I hope JMac goes as planned, he is a horrible player and I don't understand the fascination that BB fans have for a grown man who acts like a half witted child. I hate the way he disrespects Julie Chen and it's pretty obvious he is trying to be Will. He has more in common with Zach than he does Will, a copy cat with no game.

Tanbucket1 said...

Was reading something on CBS that they are going to have a new Poker show this fall and guess who is going to be one of the stars, Vanessa. Imagine that? Thanks CBS for ruining another season of BB. Thanks Jamie for the blog so we do not have to watch any more of BB

Holly said...

I vote they choose from Jamie's blog readers for their next cast! We know what's up! These houseguest are as dumb as a box of rocks. Can't stand it!!!

Unknown said...

Sick of bb. I am nor watching but reading this wonderful blog. Why are these people even on the show. Apparently not for the prize. I heard so many say I just want to get to jury . Why. I just want to win. V is the only one who wants to win. She doesn't need the money but she NEEDS to win. Obsession. James wanted to win. The rest all seemed to be there for the slop. I miss the crazy James who won awhile ago, I miss Britney who wad funny, and I miss all the past great players. Why watch when you know who is going, who is on slop and why be a family in there. Fight for your life and quit talking ga me and no follow through. Sadly I do nor care to watch. Especially since they keep putting on the old yuckos. Frankie and Jesse are the worst. Yes even rachel would have been better. Argh. Can't it just end now

Lchurch98 said...

Ohmygah! This season of BB= Big Bummer!! ����������������

Unknown said...

they need to do a season where the hous guests do exactly what they want.. where production does not make them make certain moves.. have they not realized that since we know production is the one running the show. the ahow is ruined big brother use to be a summer of drama now its a summer of just basically knowing whats next..

BB Bopper said...

Rachel...Lmfao :-D

Krystal: I agree with you completely. I watched two utube videos of Vanessa playing poker and on just one hand of poker she won over $192,000. Another video showed her very beautiful and very large house and showed how she makes her own music and how she became a DJ and she also talked about her being at Duke University. Duke University is VERY expensive which makes me wonder if she also came from money.

I don't begrudge someone for having money I just think that in a game where the goal is to win money that people who actually need it are more deserving, more enjoyable to watch and will usually, this cast excluded, fight harder to win.

Unknown said...

I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE STUPIDITY!!!! My brin actually hurts from trying to donate brain cells to these idiots!!! I swear if I was in the jury, I'd ask if I could opt out of giving anyone the money!!! Please CBS put us out of our misery and just shoot these people!!!!

Unknown said...

No we are in hell! I'm convinced!! Lol

Gross said...

Lol ... Like Jeremy? The guy that lived on a canoe?

Jamie said...


Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I heard that Mel sent Vanessa a coded message. That's why Vanessa is suspicious about JMAC. Mel asked her about a time she fell and got bruised or something and Vanessa couldn't fully explain the event and was very uncomfortable trying to. In other words, she was cheating but hasn't been called out for it

Ashlee Lopez said...

I think Vanessa is also a Law Student! Idk how in the world she got so rich.. makes me sick that she's probably gonna win BB :(

Drea said...

So far I've been trying to keep a positive attitude especially for you Jamie, hate hearing you so miserable trying to finish out this season!

Luxury comp; 10,000 or trip around the world fly to US open (nothing really going on here in LA except horrible weather and brush fires)
Favorite line from Auustiiin starting the HOH COMP; "put me on the Bold and Beautiful" are you fucking kidding me? It would take a plastic surgeon or Botched 2 years to fix all the damage you've done to you face and body. I'm sure Liz Parents are ready to kill her!
Steve; like that you love your Mom, it there was really something wrong with him I'm sure CBS would not put him on TV to exploit him (I hope)
JMac; hope your work for a dental practice and have back up at this point I'd be afraid to let him floss my teeth, WTF, who plans on throwing a veto comp with two weeks left? Even if he's not telling the truth and it's his back up in case he loses the tell us? So you don't look like an idiot.
Vanessa playing good but if she were up again Rachael she would have gotten her ass kicked weeks ago ! Wonder if they had donuts after the concert? Ugh so fed up sorry thanks for letting me vent

Annafel said...

So thankful for your blog!! @least I know I can find entertainment somewhere(: after reading your hilarious recaps, I find myself looking forward to everybody's comments! CBS really should study here for ideas on how to bring BB back to life..

Marko said...

That luxury prize would have been pure torture for me... Frankie & Ariana!! Ugh!

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Jmac won veto! I truly hope it's wisely used!!!!

Rachel said...

JMac won veto!!!! There still is a chance!!!!!

Steph said...

JM won POV yay!!

Steph said...

Yay JM for winning the POV!!!! Now what's V gonna do?

Smokey said...

Totally agree, first Jesse and then Frankie. I thought this was just bad casting; I now beleive the whole production has gone to hell.

Fred said...

Johnny Mac won veto!!!! Let the drama begin... Austin, and Liz should of taken the deal that Johnny offered them..

Smokey said...

I think jmac acts more like bevis and butthead than Dr Will. However horrible game player he is, he is the most likeable of the all the assholes left in the game. Except for steve, who is just too much of a pussy to root for. Imho.

Taz Caz said...

That would be great... People who actually have bills to pay... Would even make incentives and luxury games more interesting. I'd take $5k over POV to feed my family and have a cushion. Might make people look greedy, but for good reason, and they'd work harder for it... Not just follow the leader.

Taz Caz said...

But I would never go to an Arianna Grande concert with Frankie.

Taz Caz said...

That's great... All stars with Rachel and Vanessa. Both would cry a lot but Rachel would eat her alive. She fears no one.

Razldazlrr said...

OMG - Frankie! and an Ariana Grande concert - that was the luxury item??? Well, that sucks the big one! Sorry - I know I can't watch the show with that big mouth Frankie.

Mandaeff said...

Face palm to my forehead!!!!!! Vanessa game is good for this cast but how are they that dumb? Would love to see her with other BB legends.

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