Watch BB16!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning, everybody. Today is 9/11 and my thoughts and love are with those families that had their loved ones taken from them on that tragic day. Never forget. :(

Today, the live feeds will be down from 9:45am-11:30pm PST for Noms and then the Veto Comp. This came across the ticker on the feeds:

Vanessa is the HOH and she was up till 5am with her normal Vanessa behavior of looking for "reasons" to put someone up/target them (which she started with Austin and made him really nervous), but then switched to wanting the noms to be Johnny Mac/Steve, with JM as this weeks target. Before her target switched, Austin/Vanessa made a deal that they will work together and he will throw Veto to her today. Vanessa also thought about Liz being her target his week but Austin said they can get her out next week. (*lol At final 3?)

This is the worst game move that anybody left in that house could leave a strong showmance in at Final 5 and heading into the Final 4. You do the math.

Just a few more things:
I forgot to mention that Liz won the luxury prize during the HOH comp last night. What kind of trip she won, nobody knows yet. (Why anyone would want a luxury trip outside the BB house with less than 2 weeks to go and give the other HG's a chance to talk/rally against you while you're gone when you're *so close* to the end, is beyond me.)

In other news...

Here is the BB17 schedule for the rest of the season:
9/11 - Friday Feeds down for 14 hours (9:45am BBT-11:30pm PST)
9/13 – Sunday BB episode
9/14 – Monday feeds off for taping of eviction
9/15 – Tuesday 8pm EST Eviction Episode
9/15 – feeds return (time unknown)
9/16 – Wednesday 8pm EST Live F4 Eviction
9/17 – (no episode due to NFL football season)
9/20 – Sunday 8pm EST BB Episode
9/23 – Wednesday 9:30pm EST – Live Season Finale!!

**So that's the Overnighter for today. I'm sorry there are no screencaps, for some reason my feeds are blacked out and not working (but they're working for other people so I dunno what's going on.) You guys go and enjoy your day today while the feeds are off for the next 14 hours and we'll meet back here tomorrow for the Veto Comp results!! See y'all then!! :D

Pssst...2 new polls over on the right sidebar! -- >

Stay tuned...
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K_lee said...

Called this one before you posted. Of course her targets are not Liz/Austin because anything that makes sense, this season they do the opposite. Why would it change now?

Jamie said...

exactly. lol

Kristy said...

It blows my mind that Vanessa told Austin the only person she could beat at the end is JM. So she wants to win, yet the one person she feels she could beat is her target?! Huh? Smh!! REALLY hoping JM wins this veto!!

Kristy said...

It blows my mind that Vanessa told Austin the only person she could beat is JM, yet she wants to target him! Makes total sense Vanessa...get the one person out you think you can win the money against! Smh!! REALLY hoping JM wins the veto!!

Unknown said...

I sure wish I could have the time back that I wasted watching this season. Between Vanessa's voice and crazy eyes and the twins-uh and their voices-uh I am done-uh.

Jamie said...

LOL!! dont blame ya, Tammy.

rigs said...

Tony, the audience does not always applaud a houseguest. Remember last year when Christine was booted? There was a huge amount of booing.

I've noticed that when the twins are not together and are talking with others, they are much more intelligent and mature. Julia's interview with Julie Chen showed what she is really capable of and it is all good. She is a fine young woman.

I'm not as smart as Vanessa but it appears she feels Steve/JMac are a bigger threat than Austin/Liz. I think her key is Liz. Vanessa seems to be able to influence Liz. Vanessa has had problems with JMac, Steve and Austin. I guess it is all about who Vanessa thinks has more integrity and will honor their word. She is a good interrogator and has so far been successful in getting what she needs to make a decision. This is BB so that can be hard to do.

Anonymous said...

14 hours for CBS to record Vanessa's promos for her new TV show ;)

Susie said...

Where can we vote for AFPlayer, I can't find it yet?
Thank you

Katie Mc said...

As much as I dislike Vanessa, she played this game non stop....her head never stopped spinning. I can't believe how she has convinced everyone what they needed to do ever week. I think Steve blew his DE week, if he had put up V, A even the twins, this would have been a much more exciting season....just sayin'.
Prayers and thoughts to all on this anniversary off that horrific day.....9/11/2001. 🙏😢

Razldazlrr said...

JMac is going to be sorry he continued to make deals with Vanessa - I figured she would go after him. I looked at the poll and thought who do I want to win? I don't remember a season where I really thought - NONE! LOL

Jamie said...

Voting for AFP hasn't started yet :)

Marko said...

She"s a schemer, and a paranoid dreamer....Vanessa!! Thursday's this fall on CBS

Steve Robbins Art said...

I don't regret the time I've spent watching (it's a grounding element to hectic weeks of work with the GF), but I do wish it were more exciting. My GF got me hooked in 2010 or 2011, and that seems to be the tipping point.

Is there places online that stream past seasons?

Dianne said...

I read that Liz is going to take Vanessa on her luxury outing. This is either really good or really bad; Van might use it as an opportunity to get in Liz's head, but leaving her alone with the rest of the house during Liz's absence is no bueno either! (If indeed Liz does take Van.)

I'm retired and it took me years to get out of the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, but now that I have finally recuperated from my working schedule I can stay up late and get the scoop at 11:30 PM.

Dee said...

My husband and I are officially done. I hope CBS knows how disappointing this season has been for its longtime viewers.

TheFamDoc24 said...

I think it is fantastic that V doesn't get to play for HOH next week, and I will cheer like a high-school freshman that got invited to senior prom if she fails to win the Veto and goes out in 4th place.
Those of you in the minority who keep defending her as some kind of BB genius really confuse me. It's like we're watching 2 different games. But, to each their own. At the end of the day we're still all fans of the game and I imagine if Frankie couldn't run us all off, no one will be able to. Cheers my friends.

Jamie, you are my hero! ;)

KathyC said...

Rumors circulating on the Internet say Vanessa is being fed info by production to assure her win in order for them to further promote her new show as 'winner of Big Brother.' Sure makes sense given the crazy decisions that have been made. And we all know that production does play a role in all of these so-called reality shows. I'm almost ready to root for Liz now that Julia is gone and these nut cases evicted the wrong twin!

Susie said...

Thank you Jamie, I thought I missed AFP voting

Kingboo985 said...

Liz promised Vanessa to her face last night that she'd take her on her trip. Leaving Austin behind is a smart move cuz if JMac & Steve talk shit about Liz the first thing Austin is going to do is tell Liz about it. (Just my guess as to why she's not taking Austin)

Rachel said...

Why the fuck is she putting up Steve and JM?!?!? This makes noooo sense!!!! Liz and Austin need to be separated!!! If she goes to final 3 with them they will not pick her. And then if she goes to final 2 with one of them I'm not so sure she wld win, why wld she risk that?!? Why go after JM as the target?? She still needs him plus he hasn't won an hoh. I hope he wins veto. Even tho he hasn't won any hoh comps I still wld like to see him win over the rest. Vanessa got lucky that the house guests are idiots with no brain of their own! Liz..well she's Liz. Austin looks like he smells and just cares about getting a wrestling career after this. Steve made a TON of stupid moves this season. It is mind boggling how much he fukd up. He had quite a few opportunities to make big moves and make the game exciting but he blew it. He's gona end up getting booted real soon maybe even this week if JM don't win veto. Omg I just can't believe this shit season and all the dumbasses in that house!!!

Every time I chk your blog and read some more bull shit moves I get so mad and always think I can't get anymore pissd off than I was from reading a previous blog..but nope the anger is like something fierce from satans ass crack!!!!! I've never sworn so much at my phn and it literally pisses me off so much when I update my husband on what's goin on I can't get it all out without saying how stupid this move is someone is about to make or going to evict so and so. It's like a very serious case of tourettes.

This season and the past 2 seasons have been hell, boring and predictable!!
Just stop it BB just Fukn stop it!!!!!!! I need to go calm down. Lol lol. Get rid of Austin!! Liz will be heart broken and it'll prolly effect her game.

Jamie said...

This is the best comment I've ever had.. Ever!! Lmao I laughed so hard, I snorted. Lol

KathyC said...

ROFL!!! How do you really feel, Rachel? I think you pretty much summed up how most of us feel!

Unknown said...

Well said!!!

Laochri said...

Yes, she will. The next HOH comp is the one that the last four house guests get to compete. The HOH after that, will be a two part comp.

Amy said...

Love it Rachel! I couldn't of said it better!

Atlanta said...

Oh so true Rachel! Someone reading your comment may think you are crazy for being so incredibly upset by this poor game play. But, the entire reason we watch is to see people make moves to get to the end! Moves that are good for themselves! Not the others! Which of course provides good entertainment for us because the house flips! Everyone of these idiots has been so afraid. James was the only 1 that did what HE wanted! I thought Jmac was going to be my guy to watch but sadly he just goes with the flow! So over it! BTW, this is my 17th season watching. I have always looked forward to it! Such a bummer.

Boughetto said...


Marko said...

See CBS you're lousy season is even breaking up couples!! Lol

rigs said...

I see no evidence that Vanessa is being fed info by production. It looks like Vanessa has determined that JMac is a bigger threat than is Austin and after JMac telling Vanessa that he hates everyone and just put him up, I agree with her. JMac just doesn't seem to care. He didn't care all that much all season.

Vanessa has wrangled out some powerful concessions from Austin and Liz. They will vote the way Vanessa wants them to vote, they will take her to the final 3 and they will let Vanessa have part I of the 3 part competition. In return, they will not go up on the block this week. If JMac or Steve get taken off the block, Liz has offered to go up as a pawn.

Dixie said...

Never in 17 seasons have I been so glad it was coming to an end! Thank Gawd for Survivor!

Unknown said...

I call it "situational Tourette's" lol

Rachel said...

Thank u thank u. I wld say I'd be here all nite but as we all know ain't shit goin on in that insane asylum. Welp I'll be here tomor to chk the nxt horrible game move. This has actually become comical..u understand lol

Dear God,

Why do you continue to make dumb ppl? I know you have to mix things up but if you cld just send a sign to the producers and casting ppl that this is a sin and just wrong. Punish them all with severe diarrhea while in public. If Moses was able to part the Red Sea...can you get V to part the Austwins out of the game? Thanks for listening.

Love of your smart ones :)

Unknown said...

Yes. You should be able to find them on YouTube

Saginaw Guy said...

Is it possible that Vanessa actually did guarantee them money to throw the game to her? A sure thing is better than the very small chance that you win. This is the only thing that makes sense to me because nobody is THAT stupi.

Unknown said...

It won't get exciting until CBS hires a new casting ð producing team or makes some changes so everything isn't so predictable. Theres not much unexpected despite what they like to say. The casting is pretty formulaic and the comps are versions of the same thing year after year so usually the HG can predict what will happen & prepare.

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