Tonight's Part 2 premiere will begin at 8pm EST/7pm CT. We will see the other half of the BB17 cast move into the BB house and join the first batch of houseguests. We'll also be introduced to the Twin Twist for the season.
The twin twist will involve Liz and her twin sister.
Would you be able to tell??
Tonight the Live Feeds will finally turn on!! Yayyyy!!!! If you don't already have your feeds for the season, this is the time to go snag'em up! They are only $5.99/month, it includes 24/7 access to the feeds, chat rooms, and over 6,500 episodes of all CBS shows. It's a streaming service just like Netflix, very easy to get set up and easy to navigate. The whole process took me about 5 mins. Easy peasy ! :D
(Live Feeds turn on at 12am EST/11pm CT/9pm PT tonight.)
Okay guys & gals, I'll be back tonight to moderate comments here on the blog & I'll be Live Tweeting tonight's show once again, so I'll see y'all over there in Twitterland! ;)
PS: The first Overnighter of the BB17 season will be on Saturday morning, but the 1st blog post of the live feeds will be tomorrow. I have to first get acclimated to the HG's, alliances, happenings, etc so that I can get a handle on what's been going on the past week inside the BB house before doing the first Overnighter of the season. :)
UPDATED @ 7:58pm EST:
CBS leaked the feeds for us for a few minutes & this is what we saw! :D
Oooooo I'm so excited! Feeds spark up for season at 12pm EST tonight, y'all!
Stay tuned...
Haven't they done this twin twist before. I remember something like that but it's been many seasons ago.
Season 5, 2007 Adria & Natalie
With so many twists, production is going to be running the show and I can see be being over it like I was last year. But... of course, I'll keep watching like I do every year. I just hope it's good.
Thanks for the blog, excited to be back into the season! Say, did anyone notice Meg's friend in the background during her introduction segment last night? I would swear that it is Andrea from Big Brother a few seasons ago. She's got a pretty specific look and that person looked EXACTLY like her to me. If so, I'll look forward to learning what the connection is. Sister maybe? Cousin?
Yes, I noticed! I think it was Andrea from Survivor: Redemption Island. A friend maybe?
Let the games begin!!
Am l the only one who noticed how thin Julie is this season?
Karen that black jumpsuit she wore last night on the premiere was very slimming, it made me think the same thang!
Da'Vonne makes me laugh.
Austin has a surprisingly gentle disposition.
Steve looks sweet.....
Audrey (very pretty-wow!) but seems intense.
Love how both poker players volunteered to sit out of the HOH.
they took a risk but seems like it's gonna pay off for'em! Love it!
The twin twist might be John and his twin instead.
After Dark SHOCKER!!! How will production handle this one??
Is Jace getting on anyone else's nerves yet?! So over the top, in an annoying way! I seriously can't even listen to him anymore, lol! "What part of "Rado" are you from" LMBO! This cast is way more diverse this year, which is good, but I agree that with all the twists, production could run the show. So excited to get things rolling!!
I noticed this too. Especially on one of her Instagram pics where she's jumping on the beach.
Hey guys, so about 90% of the time I watch the feeds on my iPad. Normally there is a way to rewind the feeds by sliding my finger on the time bar at the bottom of the screen. They seem to have erased this this year, hence I have no way of going back to watch something that happened earlier in the day (unless I'm on my computer). Has anyone else noticed this yet? Is there a way and I'm just missing it?
Lol! Christina! I'm there too with Jace! He's hamming it up BIG TIME! I feel some cat fights stirring with the girls & Clay... Where's all the male eye candy!?! We got cheated this year ladies!!!
Vanessa Rousso is a big celebrity in the poker world. I see her all over cable and network television. No one else here or in the house recognized her? Anyway, I've always admired how far she's gotten in the (pretty masculine) world of poker. I could see her having the mental discipline to win this year.
Oh yeah and Jace can go anytime.
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