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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sat: The Overnighter

Happy Saturday to y'all! So, this week we have Steve as the HOH and Austin/Liz for the nominations. Liz is scared that she'll get evicted this week, but Julia could be their saving grace if she wins the veto during today's POV Comp. If Julia wins, she can pull Liz off, and then Liz/Julia would be the only 2 votes needed this week to get out whoever they wanted (Austin or replacement nom). Liz has been crying and telling Austin that she doesn't wanna go to the jury house and be without him. Meanwhile, Austin told Liz that America is gonna stop watching BB17 if he is evicted from the house. (*If he only knew how wrong he is. lol)

In other news, Liz now feels bad for voting James out because he has a kid. This isn't the first time that Austin/Liz/Julia have expressed the thought that maybe they should have kept James. But this season was full of wrong moves and evicting James was one of them, as they're now finding out.

And for the first time that I've seen all season long, the HOH bathtub actually got used last night!

Liz has been ignoring Steve since the nominations, which is making Steve feel bad because he never meant to hurt her. Julia then talked to Steve and explained that because there's only 6 of them left, that it can be taken personally. She tells him she'll be okay.
They then start talking about past seasons of BB, when the Have Not food comps stopped, etc.

**And that's about it for The Overnighter! Vanessa is worried that Julia will win the veto today and that she'll have to go up as the replacement nom. This week is gonna be interesting, no matter how ya slice it. Either the two love birds will be split up come Thursday, or there will be a replacement nom and we'll get some much needed drama on the feeds. I'll be back as soon as the Veto Comp starts.

UPDATED: I forgot to add that Vanessa told Steve last night that Liz needs to go this week..or Julia (depending on veto). So it looks like Liz is this weeks target. What Vanessa wants, Vanessa gets. ;) lol

Stay tuned...
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Nana said...

It's gonna be fun to watch the expressions on the faces of disgusting, gross and clueless (aka the Austwits) on finale night when Julie reads the top three houseguests for winner of Americas favorite and they aren't it! Can we say priceless?!?

rigs said...

It also looks like Vanessa has a plan should Julia win veto ... Don't use it and Vanessa will guarantee she will vote with Julia to keep Liz. If she ends up pulling this off, she is a miracle worker. Otherwise, Liz will go if anyone else gets the POV. Vanessa really needs to keep the nominations the same.

Unknown said...

The only person left who I really wouldn't like to win is Julia. It's day 80 and she still doesn't have any idea what the game is about.

Will said...

Wait....what? It's "personal" at the top 6? How in God's name can she think it's personal at this point in the game??

Kelly Yount said...

I can't wait to see Austins face when he gets booed. I can't believe that he really thinks that America would cheer for a cheater. Talk about clueless.

KathyC said...

Kinda like Frankie's face last year - priceless!

R.Cazares said...

@Nana, you are exactly right! They all (even Austin) think they're so adorable and that we/America just luuuv them so much! Ha! p.s. "Austwits" is perfect, haha!

Unknown said...

Ok so I dislike the austwins but I want some drama to shake up the end of the season.
What I really want to happen is Liz win the veto, Julia go up as the renom. Then Vanessa and JMAC agree to split the vote and make Liz be the deciding vote. That would shake up the house so much. Watching Austin pleading to Liz for a vote over her sister.
I just realized if Vanessa or JMAC get the veto, they could offer a really good deal to liz and austin, to take one of them down. And they will be the two votes to evict Julia and that could provide them safety until the 4 because austin and liz would be targeting steve.

So basically im just praying someone other than vanessa starts playing the game. Or Vanessa does deserve to win

Unknown said...

It's just common sense that he would nominate them. Just win the veto and take yourself of the block. Ppl gotta plan for this and not let their emotions cloud their judgment.

Gross said...

Why would austin get boo'd?
I don't get the Austin hate. He's a great social player.

Unknown said...

It makes for such boring tv when one person pretty much runs the entire cast. Glad I'm not watching and only getting info through your blog!! :)

Dixie said...

It will be interesting if Johnny Mac wins POV. Hopefully neither Austwits (thanks Nana) or Steve wins. I'd like to see Vanessa have to consider getting "some blood" on her hands...(I'm so sick of that metaphor). Of course... She won't, but we'll still get to see her squirm a bit...

Unknown said...

It looks like Austin won Veto and the house is in all out chaos right now. Vanessa apparently said something to Julia and now Austin will campaign to Steve to put Vanessa up!!?? Finally some drama!!

Alea Marie said...

Welp, looks like Liz will be going home as Austin won the POV....Yeah, FINALLY YUH!

Unknown said...

Austin won POV

rigs said...

Let us hope Steve puts up Julia in Austin's place. It will take Vanessa, Steve and JMac to take out Austin.

So much for the Austwins, LOL. Liz never wants to talk to him again, LOL.

Gross said...

I'm happy Austin won.

Anonymous said...

@Matthew...You had the best idea ever! Liz win, take herself off, JMac/Van each vote foe Austin/Julia and make Liz break the tie. That would have been epic!

JChism said...

Liz broke up with Austin. Julia throwing his clothes. Childish mean girls.

Taz Caz said...

Austin won POV and Liz is all whoa-is-meeeuhhh because he's not using it on her.

lazybones12215 said...

Now would be a great time to make a move on Vanesa. You know Austin and Julia will save Liz so Vanesa would go out the door. I hate to think of her winning but she has been playing the best game. she just has the personality of a rattlesnake.

Holly Blake Harris said...

Proof how fake Liz and Julia are: "We have been nothing but nice to Steve so he wouldn't feel like the socially awkward nerd that he is."

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