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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday Live Eviction

Happy Live Eviction Thursday, y'all! :D There's no Overnighter today simply because the feeds were *that* boring last night. It was seriously the most boring night of having the feeds I've seen since I started blogging season 9. Sooo sloowwww.

The only thing that happened last night was that Austin/Steve talked (8:20pm BBT) about how Vanessa would win BB17 if she's Final 2.
Austin: ""She's playing an untouchable game. I applaud it."

We have 2 weeks until the BB17 Finale and after Julia gets evicted tonight, we'll be down to 5 houseguests. So things should start moving along a little more quicker from here on out. Or at least, I hope.

Since a lot of you guys have already stopped watching the rest of this season, I just wanted to take a minute to thank those of you who are still checking the blog for your support this season! If you bought the feeds through the blog and/or made a donation, then I THANK YOU!! It is *only* because of your support that I'm able to be here all summer long for y'all. I couldn't (and wouldn't be able to) do it without you!!!

Okay, tonight's live show starts at 9pm EST as usual, so I'll see you guys & gals back here then!

9:00pm EST:
Show begins...

9:25pm EST:
Jury house footage coming up! Yayy I get to see my bae James w00t!!

9:31pm EST:
Liz/Julia giving speeches.

The Votes:
*Austin votes to evict JULIA
*Vanessa votes to evict JULIA
*Johnny Mac votes to evict JULIA

Evicted from the BB House is:

7:36pm BBT:

The New HOH is:
**I will see you guys tomorrow with The Overnighter! Normally I'd say it's gonna be a short Overnighter but we have Vanessa HOH...oh lawd. lol ;) Goodnight, everybody!!

Stay tuned...
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Bill H said...

So once again, for the umpteenth time this season, players discuss or know that Vanessa is playing a very good game, yet she is not even nominated with the usual "she is a big threat, we should get her out, but of course, not until Next week when I am not HOH, as God forbid I get to say 'blood on my hands' for the 45th time today".

As much as I hate hearing Vanessa's crying, she did a nice job of using it right on cue when performing damage control on last nights episode when she got Julia to pick Austin as her Veto comp opponent.

Holly said...

Last night proved how good Vanessa is! How on earth did V convince Julia to pick Austin?! Pretty sure those twins have one brain between the 2 of them!

Unknown said...

I've watch since season 6. The last few years seem to be going downhill. Maybe they need to find players who never have watched? It might be a little more organic? OR just players who want to actually play.

So, it's easy to say from 40,000', but how do you not break up the twins as soon as Julia comes in? No matter what you know they are not going against each other. Even the tightest of alliances can show cracks, but not twins.

Then, Liz is in a showmance. So how is she not the biggest target? She has a sister who would never go against her, and a guy who is obviously close to her. BTW, I don't watch the feeds, not sure why people don't like them. He seems like a good guy deep down. I'm sure there's a reason.

And at some point, no one even thinks to take Vanessa out? Early on, no one wanted to get blood on their hands.

Personally I'd like to see John or Steve win, but Vanessa deserves it, big time. Maybe Austin deserves second?

It may never again be as good as ChillTown. Maybe they need another all-stars?

Ruby said...

I am one of those people that has stopped watching. First time since I started watching years and years ago. I do come and just check your blog to see if anything exciting has changed. What a rough year to blog.

Steve Robbins Art said...

Last night's episode totally worked for changing my opinion on Wahnnessa: when the twits came after her for "playing them," she more or less admitted it, but because of her word usage and fast talk, it completely went over their heads. One of them even had a "wait-what?" look on her face, but accepted it without critically thinking it through.

I still don't like her, but Vanessa did an amazing job right there in double-think and double-speak.

Razldazlrr said...

Good Lord - Austin and Steve realize Vanessa would win and they keep her in there? LOL - I guess she deserves to win!

Drea said...

Even if for some reason Vanessa and steve go to final two? The jury has no idea that Steve and even Jmac woke up? They will have no idea what "Steve" has done Vanessa will take credit for everything and unless for some odd reason she is not HOH and does not win Veto those guys are so afraid of her they don't have it in them to get her out! I'm sure they have a check written out with her name on it! She really did a great job (even if you don't like her) when she turned to Julia and said, "pick Austin" "trust me" wtf they did not even have time to think?
Then when they questioned her after she throws out the, "well then why did he not throw it to you?" Comment she's smart! But thank goodness no one "got blood on their hands" thanks Jamie your the best!

kwood said...

Well I learned two things last night... that the twins are bigger idiots than I thought, by thinking that Austin could throw a competition to Julia that wasn't even over yet. (NOT THE LAST TWO STANDING) or Vanessa is just quick on her toes (I think both apply) and that Austin confirmed he was in a relationship after repeatedly denying it. Honestly, the only person that I can possibly root for at this point is Vanessa. I would love to root for Steve if his balls would drop but until that happens, it's Vanessa. She is the only one playing a mediocre game. I wouldn't call her a mastermind because the rest of the house is full of idiots. I would just say that she is extremely persuasive, good at shifting blame and crying. (Tears always work). She may be masterful with weak-minded individuals. Let's just say that. I will tune in tonight to watch another predictable eviction and HOH. Julia evicted, Vanessa/Liz HOH!

Lorenzo baptista said...

It's all in the production. If the game wasn't altered:
The twins (or at least Liz) would likely be gone.

Vanessa would be evicted instead of Shelli.

Audrey would have been gone week 2.

Austin would have been nominated sooner.

Liz and Austin wouldn't be together.

And so many other little things.

Amanda said...

The only good part of this season is reading your blog. I can't even watch it anymore, and I don't even have the live feeds...

Unknown said...

Still fun for me--last night's episode was hilarious. Not the best final crew by far, but they are far less disappointing than all of the negativity online. Just sayin'.

Steve Robbins Art said...

@ Lorenzo-
I'm getting that feeling too as it progresses. You definitely get that feeling if you watch Project Runway (why on earth would they elevate such objectively terrible designers each week, if only because they have a sob story?

Anonymous said...

I hope the ratings show a huge dip when James left. CBS is so clueless - they keep plugging Austin and the twins on Instagram.

Smokey said...

Vanessa swearing on her mother....really? I knew she played dirty, but that's a whole new level of scumbag. Anyone willing to play that dirty has an excellent chance of winning the game.

Kingboo985 said...

They don't like Liz in particular cuz she talks shit about everyone pretty much behind their backs and as for Austin they hate him cuz of his relationship with Liz

TheFamDoc24 said...

You know what would be fantastic game play? Getting rid of that one twin that can't win anything and would be perfect to take final 2 because anyone and everyone would beat her.
Yeah, that makes way more sense than getting rid of the other twin who is not only a part of a sister duo, but a showmance too. Plus she wins comps and at least has a shot of beating all of us in final two.
Oh yeah, you're totally right. Plus, no blood on our hands. (High Five)
Yeah, no blood and maybe after we do that we can throw the HOH comp.


Unknown said...

I don't know how Julia wasn't boo'd, I was waiting 2 c the look on her face but it didn't happen!

KathyC said...

Isn't it getting a little late in the game to be keeping 'bigger targets' in the house, ala voting Julia out instead of Liz? Another week of slopping and slurping (referring to their eating habits, not bedroom shenanigans - but that, too)! UGH! Bloodless group of chicken-sh*t game play.

Fred said...

Vanessa wins HOH, and Liz won the luxury prize.

rigs said...

Good for Vanessa. Will she be able to get Austin out or will she have to settle for JMac?

Unknown said...

I ditto your comment!! And I just saw Vanessa won. And honestly, I can't help but laugh! They are all dummies!!! As much as I cannot stand Vanessa's character and being that it's not a very high bar as far as the game of the players, she deserves to win! Solely because she's played just about EVERY ONE!

Razldazlrr said...

I saw the contest and figure Vanessa would win - at this point these idiots deserve it for leaving her in there

Michael Schmidt said...

What does she do for noms? Nominate one from each side of the house and convince them both their pawns, or show some balls (we all know she's the only one in the game that has any) and break up Liz/Austin since those are the only two that she couldn't convince to take her to final two (unless she believes that bathroom deal)?

Unknown said...

I am actually very happy Vanessa won HOH, I want her in the final 2 now she deserves the win. I hope she nominates Liz and Austin, but hopefully Liz will win veto and they send Austin packing!!!!

Lorenzo baptista said...

Sorry for being a bit behind but how did julia pick Austin?

Unknown said...

It's been stated CBS or the show makes sure that(audience boo's) doesnt happen. Its always applause.

Unknown said...

Omg!! Shoot me!! :-)

Unknown said...

Liz and Julia were so sweet to eachother tonight, very endearing

Mandaeff said...

Noooooooo!!!!! I can't believe I'm saying this I wanted Austin or Lil to win HOH.... I want jMac or Steve to win the game and the only way they will is if Vanessa is gone!!

Unknown said...

lol one word Production...

kwood said...

I figured Austin would have performed better at a competition that involved using his fingers!

Unknown said...

The only thing I care about for the rest of the season is seeing Vanessa go out before final 2. I can't believe the others haven't caught onto her and booted her yet. She told Julia to pick Austin? Come on, it couldn't be more obvious, and they let her off the hook.

It would have been hysterical if after she won HOH, the others all agreed to stop talking any game with her. "No Vanessa, I'm not going to talk any more game with you for you to twist what I say into some fabricated justification designed only for your delusion that you are trustworthy, loyal, honest and above reproach in integrity."

She would have gone bonkers in a few hours and self evicted. I really hope there is an All Star season soon with Vanessa in it and she's one of the first evicted after being called out and exposed a few times when she starts her fake crying.

Unknown said...

I don't get why so many want James for AFP. He is mostly the reason V is still in the house. He admitted during his HOH when he went after Clay & Shelli, that Vanessa was the "head of the Snake". Then during Becki's HOH, James, Meg, and Jackie flipped on Becky and evicted Shelli! So the 3 of them have no one to blame but themselves when they all sit in the jury house and complain about Vanessa still being in the house. I get that James is likeable, but he is out of the game based on his own stupid actions.

Jamie said...

It's America's favorite, not bb's best player. Its mostly about personality & likeability. Not game moves.

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