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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is

Yesterday, Steve and Liz competed in the Part 2 (of 3) Final HOH. And without further delay...

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:

So now Steve and Vanessa will battle it on in Part 3 (questions comp) and the winner will get to choose which houseguest to take with them to Final 2, while evicting the 3rd party. Steve mentioned to Vanessa last night that they should tell Liz that no matter what, Steve/Vanessa are taking each other to Final 2.(*Not true.) Steve compared it to when Derrick/Cody told Victoria last season. Vanessa was against it though, since she has Final 2 deals with them both. But as we know, Steve doesn't want to take Vanessa to the end because he knows she'd win against him. Vanessa on the other hand, I have no clue where her heads at. It'd be smart for either of them to take Liz to the end, but this season has been so backwards, I wouldn't be surprised if Julie Chen ended up in F2 somehow.

Okie dokie, that's it for this update! Tomorrow night (Sunday), we will have a BB episode and then Wednesday is finale night! Yayy we're almost at the finish line, guys!

Stay tuned...
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peanut said...

Thanks so much Jamie! I am truly addicted to your updates throughout every BB season! You are the best! Even tho this season has sucked, I appreciate you sticking with it!

Jamie said...

Thanks, peanut! :D

Saginaw Guy said...

Steve will throw it to his mommy. I mean Vanessa.

Leslie said...

Probably. He has done everything else she has wanted!

Unknown said...

I truly believe that if Steve can pull out the last win, he will evict Vanessa. It would be beautiful to see her get so close yet so far away.

Drea said...

Krystal you said it all!
As the season ends if you can don't forget to "tip" our "Hero" Jamie !! I don't know how you did it, πŸΆπŸΆπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸš¬πŸš¬lol

Fabian R said...

LOL Julie Chen in F2. Thanks Jamie!

Gross said...

If Steve wants to win $500k, he needs to win and take Liz.

What a crap BB season. Lol.

The Vanessa Show. Just my luck....that she's unlikable so I get stuck with her all season.

KathyC said...

Does anyone else think Vanessa gets called to the DR an awful lot for meds? I don't recall any other HGs being on so much medication! I've heard ADHD meds and muscle relaxers - uppers/downers? Lordy - if true, no wonder she's hard to watch. Pulling for Steve for the win at this point. He should be able to beat Van in any mental comp unless she gets in his head. If Vanessa had fessed up to her so-called game play in her DR sessions we've seen, people might be a little more apt to appreciate what she's done.

Stephanie Kay said...

I don't want any of them to win lol, but if anyone deserves it it's Vanessa. What a travesty if Steve or Liz wins. Good riddance, BB17!

Thanks for all the updates Jamie!:) My favorite bb blog to obsessively refresh ;)

rigs said...

The meds for ADHD do the same thing that caffeine in coffee does but without all the negative side effects of coffee. College kids do take ADHD drugs to increase alertness and in the past they drank coffee or took “NoDoz”. People here call Vanessa crazy, delusional and say she should be taking meds on the one hand and on the other hand they say she has an unfair advantage being on meds, LOL. You can’t have it both ways. If she is crazy and needs meds, then maybe she should be taking more just to be “normal”.

Unknown said...

I think he knows if vanessa wins part 3 of HOH then she has essentially won BB

DeniseG said...

Steve tends to over think the answers, and if V is on her meds than she will likely win. I'm rooting for Steve and he chooses Liz.

Mandaeff said...

Yes yes yes it will.

BB Fan said...

I can't belive L&S don't know how to play Rummy LOL. Wonder if they could play War?

BB Fan said...

I'm so glad you are all out here tonight.

Unknown said...

Please let Steve win final HOH and take Liz. Liz would only get 2 votes, Julia and Austin. All others would vote for him. If he takes Vanessa, Vanessa wins hands down. Ugh. What a season. Oh how you've put up with so much for this blog and we all truly appreciate it. Here's to a much better season next year!

Katie Mc said...

If Steve wins and takes Liz, that would be the BEST!!!! LOL! I think Vanessa would then vote for Liz so Liz would get 3 votes & the others vote for Steve for taking V out. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

Unknown said...

If Steve wins this final part, he better take Liz to final 2 if he wants to win the game. He should know that 'nessa won't take him so I hope he won't get manipulated by her. If he evicts 'Nessa he'd be making the biggest move in that game. For that reason alone he'd get the votes to win. Well on the brighter side of things Liz will prob be guaranteed $50k.

AES BB watcher said...

Thank you Jamie for keeping us updated. Reading your blog, sure has made this year more enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

This season's finale may play out similarly to Big Brother 14's.

There are striking parallels:
-An expert strategist and manipulator who got to the end by working with a showmance, the nerd, and a second female player (coincidentally a blonde).
- A male nerd who didn't do much during the first half of the game but ride on a stronger player's coattails, but eventually won numerous comps during the second half.
- The nerd won the second HOH in the first double evictions of both seasons.
- A female blonde was the first member of the power alliance to be evicted.
- The same strategist evicted the male member of the showmance in a blindside.
- The female showmance member, the nerd, and the strategist are the Final 3.
- The strategist won Part 1 of the Final HOH, while the nerd won Part 2.

Anonymous said...

V is def on meds more then one mental illness. Just watching her rapid eye movements and the way she stare's at HG. Can be preety scary at times. Btw ,I think the cast selected this year. Was horrible. The only hg that had personality was evicted. BB please select cast 18 with all diff types of men and women. This year had one age group.

Razldazlrr said...

Well, if I am forced to choose - I hope steve wins and takes liz (good god - did I just say that?) I just don't like the way Vanessa played and I think she already has a lot of money and can make much more. Steve maybe not so much.

Thanks for the update Jamie - I know it must be painful to watch these 3!

BB Fan said...

I agree with you Gross, V gets her way through bullying people. Shame on her. I'd be so happy if anyone won but her, she would never be able to convince that she could be a good friend. Lies like a bug in a rug, yeah no blood on her! She's dripping in it. Tooooo... Much of if. No wonder she can't sleep. Not a good person.

Unknown said...

Even though, Steve and Liz were nicer people...gotta respect Vanessa to making it this far when everyone wanted her out with each eviction but either couldn't or "didn't want to get blood on their hands" ugh I hope I never hear that phrase again. Steve, has wasted most of his hohs on floaters, Liz while she was strong for a while couldn't pick up the pace in the final weeks. But Vanessa loses the final round, Steve will win by default because Liz isn't competition in comparison to the other two.

Anonymous said...

I think we all know Vanessa should and will win, with that said, I just want to thank you for all you do Jamie. :)

Annafel said...

*crossed fingers* Steve wins final comp & takes Liz to F2!! Watching Van "cry" & go on another insane rant will be somewhat worth the torture of having sat thru season 17. -Jamie,I am new to your blog but am now officially addicted! Thank you for for all your hard work:) I wish there was a prize for you because you def deserve one!

Nicole Chenault said...

Thanks for another season Jamie - even if the season sucked! You at least made it comical. And I wouldn't be surprised to see Julie Chen in the F2 either at this point, hahaha...

Unknown said...

I'm not sure Steve wins if its him and Liz. He might be better regarded but game wise he was horrible. He single handedly destroyed this season and turned it into this crapfest. I know i wouldn't vote for him just cause he's been such a pussy the whole season.

rigs said...

I have enjoyed this season. The game players are were varied with lots of villains and they are no longer in the house. Vanessa has consistently played to best game and she deserves to win. She may not win, this is BB. I know Steve thinks he has a better chance taking Liz but I would not bet $500k on it. Birds of a feather come into play and with so many Vanessa haters in the audience, that hate is reflected in the house also. I don't know how she would get a majority of 5 votes against Steve. Some in the jury might surprise me with their actually being able to think logically an vote for Vanessa.

Dafney77 said...

Jamie thanks so much for keeping us up to date with everything all season long! you do an amazing job!! Can't wait for next season, I'm hoping I'll be a houseguest that you can blog about! I will be sending in my application within the next week!! yay!!!

Nana said...

Ohmygosh seeing Vanessa hit the road would be epic!!

Saginaw Guy said...

BB Bopper said...

I'm just curious if anyone else heard Steve on BBAD say that he is a Redskin and that he milked Affirmative Action for everything he could get? I thought for sure someone would have said something here about what he said but to my knowledge no one has. Did anyone else hear him say that? Steve is intelligent, he must know that the term "Redskin" is a very offensive term to our Native Americans. I was shocked and surprised that he said that.

Obsidiandog. said...

I just want Vanessa's Summer Of Tweaking to end.

BB Fan said...

Yes BBbopper I heard him. Hes just playing that for maybe someones sympaty. Hes so smart he gives me the creeps at times. What is it with him? Kinda reminds me of Rainman.

BB Fan said...

BB bopper I responded earlier but I see that has not been put up as yet.I hope Jamie doesn't keep it off. Its olny my personal opinion. Its nice to
have a blog site so we can talk. Thanks Jamie!

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