Veto Ceremony Spoiler:
John Used the Veto On Himself
Jeff is the Replacement Nom
No big shocker there. heh.
Also, there was a special comp in the backyard (not available to us feedsters to watch) this morning (sounds like it was a Gronk Party) where Meg won a cruise. So congrats to Meg! In other news, Johnny Mac told Jason that he's voting for Jeff to stay because Jeff's always had his back. The feeds just came back on at 1:11pm BBT, so now we're all caught up to speed on everything! :D I'll be back tonight for an Afternoon Post. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!
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Stay tuned...
Personally, I would rather Jeff stay, as an amazing race fan. I also think it is possible now that Johnny mac says he might keep him. I think Jeff can easily get Becky and Jackies vote. And if he can persuade Jason and Meg to keep him because hes a strong competitor and more desirable then James. He would have 5 votes, then the pivotal vote he would need to get would be from Audrey, which again I think he can get it because shes not afraid to vote against the house wishes. It could be an interesting eviction
I thought I liked Jeff on the amazing race too but this house shows a completely different side of him. Maybe that's the side Jackie saw and why they aren't dating.
ugh ugh ugh Shelli/Clay - I don't know why they so annoy me LOL
I'm also an amazing race fan as well but I didn't like Jeff then even less so now. The house needs to vote as they want not what the HOH wants. Go Johnny mac vitem how you want.
I'm also an amazing race fan as well but I didn't like Jeff then even less so now. The house needs to vote as they want not what the HOH wants. Go Johnny mac vote however you want.
I don't care for Jeff or James, but on a gaming note, I'd love to see John flip the house to keep Jeff just so the other side doesn't think it can coast to top six. I hate when the vote is unanimous.
I think its really interesting that Vanessa thought that she could lie to Johnny Mac about who she was putting up to get him to throw the BotB and then have him be ok with that...and that just because she put up someone as a backdoor that people would automatically vote that person out. I think last year, where no one ever voted against the house, set it up so people have forgotten its freaking possible or something! Its weird!
When will John realize that he is being played?
I forgot to thank you Jamie for all you do for us die hard BB fans. I read your blog every day, to see what I missed in the house. You are amazing, and I thank you for all you do...
Thank you so much for the love & kind words, Fred!! :D <3 Means a lot!
What boggles my mind is how the HOH always thinks that they are king or queen? Once the veto comp is done and there are two people nominated for eviction, the house can vote however they want without retribution by the current HOH. Why don't people backdoor the HOH who thinks he/she is the deciding factor? Just like the HOH does "or doesn't" backdoor or stick to the original plan of who they say they are going to put up as renom, like Vanessa did to John, etc.
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