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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Sunday Funday to y'all! Last night inside the BB17 house, there were a few things that happened that are worth mentioning, but overall it was a pretty chill night. The short version is that Meg will still be the replacement nom tomorrow during the Veto Ceremony, after Johnny Mac takes himself off the block. Da'vonne is still this weeks target and it's pretty much a done deal at this point..unless the "Last Laugh" BB Takeover twist interferes in some way.

In other news, it seems we have yet another alliance (ahh geez, another one??!), called the "After Dark Crew" alliance. This alliance has James/Jason/Meg/Jeff in it. We'll see how many hours this one lasts for. lol ;)

Let's see what happened overnight, shall we?!

**You can watch everything below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your CBS All Access Pass!

10:00pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jeff/Shelli/Clay/Jackie/Johnny Mac
Shelli is concerned that because James is "very close" to Jason/Da'vonne, and since she's going after Day this week, that James will gun after her. So to solve this problem, she is thinking about bringing James into their alliance to stop that from happening.

They, the "trust circle" alliance (not their official name, by the way) consists of the core 5, but are thinking about bringing in Becky, Meg, and maybe James later.

1:02am BBT:
Most of the HG's
The HG's (minus a few) had a "Sexual Healing" talk show that's both funny & awkward at asking Steve when was the 1st time he had an erection.

Then it was Jason's turn and he starts off by saying that his "brother was a c*nt!" and then we get fishies. (*looks like his brother didn't sign a waiver. lol)

This is a fun flashback moment if you're bored today and wanna have a few laughs.

5:45am BBT:
The "After Dark Crew" (or "Late Night Crew", whatever they're calling it lol) were talking about who to get out and when to get them out. Meg asked when they should get Steve out, Jason said before jury because Steve will know the order of evictions, days stuff happened, all that stuff that will win him comps.

Jason: "He's gonna kill us all (in comps). I'd rather bring Austin to jury, and I know that's not good for your (Jeff's) game, but I'd rather take out Vanessa, Steve and Audrey next. Not in that order, but.."

Jason wants Audrey out this week, but thinks it might Da'vonne. (*As we know, he's right. Day's a goner.)

This is ongoing, but it's mostly them just brainstorming on where things are now, what they hope for the near & distant future.

*And that's it for The Overnighter! Wish I had more to report but nothing really happened that was too game changing. Tomorrow is the Veto Ceremony and things should get sparked back up a bit, so I'll be anxious to see what happens then. Today is my 1 day off a week from work and blogging, so I will see y'all back here tomorrow morning with the Overnighter unless something crazy today happens. Dying to see what's happening while I'm away? Get your 1 week free trial of the live feeds & see what I see everyday! (They're only $5.99/month after that, super duper cheap!) Have a great Sunday, guys & gals!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I was hope for miracle for Davonne but I doubt that will happen. I Like Meg more and I'm such the house does too so she'll be staying.

Unknown said...

Kind of a boring start to the season, don't you think?

Katie Mc said...

Hi there a link for west coasters this year to watch online while show is on east coast time (8pm ET - 5pm PT)
Thanks!!! :)

Unknown said...

I really want shelli and clay to go home. I feel like clay is going to be another Cody who just skates through the game

DizzyDeni said...

I believe that the show will pick up soon. They are getting rid of the dead weight, and it will get better when they start to turn on each other. I do not believe that there is an alliance like last year between Derrick/Cody. That was solid, day 1. Victoria was along for the ride. I am not crazy for some of the crew, but like a whole bunch of others. We shall see what happens once Audry is gone or is she really going?

Unknown said...


Of course Jason's brother didn't sign a waiver. Haven't you heard? He's a c*nt! LOL


Unknown said...


Comparing Clay to Cody is remarkably disrespectful to Cody. LOL And there's no way Clay is gonna skate to the end with Shelli as his Derrick.


KathyC said...

He's baaaaaaack! Nice to see you've returned, Brian! :)

Unknown said...


Hahaha Thanks! Good to be back :) Just couldn't resist offering such insightful commentary on Jason's brother LOL

Unknown said...

I've been with you on the BB journey for about 4 years now Jaime and I usually just read and like but never comment but just wanted to let you know, you rock! P.S. So glad to see Brian back!

Unknown said...


Thanks to you as well! :)

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