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Friday, June 26, 2015

Overnighter: First Night on the Live Feeds

I've been blogging about Big Brother for 8 years and I can honestly say, I can't think of a season where I could just tell that this cast is going to make for a very interesting summer. Can't wait!! As soon as the feeds came on last night, I was annoyed by all the shoutouts & Jace/Austin's constant screaming at first. lol But I continued to watch.

I was going to wait until tomorrow morning for the first Overnighter of the season, but too much happened last night & I feel it's best to get everyone caught up ASAP. I'm sure you'll agree.

Okay, so first off...
*James won the 1st HOH. He nominated Jackie/Steve.
*Jason won the 2nd HOH and he nominated Becky/John.
*Becky/John won the Battle of the Backyard, meaning that...
*Jason was dethroned as HOH, making James the sole HOH this week w/ Jackie/Steve as noms.
*Jace seems to be the target this week (at least he was before I went to bed.) 

Shortly after the feeds turned on, we saw Vanessa in tears (she was missing her girlfriend) at 9:19pm BBT.
She was comforted by both Da'vonne and Steve.
Speaking of Vanessa, it seems that both her & Da'vonne were awarded the power to save 1 HG/each from both of them choosing to sit out of the HOH comp this week. Vanessa gave safety to Austin. (I'm not sure who Da'vonne gave her safety to just yet.)

Then we saw Jace/Austin hanging out in the lounge room, doing lots of annoying screams and having the most intense bromance I've ever seen on the feeds. lol
Speaking of Jace, he's quickly becoming the least favorite HG amongst fans & houseguests. (Before I went to bed last night, talks of getting Jace out this week depending on today's Veto Comp outcome, were being had.) By the way, these two are in an alliance together call "Shelltown"..whatever the heck that means.

Have Not's for the week have been determined already.

The Have Not's room have dentist chairs as beds.

Becky, who is quickly (and painfully) reminding me of last seasons Victoria, told a story about how she was hit in the face by a train and got pretty messed up from it. Details, such as location, were left out due to pending legal stuff.

Twin Twist:
While we still have no official confirmation, it seems that Liz & her twin sister, Julia, will be the 2 twins playing the game this season.

Veto Comp:
The Veto Comp should be played today & it'll be James, Steve, Jackie, Jason, Becky, and John playing in it.

Funny moment of the night:

If you wanna chuckle with your morning coffee, use the Flashback feature on the live feeds to watch Austin train Jason on how to work his glutes. lol Pretty funny stuff. (11:35pm BBT, Cam 3)

In other news...
Audrey picked up the HOH card while lounging around with Clay/Jace/Meg in the HOH room. She lied/joked that it was Team America card, threw it to Clay who "confirmed" that's what it read, but the camera zoomed in so we could read the card:
(I left the time stamp on the screenshot for those that wanna flashback to it. It's on Cam 1.)

It was just a "pick the Have Nots for the week" card.

At around 1:14am BBT (Cam 3), Jeff & Vanessa had a talk. Apparently, Jeff/Austin had a spat earlier that day but hashed it out. Austin hurt Jeff's feelings (this was prior to the feeds going live). 
Jeff said that Austin used his apology against him, by going around saying that Jeff is a "loose cannon" & that he (Jeff) feels that he shouldn't have even apologized in the first place, he was being the 'bigger man'. Vanessa talked about missing her girlfriend some more, as well as missing her family. She said it's been two weeks now and that she's having a hard time in the house with all the negativity because in her life, she hangs around the best/positive people. It's a good little convo to flashback to.

At 1:52am BBT, Jace confronted Becky in the storage room about her always "shushing him".
Jace said he's been asking around the house to see if he might have done something to tick her off. She says no. They talk, laugh, and hashed it all out.

Annnnnd this is where I'm gonna cap off the Overnighter! With 16 houseguests and the 1st night of the feeds being live, I definitley wanted to get everyone caught up to speed with the latest. I'll be live blogging later on this afternoon, so please check back for the Afternoon Post.

Until then, enjoy the Live Feeds!! :D last thing..if you have the feeds already, come chat it up in the "CuzUrAddicted" chatroom! It's listed under the Public Chat Rooms. 

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

She wasn't crying over her girl friend she was crying because people had been mean to Steve and people in general. She didn't want to say that to Steve. I didn't catch it last night but I rewatched it this morning. She told the dentist why be4 the others came over.

Jessi said...

I still can't keep up with who's who...need another couple days to get it squared away! haha. Thanks Jamie!

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