Becky made dinner for Audrey last night and James made her breakfast this omelet that she ate half of. Shelli checked up on Audrey earlier but Audrey didn't say anything back when Shelli called her name.
Alrighty, let's get to the Afternoon Post, shall we?!
**Oh, and it seems that the times have now been fixed on the feeds, yay!! :D
11:20am BBT:
James/Steve talked about how weird it was that Audrey didn't participate in the veto ceremony yesterday. James wonders if she'll get ready for the live eviction show on Thursday. Steve says she's not being a good
sport about the game. James thinks once she leaves, she'll feel better. Steve agrees.
11:44am BBT:
Backyard Couches
Jason/Johnny Mac
Jason & John talked about a lot different non-game, pets, etc. Jason wishes that BB would stop buying "from the gluten-free aisle" at the grocery store. (*lol) He then talked about how he has bad luck with cats. One was a feral cat that he had for over a year and no matter how much they fed it, it wouldn't gain any weight and found it dead in their yard one day. Then he had another cat that they found ran over. Johnny Mac talked about a couple of birds they hated him, one loved him. And he had a hamster as a kid but didn't remember much about it except that it would get out of its cage a lot and go upstairs.
Becky comes out impersonating meg in a wig and a whinny voice.
Becky: "Hiiiiii!"
John: "Hi, Meg!"
Jason: "That is so Meg."
Becky: "Thank you."
12:03pm BBT:
Austin said that Jason's speech during the veto ceremony really touched his heart strings and wants to have a chat with him. Vanessa asks him what was it that Jason said, Austin said how Jason's been a fan of BB all his life and loves being there..and that he (Austin) can relate to that. He wants to have a heart-to-heart convo with Jason and try to establish some trust. Austin then told Vanessa how Jason told Steve that he knows about the twins and that Austin fills in the twins when they switch in/out of the house.
Austin: "I think I have a way to counteract that.." (then we get fishies on the feeds, so no idea what Austin was gonna say.)
12:22pm BBT:
Hot Tub
Meg is telling Clay it be better (in the near future) to break up Austin/Liz and she (Meg) would go after Austin/Becky if he wins HOH. Becky comes out dressed like Meg (again) and breaks up their convo.
1:30pm BBT:
Jason/Steve/Becky (sunbathing poolside)
Jason & Steve are just having chit-chatter..
Jason: "Frankie makes me look like an alpha male." (*lol!!)
Jason then teases Steve for pulling an "Ian" (Ian Terry) by hiding and spying on the HG's on Day 2.
Jason then makes fun of past BB houseguest, Jenn City, by saying he's gonna name the pool vacuum after her because she was a "bottom feeder". (I love his one-liners!)
Becky talks about how she has a Honda Civic and she couldn't move her car for 3 days because of snow.
Jason: "A sedan in the snow is a NO."
Jason says where he's from, if you don't have an SUV, you're asking for trouble in Winter. He said they get a lot of ice.
Jason: "It's like Ice Road Truckah's out there!"
1:40pm BBT:
BB interupts Jason's pool time by calling for another #WhackstreeBoys performance. He gets out and dries to dry off as quickly as he can so he can put on his outfit.
Jason: "Should I just free-ball it in this outfit??"
1:41pm BBT:
Liz/Johnny Mac/Jason
BB: "It's time for the Whackstreet Boys!"
BB cuts to fishies, so we don't see it. :(
2:44pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Audrey has moved, y'all!!!..okay, well..she shifted positions anyway. lol :P
**And that's it for the Afternoon Post! Enjoy the rest of your day and the live feeds!! :D (Psst..they're only $6/month for 24/7 access!)
Stay tuned...
I hate that Meg is telling Clay all their plans.
If Audrey remains difficult CBS should roll her out in full Hannibal Lecter gear for the eviction, although I really think it will be pretaped. I wouldn't envy Julie Chen having to interview her.
Jamie, I love your blog so much. Thank you so much for your hard work!!
Okay, I hardly ever comment because I really don't watch for game-play so much! I like the CBS shows for how they edit it together. Very entertaining. I also watch BBAD when there's time, but I don't do the feeds (which is why I love this blog!)
I like seeing how these people interact, honestly. I love seeing how their friendships progress, the bonds they form, etc. I'm a schoolteacher, so I guess I miss seeing kids (they are kids to me!) being kids in the summer. :)
I feel so bad for Audrey. I bet she feels like she has let herself and the LGBT community down (even though of course she shouldn't feel that responsible). I hope she's okay, generally speaking, but she's gotta go. I hope the Twitterverse and Interwebs are kind to her when she goes.
Lastly, Meg's high-waisted, acid washed, elastic waist, tight-cuffed pants, and David Koresh glasses: NO. I get it that it's all worn hipster 'ironically', but: NO.
LOL :)
Lol...I totally agree with you about Meg..all of it is a big fat As for Audrey, she really needs to put on her big girl panties and stop acting like a 2-year old..her behavior is very annoying...she should just make the best of her last few days in the house..but instead she's acting like a sore loser. If I were in the house, her behavior would make it so easy for me to vote her out. Bye Audrey!
I hope BB doesn't show Audrey any favoritism and gives her a penalty vote for eating as a have not. It does sound like she was trying to quit so I think they are appeasing her so she can leave with some dignity and of course so Julie can have an exit interview. I know the whole Transgender thing is a hot topic but the house isn't targeting her for anything except what she has done in the house.
YES! Meg and her clothes annoy me to no end! I'm usually not so bothered by people but she gets under my skin for some reason. I wish she would be more lady like, I get the Tom boy thing but COME ON- she always sits with her legs open like a dude and it grosses me out.
However Audrey acts before and after the vote will have ripples online no matter what she says or does. The truth is her transexual background had nothing to do with her being put up and evicted, but I'm sure someone on Tumblr or Twitter will ignore the fact she didn't play the game very effectively.
Luckily, there's still some colours of the rainbow still representing on the show. I root for Jason because of his cute Bostonian brogue, and his astute observations. I hope he survives to Jury if not final 2!
Becky dressing in Meg drag seems to me to be a naked attempt to show TV relevance. Every time she's on the screen, my GF asks "literally who is that?"
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