BB8's Evel Dick posted this right after James lost the POV Comp:
BB13's Adam Poch:
And my fav tweet of the night, from BB9's Parker Delon:
I think it's fair to say that this season has been frustrating for most of us and every week, it just seems to get worse and worse. lol No twists, it's predictable, boring, and besides James/Vanessa, I haven't seen much gameplay this season from other houseguests. For the record, if Vanessa doesn't win this season, it will be tragic. She's the only one left in that house that is playing the game. Love her or hate her, at least she's playing.
Okay, so moving on...
The HG's had their HOH Comp and...
The Winner of the HOH Comp is:
Steve will be putting up Austin/Liz today at the Nomination Ceremony, with Austin as this weeks target. When I woke up and saw who won/will be nominated, I got giddy inside and remembered that this will be the point in the game where they all have to turn on each other and it *should* be glorious to watch. So, I'm still hanging in there with a little bit of hope that we'll see some fireworks. ;)
Although, I'm confused as to why Austin is the target this week when they really should be breaking up the twins and going after Liz this week. But maybe Austin will win veto and force them to get Liz out. Vanessa will protect Julia, so that's not happening. And same thing with Johnny Mac.Vanessa will protect him this week as well.
This week will be interesting for sure and I'm actually excited to see how it plays out.
In other news, Steve talked to us feedsters yesterday shortly after the feeds turned back on post-live show (7:35pm BBT) and said that Julia is an "idiot" to keep Johnny Mac and evict James, but that he'll benefit from her "mistake".
Steve: "HOH, wasted! You should've sent home John. But I will benefit from your mistake, so thank you."
As it stands, Vanessa is in the best spot in the house. She has Johnny Mac/Steve gunning for Austin/Twins, as she has Austin/Twins gunning for Steve/Johnny Mac. She's in the middle, not even on anyone's radar. How long can that last for? Well, we'll have to watch and find out. But she's set herself up in a really good spot as of now.
Okay, so that's pretty much it. Steve will be putting up Austin/Liz today. The twins are actually feeling a bit safe this week and think that Steve will nominate Johnny Mac/Austin. Austin tried to make a deal with Steve last night... saying that if he (A) doesn't go up on the block this week, then Steve will be safe next week. Steve mentions how he promised something similar to him in the game but still put up Steve/JM next to each other. (*lol) Austin said it was because he didn't "shake on it".
**And that's it for The Overnighter! I'll be back later on today after the Nomination Ceremony and post the spoilers. But since it's Vanessa's idea to have Austin/Liz on the block, I don't see the noms changing between now and then.
Stay tuned...
Wouldn't it be the best move to target Liz? If you get rid of Austin, the twins still have each other, if you get rid of Julia, Austin & Liz are still together, but if you get rid of Liz, Austin & Julia would be a much weaker duo and more likely to turn on one another.
I'm still really upset that James and Meg are gone. They had the best dynamic. Ugh, I so wanted James to win this season!
Yes this season sucks, yes it’s predictable, yes they are all really bad players….blah blah blah. But I have been saying this for the past several weeks, Vanessa is the best player in the house. Yes she may be the best player out of a bunch of bad players but she is still the best. She is now in a perfect scenario, with only 6 people left in the house, she is right in the middle of JMac/Steve vs Austin/twins. And even after this week, JMac/Steve need Vanessa and Austin/twins or twins (whatever pair is left) need Vanessa. She is pretty much guaranteed final 4. I know many of you have checked out; I’ve read quite a few “see ya next year” comments. But if you are still watching and following the show, hate Vanessa all you want but you have to be rooting for her to win. She is the only deserving house guest left!
And as always Jamie - THANK YOU for the blog. I know a ton of people relied on your blog last night because of pre-season footbal. You do a GREAT job keeping us all informed. Especially people like me that don;t get the feeds or watch BAD.
KB, yes Liz *should* be the target this week, but this season has been filled with wrong game moves. lol
GMAGS: thank you for the kind words!! :D
Sorry Steve: It's great that you won HOH and are finally targeting the Austwins, but you still made a terrible decision last night to evict Meg. Now it becomes a game of attrition, where they outnumber you and the odds are against you simply because you can't win every week. The numbers are not in your favor even assuming an Austwin leaves. Your only hope is if you and J-Mac can somehow juggle HOH between each other from here until the end, which seems highly unlikely.
As for Vanessa, the fact that she's still sitting there relies entirely, I think, on the fact that somehow, impossibly, the other HGs have never realized just how many of them have Final 2 alliances with her. Most seasons, when a HG makes as many Final 2s as she has, eventually the others compare notes and realize they're being played. Vanessa somehow has the ability to get people in Final 2s that they really feel solid on and never feel compelled to confess to anyone else.
I am so done with big brother, worst group of players ever.. I liked James and Meg, they are gone so am I.. Thank you Jamie you are the best..
I can't believe Steve has the audacity to question anyone else's nominations after his horrible moves. Stop talking to the feedsters and do more thinking!!!
I can not believe the twins kept J-Mac last night. They just gave Vanessa $500,000. Crazy! I know the twins are super annoying, but I do think that Liz has been playing the game. Lets be honest, she deserves the money just for making out with Austin, haha. I'm not giving up yet... these last three weeks should be the best yet :)
OK - those Twitter comments are hysterical !!
Austin says they didn't shake on it - really?
Also: even now Steve is still making dumb moves. His target should absolutely be Liz, not Austin. By taking out Liz you split up the twins, who form a tighter unit than Austin and Liz do. Austin and Julia aren't likely to get along if Liz isn't there. And Liz is a bigger comp threat.
totally agree, Andy. it should be a no-brainer. but then again..this
I was hoping JMac would win the HOH. Steve is weak, and I'm not sure he has the stomach to make a bold move. He will probably be throwing up everyday for the next week.
Steve will mess this up for himself, and wind up going home next week.
He has proven himself a terrible player who routinely votes against his own god-damned interests Every. Single. Time, and to expect him to do the right thing is silly.
Yep. Exactly.
I hope Steve recognizes that he could have had two of the Austwins out after this week instead of one, and still had Meg in the game who can't win comps. Say what you will about the twins—I think they're both spoiled a-holes—but they have killed it in some of these comps, especially ones related to visual skills. Even if Steve suspected Meg would not align with him, who cares? She's never won anything. The twins have, repeatedly, and they are rapidly running out of targets to evict other than him.
He knows all this too; he's just been a huge chicken up til now.
Another thing about last night: we collectively went insane. Literally! Hear me out:
"What is the definition of 'insanity?' It's repeating the same action over and over, and expecting a different result."
We're like an abused spouse. "Sure, the show hits me and calls me stupid, but man, can that show dance!"
The nominations do not matter as long as he puts up 2 of the 3 Austwins. At this point it is all about the Veto. If Austin and Liz are the nomination the worst scenario would be for Julia to win the veto, because she could pull of Liz and then her and Liz would have the votes to send home either Vanessa or JMac whoever is put up in Liz's place.
Awwww - thanks for coming back and thanks for the update, Jamie! You're just as die-hard as the rest of us! As much as I say I won't watch, I know I will - if nothing else, to root against people instead of 'for' them! Lol
I agreee a lot KB!!!
Jamie - THANK YOU for all your hard work. Maybe you can enjoy the beginning of September by only checking into the feeds once in a while.
I agree that V is in the best spot. I do not personally like her and never was a big fan, BUT she is playing the game and is the best at it this season. She wins comps, she changes/bullies others to change opinions/votes on everyone, and she has been pretty darn safe the entire time. If she doesn't win then this season was a complete waste of time as she is the only one left that deserves to win.
My thoughts exactly. I don't get the focus on Austin. If you get rid of Liz, the remaining Austwins alliance is unnatural and won't last. We've heard from Julia in the past that she doesn't really like Austin. The alliance would be untenable.
The Austwins and James did not know that Vanessa is with JMac, but they should have been very suspicious when Julia went up as the pawn; it was an obvious "tell" that poker player Vanessa wanted to keep the "wildcard" close to her chest.
If JMac gets into the final 3 it's all a fluke, he really had no strategy unless you call being a pawn a strategy. Some guy on Twitter calls him Pawny Whack (sorry JMac fans, but ya gotta admit that it's funny!).
I don't care who wins at this point, other than the fact that it is kind of sad that a millionaire might win. I know that it's not a charity, but damn!
Anyway, never saw so many F bombs in my life, the BB17 Twitter peeps are not happy.
I did send this to Big Brother:
BB - read the blogs. Read these posts. You have succeeded in producing the WORST season ever!! Quit finding skinny little dimwits and find some players with brains and some players with ba^^s. I miss the seasons of close eviction votes and verbal fights with the house guests. Bring in some passionate players that will create a SHOW instead of a snoozefest. I'll read who the winner is online because I can't bear to watch another night. Bad job BB!!
When D said she was done and not going to post I extremely disappointed. Glad to see you are back. Maybe CBS will pull something and let one of the evicted people return, always expect the unexpected....
I believe Evil Dick summed it up the best.
But..... If Julia wins veto, pulls Liz off the block... Who will be the replacement? Won't the trio be able to save each other since they have the numbers?
I still don't get it. You DON'T leave a trio in the house!!! I hope Julie tells these final 6 how freakin stupid America thinks they are.
Another thing.... Liz should FOR SURE be the target this week. She has TWO people who guarantee her to make it to Final 2.
I find BB17 entertaining even if it doesn't have all the DRAMA of some past seasons but all that DRAMA gets very annoying. There is still a lot of drama associated with BB17 right here on the blogs and on twitter, LOL. So if you are into drama, there is plenty of it. But you have to watch BB17 to find out what the drama is all about.
As I predicted, Steve is targeting Austin. Good move Steve. The twins have not been the competitors Austin and others have been BUT they were the only ones standing in the on air HOH comp last night and Julia won POV so they have proven to me that they can learn and that there is more going on with them than what we have seen up to this point.
I agree with other that Vanessa has played the best game so far but Steve is rapidly catching up. I am ok with either winning BB17. There is still a chance for the others to make like cream and rise to the top.
It doesn't really matter. If he puts both of the twins up, Austin is liable to do the same thing - win veto, take Liz off and then they vote out whoever sits next to Julia.
Steve is just so odd and socially inept. He's hard to watch sometimes.
Usually "no-brainier" but most of these players truly have no brain, thus a lousy worthless "target" once again. Way to go again Steve.
To make the finale more interesting, how about former season contestants like Evil Dick and others question the two left standing. Such as "Steve, please fill me in on some of your bigger game moves". Steve: "well In my first HOH, I strategically put up two players (that Vanessa told me to put up) that were no where close to controlling the house and got out Jackie. Then when I was the swing vote, I voted out Meg who has never won or been a threat in any competition and I managed to keep a power trio in the house (with Vanessa's permission of course). My BB resume speaks for itself"
Bill - good idea! ha ha - would probably be the best drama of the entire season
This is hilarious seeing Liz carrying on and being a crybaby when she could never see why anybody else acted bad. Wait until Julia hears also...what fun!
I agree, Jamie, Van should win. She has done so well playing everyone. I'm so proud of Steve for FINALLY making the move that should have been done long, long ago.
Big Brother host Julie Chen calls eviction 'ridiculous and dumb'; says Steve 'chickened out'
If only...
Where did you send this to them at? I called CBS to cancel my live feeds and they sent me to the help section on the website and that stated I had to write a letter to the producer
I never understand why "BB fans" say they are done with a season because a favorite player get voted out or the houseguest aren't making moves they like. I'm sorry people this is the game of BB. I as a fan believe it's unpredictable and surprising and that it's going to get better eventually. At some point these guys have to start playing so that there's a winner. I disagree Jamie that Vanessa will be the winner we still have JMac and even Steve in the game. But if she does become the winner I'll accept it and y'all next summer.
I'm not a personal Austin fan, but I think his social game has been really good. The only thing that bugs me is that Austin and Liz are more into each other than playing a game.
IMHO, Liz likes Austin more than he likes her. I'm pretty sure he will dump her soon after BB is over. Lol.
Anyone notice the facial expressions Liz was making when Julie announced DE? I know I'm being personal and catty, but she annoys me!!!! Haha. Also, Julia's speech last night made me barf a little. Ha.
I'll be shocked if Steve puts austin and Liz up. I won't be shocked if vanessa ultimately makes the nominations.
Sigh..... Good ol Big Brother. Love it, hate it...... Because we are addicted.
Love Ya Jamie.
Thanks for the great update and good to know that Adam is out of jail!!! Light sentence I guess
Jamie, about your "if you were Steve poll" you forgot self-evict lol
Yep, I'd have to go with target myself and self-evict! LMAO
So glad you are back Jamie! I was trying to follow twitter last night....still have a stomach ache from laughing! Is Jamie on twitter?
You mean Liz right? Julia has wine one comp this entire season
Does anyone else think that john Is just over it?
It was a different Adam that went to jail.
The Adam that won big brother, he might be out of jail by now though
The twins talk crap about everyone and are just mean. I hope someone calls them out on it and let's them.know how they look.
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