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Monday, July 6, 2015

Veto Ceremony Spoiler

Happy Monday, BB addicts!!! I just got home from work (super late), and since the Veto Ceremony was already held, there's no point in doing an Overnighter today. I actually don't expect too much to happen from now until Thursday. Maybe a couple more alliances (because, you know, they don't have nearly enough already haha!), maybe some fun in the sun, and maybe a couple of attempts at campaigning from Da'vonne..but that's all I foresee for the rest of the week.

Alright, let's get to the Veto Ceremony spoiler...

Johnny Mac took himself off the block
Meg is the Replacement Nom

Raise your hand if you knew this was gonna happen! *raises hand* Yea, it was a pretty uneventful Veto Ceremony. lol No drama, it's what we knew would happen all along. Da'vonne is still the target and even with the "Last Laugh" phone call twist, I can't see it working to Da'vonne's favor anyway. So...Day is pretty much a goner at this point. :( She was amazing on the feeds, funny, added some drama/fights...ahh, good stuff!! She will be missed.

Jason, who is Da'vonnes bestie in the game, will also miss his sidekick. Currently on the feeds (1:35pm BBT), they're in the Have Not's talking. Spending time together.
James is there as well.

In other news...

Jeff has quickly become one of the least liked houseguests this season. He's been making horrible sexual remarks, specifically about Liz. He's mentioned about wanting him/Clay doing her "at the same time", getting her to jury so that "one of the horny boys" can have sex with her, etc.

I'll be back with an Afternoon Post in a few hours, since there's nothing going on right now on the feeds. Lots of non-game chatter, relaxing, floating around the house. Nothing to write home about. This cast is so odd...they can be so full of drama one day (to the point where I can barely keep up!), to days of doing nothing. Definitely a first for me through the past 8 seasons of blogging about BB.

I'll see y'all back here in a few hours! :D

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

So, what an unexpected surprise for Becky that Shelli didn't put Audrey up as renom...

BusymominTexas said...

How does Becky feel about Shelli not putting up Audrey? Is she mad or not trusting of her?

BusymominTexas said...

So how does Becky feel about Shelli not putting up Audrey? Is she mad or not trusting?

Unknown said...

Did Becky feel blindsided like she got hit in the face by a train today? LOL

Unknown said...

Did the last laugh thing happen? I just heard someone on BBAD say something about invalidating 3 votes. Da was always funny in the DR/ Meg is perky. So many other people could have lost without missing them.

KathyC said...

Ohhhh. Brian!! That was soooooo bad!! Lol

Unknown said...

Please oh please let Da answer the 7th phone call. Shelli really is an idiot.

Kingboo985 said...

For those asking how Becky feels about shelli not putting Audrey up, she's on board with getting day out this week

Razldazlrr said...

OK - so much for liking Jeff - I thought he seemed like a pretty good guy on Amazing Race - sounds like he's a pig.

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