Nominated for Eviction are:
This comes as no shock to..well..anybody, since we knew this was the plan and Steve even told Austin and Liz that they were gonna go up today. Still, that didn't stop Liz from having a full blown meltdown and did a lot of crying/hyperventilating post-Nom ceremony.
Austin tells Liz that hopefully Julia will win veto, but Liz said she can't really count on Julia on to win it. Even though Liz thinks she's the target this week, it's actually him that's the target. Tomorrow is the POV Comp and that will determine if Austin is still gonna go to jury this week or not.
Stay tuned...
Can someone explain to me why Austin is the target and not a twin? Is Steve planning a blindside? (Not technically a backdoor since everyone plays in the veto comp.) I'm not following this logic (no surprise there).
Somehow JMac will go home. Wish JMac would win it and pull Austin downaaaaaahhhh
I'm ok with either Liz or Austin going home. Did anyone notice in the poll to the right side that Vanessa's name is on there twice?
oops! Fixed the poll!! :)
I think it is hypocritical that Liz made fun of Meg and called her names for crying after she was put on the block with James...but turns into a ridiculous crybaby as soon as SHE is put on the block.
Florida trash.
I'm also wondering why Liz isn't the target. This is another in a long series of errors in judgement. For people who are supposedly so brilliant--Vanessa and Steve--they surely make some incredibly stupid mistakes.
So true. Egotistical and no empathy = narcissist. Hope neither twin gets any money.
I'm still shocked that Vanessa didn't tell Steve to nominate himself. I'm sure he would have.
Maybe they want Austin out because they respect his game more. Does seem like the may think he's playing the best game, especially after James's comments. On a side note, I like how Julie Chen said Steve chickened out by not voting out Julia.
I'm surprised Steve nominated these two. I wonder if production heard the comments on Twitter and made some "subtle" suggestions to Steve.
Would there be more "game play" in the house if they stretched the veto comp until later in the BB week?
I would guess it's because Steve went up along with Johnny Mac back when Austin was HOH......I remember Steve was begging Austin not to go up
Do they realize, julia could win POV take down Liz and have majority vote to kick out whoever goes next to Austin. Smh
Austin is the target, great! So, if Julia miraculously wins POV and takes Liz off the block, will Van be able to spin her magic and let the twins know that Austin was the target all along? Plus that he knew all along that they were trying to get a twin out and was okay with it. Then convince them that they should vote Austin out instead of the replacement nom? The replacement nom is slated to be Van. Julia is closer to Van than Austin so would be happy to see Austin gone so even if Liz didn't vote for Austin, that would give Julia & JMac to get Austin out. I don't know if Julia would vote without Liz' blessing.
Haha so true
Haha lol true
Well, damn, if Liz is the target, then Julia would really want to get her off. I don't understand not taking out Liz since she's what's holding Julia and Austin together. Anyone but Julia win POV, PLEASE!
I'm so sick of Austin thinking what he's doing is making a good story/TV. He thinks he has the star role in this cast of ???, believing he will get a commercial job with Irish Spring and/or a job with CBS like Jeff has. Get a clue buddy! First off, to have a job with Irish Spring, you probably should use the product if you want to endorse it.
Please get Austin out.. He makes me so sick. Liz must me really hard up for a man.. He is so disgusting. I don't see what he thinks he's got.. He is the worst player in the house.. Thanks again Jamie..
I love it! Poor kid would have done it or died trying!
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