Moving on...
So, because Audrey had like a 5 hr meltdown in the Diary Room yesterday, that set back Liz's re-entry into the BB house. This of course, ticked Austin off because that was less time he has with her now before the twins have to switch back out again. Speaking of Austin/Liz, Jason and Meg were talking yesterday about how it's obvious that Austin catches the twins up to speed with stuff when they switch out every few days. (Which is true.) Austin spent an incredible amount of time catching her up on stuff last night, including showing her the #WhackStreetBoys dance that her/Johnny Mac/Jason have to do once in a while on the feeds. (When it was time for them to perform, Liz actually did really well! She learned fast.)
Okay, let me go refresh my coffee and I'm gonna post the Overnighter below. Should be done within 30 mins, so keep refreshing periodically. :D
**The flashback feature VS actual times of events are way off this morning. There was a glitch the other day, so getting screenshots is like finding a needle in a haystack. I'm gonna try to narrow down how off the times vs events are later on today so that I can gauge it better for upcoming Overnighters. So I apologize for the lack of screenshots this morning. :(
6:40pm BBT:
Meg/Jackie discussing who to put up next week.
They mention Austin/Liz/Vanessa/Steve.
8:53pm BBT:
James pranked Steve by putting honey in his mouth after he fell asleep on the backyard couch. Steve thought it was funny.
9:18pm BBT:
Steve tells Liz that everyone knows about the twins, no sense in hiding it anymore.
Liz said she's nervous not making it to week 5 when her sister Julia can enter the house.
9:45pm BBT:
SOS (Students of Sound) meeting between Vanessa/Steve about how they can't be seen
talking to each other because Audrey told people that they're working together. Vanessa
said it's best if they talk earlier in the day.
12:14am BBT:
Becky made pizza for Audrey. (Apparently even though Audrey is a Have Not this week, she's allowed to eat non Have Nots food. Doesn't matter anyway, since she's going home. Suddenly I have flashbacks of BB8's Jen. lol)
1:50am BBT:
Becky overheard Austin telling Liz he's gonna miss her for a few days.
2:00am BBT:
Talks of getting Liz or Austin out next week between Becky/Jackie/Jason/Johnny Mac.
3:30am BBT:
Jason/Jackie talk about next week and how Austin is trying to be nice to them all of a sudden.
Jackie mentions how Austin is trying to bring Jackie to his side of the house but it's not happening.
They wanna target Austin, Liz, or Vanessa.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! I'll be back later on with the afternoon post after I try to figure out the delay between actual events VS times on the flachback feature. Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!! :D
UPDATED: Okay so it seems that Flashback times are off by about 30 mins'ish. Hope that helps y'all who are using the flashback feature.
Stay tuned...
I'm really starting to like Jackie now that Jeff has left. I think she has realized that she can't float anymore and is starting to play the game she needs to get further
I think she could actually make it far like Victoria last year
I have lost my view on Austin. I am now rooting for Johnny Mack more and more. Is he not pissed that V used POV on Jason instead of him? Didn't she tell him she would keep him safe past jury?
I am so happy that the floaters are finally starting to conspire, hopefully 2 of them can win HOH and they can target vanessa, austin and liz. I really hope Austin gets knocked out before the twins enter the house. Especially if Liz is the one that is in seclusion before reentry into the house and Austin gets upset he cant say goodbye to Liz
I started out with Austin as my fave..i still like him, but johnny mack is growing on me, i love him!
@SDfan- they kept Johnny on the seat because making it a Jason vs. Audrey vote would split the house.
I honestly don't think Audrey was ready to be put on an international stage like Big Brother. Kudos to her for trying. While I don't care for Audrey's game play, I do empathize with her. I felt like the feed chats were all kicking her while she was down. We have no idea what happened in the DR. The night before, Clay and Audrey were in the backyard, and Audrey said maybe she needed some xanax like the rest of the house. If she truly had an anxiety attack, her blood pressure, pulse, and respirations would be high, and her oxygen levels low. As an ER nurse, I can say that if they treated her medically, she was probably out of it. They (meaning medical team) probably advised her to rest. I can't stand Audrey's gameplay, but at the end of the day, she too is human. Just my two cents.
Two words Audrey... Bye Bye!!
I really want yo see a change in power--Jason, Jackie, Johnny Mac or Steve winning and staying HOH and getting Austin out, he's a strong player with a lot of influence.
James started strong but seems like a floater to me. What is the accepted definition of a floater though?
I want the twins to come into the house I think that will be awesome
I really can't wait for the twins to enter the house I think that would be hysterical for the other guests not to know who is who
Meg Steve Jackie clay have really done nothing in the HOH comps so then how do they expect to rule the house when they can't even win it
It seems that the majority can already tell the difference. They just don't know julia's name.
Cruela lol
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