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Friday, September 18, 2015

TGI-Friday BB17 Update

Hello, BB addicts and happy TGI-Friday to y'all! There are no more Overnighters this season because we're down to less than a week of BB left, we have our Final 3 and it's all up to who wins the Final HOH and then they will decide which HG to take with them to Final 2.

In other news..
I'm kinda bummed that the Austin eviction was pre-taped because according to Julie Chen during her interview with Jeff, Austin didn't want to leave the BB house and begged Vanessa to change her vote. lol
Julie: "I thought I was gonna have to get the hook (to get him out)!"

Julie also said that there were a lot of floaters this season that just "floated around" and "didn't make enemies". She's never seen the game played like that before.

Julie: "They (all) just kinda coexisted in this house."

They talked about Vanessa and Julie said that Vanessa's tears were "crocodile tears" and she's not buying it and then the topic got switched to James and how he wasn't the least scared when Clay confronted him...
...because James worked as a corrections officer and dealt with much bigger guys than Clay.

Other topics Jeff/Julie talked about:
*If Liz gets to Final 2, no way for her to win it
*Jeff joked that people giving "shout outs" on live TV should get a penalty nom (*lol)
*Julie likes Evel Dick & Janelle as BB game players
*How Julie felt bad for Christine last year, getting booed when she exited the house

Anyway, if you'd like to watch it, just click here to go to to watch it. And that's it for today's update! The Final 3 are still in house doing well, they've been sleeping *a lot*. They also did their "Remember when.." segment that will be played on Sunday's show. Alright guys & gals, have a great Friday!

Stay tuned...
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SDfan said...

Great interview to watch. I agree with Julie that it will be hard for Liz to win although I am not a Steve fan either. I think his awkwardness will get him votes against Liz. I think V will win if she makes final 2.

Great job this year (as usual) Jamie. Thanks for all you do and all the time you use to decipher the game.

Razldazlrr said...

ha ha - I wish they would have shown us Austin begging - he seemed pretty freaked out when I watched last night - that was the main reason I even watched the show - to see his reaction.

I agree with Jeff on the live shout outs - that drives me nuts too.

Anonymous said...

The reason the showed sucked this year (and we've watched every season) is there were no "adults" (parental figures) in the house - normally the mix is predictable: 1-2 folks above 40, 1-3 folks between 30 & 40 and the rest under 30; with an obligatory male and female African American; 1 or 2 gay people, a nerd and the rest all beauty queens or self-absorbed narcissistic's. NOT THIS YEAR - not to mention almost every reward and competition is predictable - that's why they run around counting pillows and memorizing dates, etc. Where is the slop? What about some misery and a little hunger pain? If this were Survivor, these people would not make it past week one. Shame on Grodner for this miserable season - if this continues, I see this show ending soon (or perhaps not if your husband is the president of CBS!) I am ready to quit watching - way too predictable and now they all know the game, so they pander to each other.

Unknown said...

I am so over this season I can't wait for it to end but I still can't stop watching

Razldazlrr said...

It's Julie Chen's husband who is the President of CBS, not Grodner. That's why I found it so comical when Chen was questioning Shelli about the age difference, since her husband is 20 years older than her.

DeniseG said...

Last year BB was renewed for 2 years. I really hope someone reads the blogs and tweets--the fans are here and will watch as long as there's something interesting going on. The comments are pretty consistent with everyone saying this season is predictable, boring, etc.

Thank you again Jamie for your excellent blogging!

And thanks to everyone who commented here!

mrCee said...

I sure hope Big Brother 18 brings back items such as the diamond power of veto, the coup d'etat, Big Brother rewind, and let America actually vote in who they want to come back. And it would be nice if they broke the mold and actually put people in there who seriously need the money. Liz and Julia, Clay and Shelly come from backgrounds where money doesn't seem to be too much of an issue, Vanessa was already a millionaire, and Johnny Mac is a dentist, perhaps that's why the sense of urgency to win the whole game was not really prevalent amongst these players.

Marko said...

This show has gotten so lame with its pre-taping , editing and just plain not showing everyone what's really going on!
Julie has officially become a Chen-bot.

Drea said...

Let me start by saying "I'm sorry", "just don't want to get blood on my hands" but a big shout out to my Mom my therapist and oh my dog groomer !! With that being said I had a great summer with all of you, this has been a blog I'll remember for a lifetime it's just been a dream for so long! Really what a jacked up summer, but that's to Jamie at least we all had each other and I had so much fun reading everyone stories and thoughts so thanks for the entertainment!
I do have a question if anyone knows? So it that it for the comps? Since Vanessa one HOH she just picks who goes to the end with her?
For some reason I was thinking there was a part 2 comp? I'm so confused these friggin idiots in this house jacked up my brain so much I can't remember how the last week goes?
Also, epi Austin begging Vanessa to say after he's already out in the chair to Julie? Did he ask her if he was going to be on then"bold and beautiful" ? Who would want him? Ugh dirty stinky congrats to Liz you just WON A STALKER FOR LIFE! Parents must be so proud.
Love you guys just hoping next summer will be the best ever. Drea, brandy and holly (beagles are watching also)

BB Fan said...

I agree with you about them not showing us all that was really going on, there was a lot going on I would have like to have seen instead of all this snoozing and sleeping and doing
nothing all the time with a bunch of boring
people. Still love this site and finding fans for sure. I think I wouldn't know what to do with myself all summer without it so l hope its on for a very long time. I for one would love a season with past players once again. Like Dr. Will, Evil Dick Boogie, you the ones that take prisoners. Amanda and that type. Sure would be a lot more exciting I think. Anyone agree with me or am I dreaming?

Taz Caz said...

Still two comps. One is second HOH. Both winners will compete for final HOH. Winner will pick who they want to take to the finals.

Anonymous said...

To Drea...As we know, Van won Part I of Final HOH. The loser, Liz (who took a deal for F2 with Van, so dropped), plays Steve. The winner of that 2nd part will play Van in Part III to see who chooses.

I've been camping/bicycling for the past week (beautiful weather, but no reception in the motorhome) so had to rely on watching on my tablet the next day to see how things came out. Absolutely loved seeing Austin, even in the script we got to see, begging. The other time he was going up, he literally begged like a baby to please not put him up. He tried his best to not go up this time also and it was sickening to see him grovel. So glad!

Anonymous said...

I should say that since Steve won, it will be Steve and Van playing Part III. Since Van made a F2 with Liz, hmmm will she keep that promise if Van wins the next comp? Whichever wins the next one, they should take Liz because if it's Van and Steve, it looks like it could be close. It would depend on how Liz is able to convince Austin and Julia to vote in my opinion at least. I doubt either Van or Steve would take each other.

Anonymous said...

V must be on meds. I am not sure which kind. However, just watching this season put me ro sleep. The only thing that keep's me up. Is V emotinal roller coaster
Rides. She def has somw type of mental illness. Just seeing her deep stare's at other HG. Then her rapid eye movements. Can be pretty scary at times. How many career's did she have by the age 33 yrs old. Fitness instructor, pro poker player, lawyer. I can believe in two. She might be a pathological liar. All I do know this BB season was terrible. I hope next yr BB cast have a broad range of all different age/grps. Also BB needs to change up the game. Its becoming to easy when players
Know the game to well. One little change, will make a huge diff.

BB Fan said...

Can you please tell me why all of a sudden when I sign off on my comments its putting google account by the signature please? It didn't do that at first. Thank you for the help.

BB Fan said...

Can you please tell me why all of a sudden when I sign off on my comments its putting google account by the signature please? It didn't do that at first. Thank you for the help.

FiddleDeeDee said...

Jamie When I was reading your intro my phone cut off at because and before I continued, I thought you were going to say, because we don't care. That would have been priceless. Thanks again for bringing everyone the one bright spot for this season.

misty said...

So glad this is over, also super happy that Vanessa got what she deserved...EVICTED....Karma came it...Couldn't believe the poor sportsman like conduct she displayed she couldn't get out of that house fast enough....if looks could kill ....but congrats to Steve and Liz....glad it was them and not Vanessa who insisted that people play her game to get her to the final 2...NOT..Congrats to James also....

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