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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Veto Comp Results

At 4:45pm BBT, the live feeds came back from the HG's playing in the Veto Comp. And here are the results:

Winner of Veto is:

This is excellent news for J-Mac (and his fans), as he was the target this week. He was supposed to throw the veto, but Liz mentioned that he couldn't throw it because Steve was so close to winning it. (For those of you just now checking the blog today, John told Austin/Liz he'd throw the veto to them if he could because he wants to work with them.)

Vanessa now has the HOH duty of naming a replacement nom, which can only be Austin or Liz (V is HOH, J-Mac won veto, Steve is already on the block, leaving only Austin/Liz as options.) She went to the HOH room and started thinking about strategies while using colored coated candies.
Or she was just really bored and was playing candy. I'm not sure because at one point, she was lining up a ton of candies. lol So we'll have to wait and see who the renom will be, what her "reason" will be, and then who the target will be this week.

Stay tuned...
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Nana said...

Hallefreakinluiah!!!! I hope it's a tie and Vanessa finally has to get that dreaded blood all over her hands.

Bill H said...

I have zero doubt that whoever the replacement non is, Vanessa will get Steve out. Might as well fly his mommy in so she is waiting when he comes crying out of the house.

TheFamDoc24 said...

Welp, I'm glad it worked out where he couldn't throw it. At least there is a little suspense now.
Good on ya JMac.

Unknown said...

This made my day!!

Unknown said...

So happy for JMac...he isnt afraid to go for it. Would have loved to see him as HOH though. He said he wouldn't mind getting blood on his hands. Poor V in such a predicament having to choose a

rigs said...

JMac woke up to win the POV, which wasn't his plan. Now Vanessa will have to put Austin up and Austin will go to jury...UNLESS the Skittles tell a different tale.

Vanessa has taken playing BB to a whole new level. I wonder if her method is succeed.

When it gets down to 4 players, can all of them play for HOH this time?

Unknown said...

Vanessa is the time doll to........GET BLOODY!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How about a reset button where the 5 jury members replace the 5 last house guests? :)

Vanessa and JohnyMac are talking in the HOH room right now. Those two decide who goes home this week. I'd rather it not be Steve, but whatever at this point. All I care about is that Vanessa does NOT win HOH during final three so she does not go to final 2.

I don't want her to win, even though she has played the hardest (which isn't necessarily the smartest). She's already rich and I hate the victim attitude combined with the self righteousness.

Really glad I found this blog this year. This is the first time I've watched live feeds and been into it this much. Thanks a ton Jamie.

Frenchy said...

Vanessa makes me want to throw up. If CBS puts her on another show, my family will not watch.

Will said...

The fact that I about to defend Vannesa on something makes me want to vomit.

I can't stand when someone says she shouldn't win because she is "rich" or " wealthy". Why does that matter?

Jmac is a dentist, should he win? Last time I looked, dentists make a really good living. How about the twins? What type of affluent background do they come from?

Where does "they are rich so they don't deserve to win" mindset come from? ?

Thank you....I have now vomited.

Kingboo985 said...

The ONLY time the outgoing HoH can play in the next HoH comp is the 3 part final HoH which part 1 consists of an Endurance comp. Other than that the outgoing HoH will NOT play in the next HoH comp

Unknown said...

I've never had the live feeds but I might next year. How does it work? Are u looking at a load of different screens like mall security? Do the rooms go dark at bedtime? Do you sit in front of the cren and watch stuff like a TV show. I've watched BB after dark on previous seasons and its been like watching paint dry. One memory was Dan and Ian sort of talking and Dan staring at a photo of his wife for hours. Dull as dishwater!!!! At least the shows are nice and condensed.

Mandaeff said...

She's not even entertaining! !

Unknown said...

This isn't really getting blood on her hands. She decides who goes home if things go the way they should (which hasn't happened lol). JM votes for Steve to stay. Austin or Liz votes for the other to stay and Nessa it's the tiebreaker. Easy.

If I were Nessa, I would vote nominate and evict one of Liztin (probably Liz). Leaving the other and Nessa vs Steve & JM . Hope Austin wins HOH, nominated Steve & JM . Nessa or Austin win POV, and Nessa's in final 3 with a good chance to win.

Thanks for the blog Jamie. It has really helped me with keeping up. I look forward to this just as much if not more than watching BB. This is the worst season I've seen but I've only been watching for the last three. Last year, was a masterful display and a GOAT performance by Derrick.

Former BB Watcher said...

I'm officially done...the stupidity is making me CRAZY! Steve did exactly what needed to be done with his HOH both times and the idiots that are allowed to vote screwed it up royally. Austin needs to go and cry in his disgusting beerd (purposely spelled that way) - I can't even look at him any longer, but they're so dumb, Steve will go to jury. At this point, I can't waste any more of my valuable time.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

Former BB Watcher- I stopped watching weeks ago when steve didn't use the veto. These people are moronic when it comes to playing this game! I don't think wealth should be a determining factor either although it's nice to see someone won who's broke. The broke players didn't play the game! They were in summer camp! James and especially Becky came to play a little too late.

Unknown said...

Perfect week would be for Vanessa to put up Austin as the replacement nom. Liz will then vote Steve out (of course), then Jmac would vote Austin out. We have a tie. Vanessa grows a pair and breaks the tie sending Austin packing! Please!!!! We need something good to happen this season.

Unknown said...

I agree completely with the comment that said Vanessa shouldn't win because she's ready rich. In fact, I don't think she should ha e been cast for that very reason. Jmac makes a good living but he's said many times he's completely buried in student loans. For that reason I'd rather see the money go to him over Vanessa. I know a lot of people don't agree but for me personally I've always wanted players cast who are hungry for the cash.

tiredofyou said...

I know she's such a weasel... she could at least have some integrity like derrick. .

Kelly said...

Vanessa will cause me to never watch Big Brother again. For me personally she has made this season so difficult to stay tuned. For the first time I have watched this season on dvr on fast forward.

Kelly said...

Vanessa will cause me to never watch Big Brother again. For me personally she has made this season so difficult to stay tuned. For the first time I have watched this season on dvr on fast forward.

Lorenzo baptista said...

Thank god Johnny won the veto. I love this guy. He's funny, honest and a competent competitive player. He could have won so many comps but he's easily manipulated into throwing them which I think is his downfall.

Unknown said...

Will - I did NOT say Vanessa didn't deserve to win because she was rich. You are putting words in my mouth (and probably others as well) and reading something that simply isn't there.

I said I didn't want her to win. There is a big difference between that and saying I don't think she deserves to win because she is already rich. Who would you rather win a lottery, a poor person or a billionaire? I'd rather a poor person won the lottery. But that does NOT mean I think a billionaire doesn't deserve to win the lottery if they played and got the right numbers when the poor person didn't get the numbers right.

Do you get that there is a huge difference? I hope so, so that you can avoid unnecessarily puking in the future when you misunderstand what someone actually says.

Jamie said...

okay, be nice guys. i know this season is bringing out the worst in all of us, but theres under 2 weeks left and its just a show. let's calm down. lol :)

Unknown said...

But these ppl don't seem hungry for the money with the exception of Nessa. If these ppl really want it, then they should play like it.

I'm rooting for JM, but I don't have a problem with Nessa winning/losing because she got money.

Ggood81 said...

I'm a Big Brother fan, with that said I don't believe it was fair to the other competitors for BB to have a professional poker player on the show whose worth millions. I mean a strategy game is what she dose for a living. I look at her as being a cheater as that's what she dose for a living. I don't think it's fair nor right!!!

Bev's Travel Blog said...'s hard to wrap my head around what a dope Steve is. As absolutely annoying as Vannessa and the hat are..she will probably

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