Winner of the Veto Comp is:
The plan, as it stands, is to get Jace up and out this week. (I have to update the banner to include Jackie & Jeff, so when I do that later, I'll update it so you know who's the HOH, Veto Winner, etc.)
Currently on the live feeds...
**It's still "hell week" for us feedsters, so it's gonna take a little bit before we all get a full grasp on who's aligned together, who's lying, who's backstabbing, etc. So bear with me as I'm learning all this as well. Ahhh..gotta love the 1st 24 hrs of the feeds when the HG's have been in the house for a week already. lol
3:43pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Audrey is confronting Jace at the moment, saying that she's heard that Jace wanted to target her this week. Jace is getting pissed and denying everything, trying to clear his name.
Austin asks Audry who told her that, Audry says "everyone".
Austin: "Who's everyone?"
Audrey: "LITERALLY..everyone."
Jace: "The plan was just to find out if you were still with us.." (they have a 4 or 5 person alliance w...? not sure yet.)
3:50pm BBT:
Jace thinks there's a "mole" (in their alliance?). Audrey wonders if it's just paranoia, or if they should confront whoever is saying that Audrey is "in everyone's ear".
3:53pm BBT:
Austin is saying that Jason told him last night that "people are talking about things..and I'm glad I'm playing for veto".
Audrey: "So what do we do?"
Austin: "It's week 1!"
Audrey: "I feel unresolved about Day (Da'vonne)."
Jace: "Where do I fall into this?"
Austin: "This has nothing to do with you.."
Audrey wants to get Liz/Da'vonne to talk to them and hash things out.
Audrey: "I wanna find out who the f**k is putting me under the fire."
Audrey leaves to get Da'vonne & Liz, leaving Austin/Jace alone to talk real quick.
Austin/Jace wonder if they should work with Audrey anymore. Jace said it was Jeff that snitched. Talk stops as soon as Da'vonne & Audrey enters the lounge room to talk.
3:59pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Everyone is throwing everyone under the head is spinning. lol Jace said there's a "mole". Audrey is still confused. It's a bunch of he said-she said, back and forth banter.
4:03pm BBT:
Audrey: "Should we just call a house meeting? This seems like a game of telephone.."
*NOTE: Liz (or her twin??) is totally clueless on what's going on, including things she supposedly did (like throw a pillow) but doesn't remember. lol :P
4:04pm BBT:
Austin said that if they call a house meeting, nobody is gonna own up to who said what.
4:08pm BBT:
James has joined Da'vonne/Audrey/Liz/Austin/Jace in figuring out who "the mole" is. Austin blurts out that he thinks it was Jeff. They wonder if it was Jason, James doesn't think so because he would have told him (James).
4:11pm BBT:
Da'vonne then goes to get Jason. Jason said he doesn't "talk game with anyone" but that he did say he was glad to play in the veto.
A few minutes later, Jason leaves.
Austin: "I don't even know what's going on right now." (*That makes 2 of us. lol)
4:16pm BBT:
Audrey said she's glad she talked to everyone to make sure everyone knows she was going around saying stuff. (*But Audrey, you cornered the HOH and grilled him. Not smart.)
Audry: "I'm not trying to do anything crazy on week 1."
Jace: "There's just a lot of paranoia in can't get a second alone.."
Audry: "So nobody in this room wants to backdoor me?"
Jason: "I do now, b*tch!" (laughs) ..he was just joking.
**Audrey reallllly needs to calm down. She's gonna get herself up & out if she doesn't cool it.
4:25pm BBT:
HOH Room
Da'vonne is going off about Audrey acting like she's the queen of the house.
During her ranting about Steve, Da'vonne accidentally said the "n" word. She caught herself & apologized.
Jason said he's loyal to her (Day) & Meg only. He leaves to go walk by the Lounge again to see if Audrey's meeting is still going on.
4:32pm BBT:
HOH Room
James said he all the he said/she said stuff doesn't matter, their target (Jace) is still going home.
Audrey comes up (& my head hits the desk because it's the same he said/she said again. ugh.)
Sidenote: Jace/Liz (or her twin, Julia?) are cuddling in bed. That could get interesting. lol
**Okay, I'm gonna stop the Afternoon Post here, but I'll be back later tonight with a special Evening Post (I'll be live blogging again). I gotta go make dinner and my head is spinning from this afternoon! haha I'll be back in a few hours, guys & gals! :D Until then, enjoy watching the ever-lively live feeds!!! (Psss...they're only $5.99/month!! Super cheap!!)
UPDATED @ 7:35pm BBT:
I was gonna do an evening report but decided to just do a quick recap instead (you'll see why below)...
*Da'vonne gave safety to Liz, Vanessa gave hers to Austin.
*Audrey told Jeff how Austin said he wants him (Jeff) gone.
*Austin wants James to go after Audrey this week.
*Veto Comp was the spelling veto comp (as they have every year)
*Meg/James/Audrey/Davonne/Jason in a core alliance together called "High Rollers Alliance", thinking about having their "+1's" (Jeff/Jackie/Clay/Shelli/Steve) for side alliances.
*Austin/Da'vonne are not on good terms.
*Jeff told Jason that he wants to gun after Austin/Liz.
*Da'vonne worked on trying to get John as her plus 1 side alliance.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I'm still trying to grasp what's been going on the past week & blogging while watching the feeds trying to get caught up, is a little hard to do. lol ;) So I'm gonna stay up late tonight and fully submerge myself in the feeds and start the addiction process (as I call it haha). I'll see y'all tomorrow with the Overnighter!! :D
Stay tuned...
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