Yesterday's POV Comp was hosted by former BB houseugest and wrestler, Jesse. It was a knockout-style comp, to which Vanessa apparently pitted Austin VS the twins (from what I gathered, that's what it sounded like) and that Austin had the chance to throw the comp to Julia, which would have saved them this week..but instead, took the veto for himself. This set off a long night full of tears and anger from Liz/Julia to Austin. When Austin took the veto for himself, he essentially killed the twins' game and one of them will be evicted this Thursday. As if that wasn't bad enough, Austin was being a major douchebag by wearing the veto around his neck for hours post-comp yesterday, all while the twins were super pissed/hurt by him.
He even wore it while trying to get Liz to talk to him and not be mad at him anymore. lol This guy. The target this week was Austin, but since he won the veto, Steve's target is now Liz.
Moving on...
At 7:52pm BBT, Steve delivered dinner (prepared by Austin) to both twins, to which they declined.
Liz: "Tell him thanks, but no thanks."
Julia: "Yea, we don't wanna eat it right now. What is it?"
Steve: "It's a chicken, in the shape of a heart, and some vegetables."
Julia laughs.
Julia: "Thank you, Steve."
At 8:30pm BBT, Vanessa and Austin had a talk in the bathroom about doing a Final 3 with Julia.
Austin tells Vanessa that he'd throw the final HOH to her so that she'd be the one to cut Julia because he couldn't do it. Vanessa then mentions how Steve has to go soon. (Ironically, Steve talked to himself in the HOH room shortly before this and mentioned how he thinks Vanessa is up to something shady.) They then bask in their accomplishment of making it to Final 5 and how they can relax all week now and play chess.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! So, it looks like Julia will be going up on the block tomorrow after Austin pulls himself off the block. Who will go home? Well, that might flip-flop between now and Thursday but it looks like it'll be Liz at this point. Don't forget to watch tonight's BB17 episode at 8pm EST! Have a great Sunday Funday!! :D
Stay tuned...
So I've had this weird feeling Austin was playing Liz.
Perhaps wearing the Veto medallion while "comforting" the twins is the "make some good TV" portion of Austin's game since we know he has too chicken to do that when he was HOH.
pretty sure he is/was. he has made comments about how being in a showmance guarantees him TV time and how CBS will interview them in the future for updates. he's also said he wants CBS to hire him and have a job like Jeff does. the other day, he mentioned that he might mention something to the wrestling community about wanting a job or something while on live tv. he's an attention whore. plain and simple.
Austin is a tough to figure out guy. At times he is thoughtful, at others, his lack of self awareness is staggering.
Wearing that Veto for hours and in front of the twins AND loudly telling other HGs how proud he is was fascinating.
"It was Jessie and this is my reconnection with the wrestling world!! I knew this would be good TV and my friends would be cheering. I had to do this for future TNA fights!!
But Julia, I wanted to throw it to you! Believe me!" LOL
I just don't want Vanessa to make f3. I want her to get sooooo close and then get screwed royally. I don't want the twins, or Austin, to win because they just want to be famous from this. So that leaves JMac and Steve. Seems like a reasonable f2 to me, from a BB fan point of view. I would take Julia f3 and that's really all she expects to be anyway. I'm going to cheer for JMac. I've liked him as a personality from the beginning and hope he gets AFP. I know a lot of people switched to James, but I'm creeped out by his obsession with Meg. He really didn't give her a chance to play her own game and she was sweet and polite about it, but no thanks. Also him telling his story about getting trashed one night and having unprotected sex then not knowing he was a father until the day the baby was born....that's not really admirable behavior, so that's just my opinion of course! They kinda laughed it off, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want that for his little girl when she grows up. Now it's out there for her to see when she grows up...meh. Anyway, let's get this season done with and hope for better casting next year. I missed Pandora's Box, Diamond POV, Key Wheel...etc so I hope everything gets revamped!! We know we never get what we want though, so I won't hold my breath ;)
It took just one week to shut down the Austwin alliance for good. Liz is going to jury, Julia is all alone, and Austin will flock back to Vanessa like a lovesick puppy.
Jamie where do I go to vote for AFP? Is it a website or phone call?
I want to vote for James!
If he only had a clue!!
So, I read somewhere that CBS went to a Twins conference to recruit a set of twins for the show. If this is true, were the Twits really the best of the lot?!? I certainly hope not. This has to be embarrassing and degrading for all identical twins out there. I'm thinking maybe a set of male twins would have been better. After all, these two were found out before the front door was shut good.
They haven't started voting for that yet, not to my knowledge anyway. :)
I think Austins action shows that he is any Attention Whore as well as a Douche Bag but so is Liz in my opinion. Her actions show that she was using him too. She getting her just desserts again in my opinion. She made her bed and now she has to lay in it. As for Austin his future might be a little murky especially now with actions. I can see him as WWE villain or maybe he'll take Vanessa up on her offer to do be a poker player.
I hope that Liz, Austin and/or Vanessa are evicted soon. That Julia makes it to either F3 or 2. And that Johnny Mac or Steve win this.
Jamie, loved your comment about Austin being an attention whore. He is exactly that. That is all he thinks about!
Austin has stated several times that's he's just here to help his wrestling career. I hope JMac & Steve win it.
Vanessa has played a great game this summer. She may be manic and hard to handle at times but I think she deserves the win. She played her heart out. I don't think that girl ever stops gaming. I can see why people don't want her to win because some people just want their favorite or the most "likeable" to win but from a pure game standpoint, Van should win.
I also think Liz really started to care for Austin and this just really hurt her. When she was alone with Julia she said her heart hurt. No way she would lie about that with her sister.
Ugh! For Austin to "get a job like Jeff" that would require him to be LIKABLE! And well.... he's not! There will never be another Jeff and Jordan! There just won't! Although... James and Meg's friendship was super cute!
Remember a few years ago when (I think it was) Kristen had a boyfriend and they did a hometown thing where the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend talked about her? I find it kind of odd that Austin's girlfriend hasn't said or done anything. So maybe if he is playing Liz, his gf at home knows all about his plan and doesn't care?
This season has been sad and bad and I'm kinda sad to see it go. I love this show and I wish to have my addiction filled.
Do you know the finale timeline?
There seems to be too many houseguests for the remaining eviction nights.
James didn't let Meg play her own game? Meg had social game but she could not compete physically due to her arthritis and a bad knee. And I never saw James try to dominate Meg, they were a team, the last of the Goblins and the most likeable duo in the house. I don't judge James for having a daughter that was not planned but if I did the mother would share the blame, but who cares anyway, society no longer stones people for having a child out of wedlock. Bayleigh is cherished by both of her parents, that's all I need to know.
Vanessa deserves to win only if she makes Final 2; there is still some game to play. I hope Steve wakes up to her shenanigans & overtakes her, probably won't happen, but you never know. JMac has the weirdest game of anyone winding up in the final 6 in the history of BB; I don't think he could beat Steve or Vanessa though. Austin and Steve both have a good shot but only if Vanessa is taken out.
Austin's a creep. I wanted to like him, dammit, because he looks like a Dothraki (from Game of Thrones/ASOIAF), but he's really just a pathetic rat. Everything he's done, from what I've read and seen, is cruel, when you look at how Liz feels. He shouldn't win on principle alone.
(not that either twin needs a man to succeed or anything- but matters of the heart, regardless of gender or sexual-orientation, as a strategy for winning a game, is a terrible way to conduct oneself.)
My chips are now on Vanessa to win, in spite myself. I don't like the twins (personality-wise- I think they're very pretty), J-Mac isn't a very good game-player, and Steve is weak-willed and a coward. Vanessa has been playing the game, and really, if we had a whole season of Vanessas, we wouldn't be complaining about boredom.
Why can't these idiot's see an opportunity when they have one? Clearly, the 3 stooge's should play up the "mad as hell at each other" while Liz and Julia go on the block,convince Van they need to keep Liz and send Julia home so that Liz can take out her vengeance on Austin. Van already has a final with Austin (which he should know is the wrong way to go) and is gunning for Steve next. They need to blow up her game let her think Steve is going home, but kick her butt out. Who care's who wins at this point? This is the only thing that could save this season from being a total bust. UGH!!
Hello big brother is all about playing with minds and staying on top. Everyone can trash Vanessa but hello she is the one who deserves to win!! She has been running the house all summer. Sorry I don't like the players that float or don't play the game until the last 3 weeks! Lol Austin and the twins must go!!
I have been watching BB since the first Swanson and BB is all about playing minds games and working the house! Vanessa deserves to win she has been running the house all summer! Austin and the twins must go!! I would love to see Vanessa JMac and Steve in F3 but Vanessa and Steve in the F2 would be great!! I hate the house guests who do nothing all summer long and then during the last 4 weeks try and start playing... Go Vanessa!!!
I love how Liz talks junk about how Austin kisses but then expects him to throw the veto so her and her sister can be safe yuck
Vanessa is good, was good. But she's a millionaire already. She dont need the cash. Give it to someone that really needs it!!! Yay Steve!!!
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