Today is the Veto Ceremony where POV winner Vanessa is expected to take Jason off the block and then HOH Shelli will make Audrey (this weeks target) the replacement nom next to Johnny Mac.
As soon as the Veto Ceremony takes place, I'll update this post! :D
Veto Ceremony Results:
Jason was saved w/ Veto
Audrey is the renom
(Audrey never showed up for the ceremony, she stayed in the Have Nots Room)
Audrey is the renom
(Audrey never showed up for the ceremony, she stayed in the Have Nots Room)
**Thank you for your support by getting the feeds through the blog!!**
Stay tuned...
I wonder if the 5hr DR session will make the episode!
There is not BB take over this week...think the Audry being in the DR so long is part of it
There is not BB take over this week...think the Audrey being in the DR so long is part of it
Dafney77, I'm hoping for a CBS special 5 hour BB presentation. :-)
Ceremony was held feeds are back up
Apparently they did the veto ceremony without her! And now shes nominated but wasnt present to see it
Is Audrey a prima Donna?
What?!?! What a baby! Seriously this is a game and you chose to be a part of it.
Kern that's funny! I wonder if they'll mention it. I really hope they aren't planning on having the BB takeover have something to do with the eviction- if Johnny Mack goes home over cry baby Audrey it'll be a HUGE disappointment for me!
I hope you're wrong!
Has anyone thought about the fact that pretty soon there will be a comp for evicted guests to compete to get back in the house. What do you want to bet Audrey is the first to go into seclusion for that possible chance.
That's not fair that they let Audrey get away with so much!
I can't believe that she wasn't there for the ceremony that's so weird and awkward
If Audrey some how stays this week, then it will prove that BB is fixed. I don't think they would do that, but Audreys favorite player is Rachel, and look how much BB favored her..
I bet if anyone else refused to go to one of the ceremonies they would get into trouble. But since its productions little baby she gets away with murder.
No they are from jury only. No one that's out now can come back, they're no longer sequestered.
Also I'm liking Jackie's game more and more every day. Started a little slow, but she seems to be emerging from her state of recluse she assumed at the start. I hope the other side of the house (Meg/Jason/James) realize how serious (and strong) the 6 person alliance is. They should take advantage of the current surplus of floaters and team with Jackie, Johnny, Becky, or even Steve (desperate times call for desperate measures) so they are not picked off one by one once the numbers dwindle.
I know if you break the have not rules you automatically get a vote against you but is there any penalty for not showing up to the veto ceremony?
And disappointment for the show as well. If she stays you can add this to the long list of stuff that helps drop ratings
I don't think that has ever happened before. What an interesting thing to see if BB really cares what the viewers think or do their own thing.
I agree that they let Audrey get away with too much. She will go down as the worst BB player and spoiled BRAT. Don't be such a sore lose Audrey.
UGH - I truly hope Audrey leaves - she adds nothing to the game - such a brat!
OK - I watched Sunday's episode - was Shelli calling Clay "poopy"? Jason's comments about her letter from the dog were hysterical.
And Liz and that whiny nasal voice is really getting on my nerves big time. I thought I liked her but changed my mind. So, Jackie came in and had a convo - big deal.
And John pays attention - how about his comments on the letter that it could have been to either twin.
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