Before I get to the Overnighter, here is an updated Alliance Chart:
Thanks to @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter for that!
Okay, so let's get caught up to speed, shall we?!
*Da'vonne is still the target. (Day/Meg are nominated.
*Da'vonne asked Vanessa for a vote yesterday, she said she would.
*Shelli told Meg that she was going up as the renom to ensure Day goes home and that she is safe.
*Da'vonne told Jason that when she gets evicted Thursday, she's only gonna hug him.
*Jeff is gunning for Austin, thinks he hates when Jeff talks to Liz.
*Jeff thinks that Vanessa is "sketchy".
*Austin is gunning for James via backdoor if he ever gets the chance.
*Both Jeff/Austin wanna get rid of Clay/Shelli because they're a duo.
*HG's got their BB Takeover Phone yesterday
*Seems that Da'vonne got the magical 7th call!
*Vanessa/Steve made an alliance last night. They're called "SOS-Students of Sound", because she said she's a DJ and he's an engineer.
Da'vonne Catches onto Twin Twist:
*Around 3:50pm BBT yesterday, Da'vonne told Jason to pay attention to Liz.
She thinks she has a twin in the game. She mentioned some differences between the two: one is more friendly than the other, one has a skinnier face, as the other has a wider face, one is "skinnier" the other one is "chunkier". Jason said in Season 5, the twins were allowed to enter the game at a certain point in the game, thinks it'll happen with Liz & her twin, too.
*At 9:20pm BBT...
...Jason told James to watch for Liz, thinks she's a twin. Jason wants to tell one of them a story, and trip the other one up. Jason mentions that they did this for Season 5, swapped twins in and out.
*Last night, Jason couldn't help but tell Liz that she looks "skinnier" than the day before. (*lol)
*Jason talked to Meg (9:40pm BBT)...
...and told him about the Liz/twin theory. He also mentioned how they need to get Liz out, otherwise he thinks Liz & her twin will get to play the game together at some point.
Okay, that's as far as my notes go..then I crashed out. lol So let me go gather up what happened after 9:40pm BBT and I'll start posting it below! :D
12:06am BBT:
The HG's did another "Sexual and Spiritual Healing" talk show. A fun flashback with your morning coffee if you have the time. :)
Jeff: "Welcome to the 4th & final Jeff & Austin show!"
2:30am BBT:
Da'vonne talks to us live feedsters and said that she wants Clay/Shelli gone. If she stayed, that's who she'd gun after.
Da'vonne: "I know this game ain't about revenge, but I want blood." (*Oh, please stay!! Come on, BB Gods..make it happen!)
Da'vonne said, if she went after Clay/Shelli though, it'd give Audrey more time in the she's conflicted. She wants to stay, win HOH with somebody else, so that one of them can put Shelli up on one side, and Audrey on the other side, and then backdoor Clay.
Da'vonne: "If I could get Clay out of the game...(that'd put a blow on Shelli's game)..but Audrey gets another damn week!"
Da'vonne said that's Shelli's fault, for not getting Audrey out this week. She then starts thinking about how to get enough votes to stay this week.
3:25am BBT:
Backyard Couch
Jason/Da'vonne are telling Meg/Jeff/Jackie/James about the Liz's twin theory. Jason said that one of them has thicker thighs than the other one.
Jason: "So we'll call'em 'Thigh Liz' and 'No Thigh Liz'."
Jeff: "One of them is probably legit from Miami, and one is legit from New Orleans..."
Day: "The thick one is from Miami. This chick right here?? the MEAN one!"
Jason: "This one's from f**kin' Brooklyn!" (*lol!!!)
Day: "She is evil!"
Jason said in Season 5, the twins only had 15 mins to fill each other in and swap clothes, they don't have time to tell everything that happened and that's why Liz doesn't seem to remember stuff. (Like #PillowGate from a couple weeks ago.)
At 3:45am BBT, Steve joins them and they fill him in on the twin twist.
Jeff/Jason tell him he can't tell anyone. He said he won't. Da'vonne/Jason tell Steve the twins have different color eyes. Just like Jason, Steve is also a superfan and knows about the twins in Season 5. Jason said one of the twins likes him (Jason), while the other one never speaks a word to him.
Steve: "You think they switched (out) today?"
Jason: "They switched today. She was called to the Diary Room before lockdown. She hasn't played in any comps, she's barely playing the game, what the f**k does she have to go to the Diary Room for!"
Jason then tells Steve how Liz doesn't remember stuff that she's said/done, including stories that Liz has said.
A few minutes later, Jeff runs upstairs and tells Clay/Shelli about the twins twist theory.
Jeff said he noticed how one is flirty, and the other one isn't at all.
Jeff: "Everyone is saying that the one today is the 'bitch' (twin)."
Clay: "Why has Austin not figured this out?"
Jeff: "Because he's a f**king idiot!"
Shelli: "This is SO...amazing!"
Jeff warns them that if they don't get Liz out, then both of them are gonna be able to play the game.
Jeff said Austin/Vanessa cannot know that they know about the twins twist.
**And that's it for the Overnighter! The next couple days before the live eviction on Thursday could be very interesting!! I'm excited to see what develops with the twins twist and see if Day can pull off some sort of BB miracle to pull the votes needed to stay. Doubtful, but we shall see! If you don't have the feeds yet, then what are you waiting for?? You get a 1 week free trial & only $5.99/month after that. You get access to the live feeds, watch every season of BB, get every BB episode of this season, plus over 6500 episodes of other CBS shows. Pretty sweet deal, right?!!
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Stay tuned...
I don't think they should both get to play if they get found out.
Da should have kept her mouth shut about the twins and used Liz/Julia to stay.....
I liked Da and think she added some drama and insight to the house. Shelli and Clay - a big ugh. I wish she could stay.
I liked the twin twist - Da should have just told Jason - these people can't keep their mouths shut!
Jamie - do you have a new job since last season?
Good or bad this group is so alliance heavy. And with this much confusion with who's with who it may add some drama to as they start to wither down.
Welcome back, Raz! Nice to hear from you again!
I think if the twins are found out before the 5th eviction then only Liz can play unless she gets voted out but if they make it past the 5th eviction they both get to play till they get voted out.... now about the phone call Day' got isn't there some special power that comes with that ... I thought it was like whoever gets the phone call and 3 others of their choice have immunity or something like that... or am I just confusing this with something else... cause with my brain that's completely possible!!!
Jamie... do not appoligize for having a life other than BB... you do great catching us up and you need to take care of you first and foremost!!! :)
That is what I was thinking about the Day comment....I have a feeling she will be able to pull herself off the block since she answered the 7th call
7th call gets to choose 3 players whose votes will not count on eviction day. Day still needs votes to stay which will be tough bc a lot seemed to be aligned with Meg
Wasn't the phone call going to give the recipient of the 7th call the chance to have two or three people's votes not count? If she can get some people on her side, then she could choose some people who are going to vote her out for their votes not to count. Theoretically, she could very easily steer things to her advantage. Conversely, I really, really hate to see Meg go also. Meg is so full of energy and likable.
With 12 votes this week she would need 5 votes which sounds like it won't happen. I wish it was the coup de gras instead. That would've really shaken up the house early.
Oh man I really don't want to see Meg go... but then I don't think day can get 5 votes... it's torches waiting till Thursday! !! Lol
If day was smart, she could get Beckys vote because she must be annoyed at shelli for not taking out audrey. With having beckys vote, she will have johns. She could easily get jasons vote. Apparently vanessa might throw her a vote. So she just needs one more, I would look to steve for the final vote, he knows big brother, it would be smarter to leave a big target like day in the house and take out meg, who is clearly going to float through the season because she has so many friends.
I really hope day can get the votes.
If davonne plays her cards right, I think she could stay. With her getting the last laugh twist she needs 5 votes to stay. She can easily get a vote from Jason. Apparently Vanessa might give her vote. She should then go to Becky, Who must be pissed at shelli for not taking out audrey, if she got her vote, then john would vote the same as becky. Then lastly she should go to steve, hes a superfan, he knows keeping a big target in the house is beneficial and meg is so likeable that she could easily float the final 4 without having to win a thing.
I think its possible to get those 5 votes, i just hope Davonne can get them.
Anyone else notice when John talks he reminds you of Bobcat Goldthwait from Police academy. He's hilarious! I laugh every time, love him
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