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Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday: The Overnighter

Happy Monday, BB addicts!! :D Just got home from work and I'm looking through last nights happenings inside the BB17 house and one thing is super clear...Jeff is going up today as the replacement nom (after John takes himself off the block) and Jeff will be going home Thursday. No doubt about it.

Let's dive right on into the Overnighter!!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

11:36am BBT:

Jeff tells John that "they are legit trying to backdoor me". John, who thought he was going up as a pawn to get Audrey out, is a little shocked by this.

John: "No."
Jeff: "I swear to God."
John:  (pause) "F*ck!"
Jeff: "Yea, at first they were trying to backdoor James..they don't want Audrey out."
John: "This wasn't what I was told."

11:43am BBT:
Vanessa told Julia that she didn't want to get Audrey out because she (Vanessa) is a gay woman and didn't wanna gun for Audrey.

12:30pm BBT:
A new alliance! (*head desk*) The "Get Jeff Out Alliance" is made up of Vanessa/Austin/Steve/Liz & Julia/Shelli/Clay.

2:34pm BBT:
HOH Room
Jeff goes up to the HOH Room to talk to Vanessa. Jeff starts out apologizing for their fight yesterday. (I covered that in the Overnighter yesterday if you missed it.) They go back & forth for a long time, with Vanessa getting mad & telling him a few times that he can leave the HOH room. Jeff accussed Vanessa of "attacking" him (verbally) yesterday, Vanessa said she didn't attack him..she was attacked by him. Jeff then backtracks and says he's sorry. Wash, rinse, repeat for an hour. Jeff tries to patch things up but it doesn't go well for him.

6:57pm BBT:
HOH Room

John goes up to the HOH room. Vanessa asked him if he's gonna use the veto (*OMG, really?! lol) and of course Johnny Mac says yes he's gonna use the veto to save himself. Vanessa then starts to tell John why she's getting Jeff out instead of Audrey.

Sidenote: How adorable is Johnny Mac?! Seriously!
7:36pm BBT:

All houseguests go into the kitchen and dance to generic techno music.

9:30pm BBT:
Vanessa/Julia/Austin are worrying about Shelli/Clay knowing that Steve knows about the twins. (*I'm not really sure why it matters though. Don't all the HG's know about the twins yet? lol Ugh I hate this stupid twins twist.)

11:00pm BBT:
HG's play "Truth or Dare" (that America voted for).

12:00am BBT: this is still case you were wondering how the two love birds are doing.

12:50am BBT:
Vanessa tells Austin that she is for sure putting Jeff up & wants him out this week. Nothing could change her mind on that.

**And that's it for the Overnighter. Jeff tried for a 2nd time to talk to Vanessa to save himself from going up on the block today, but that didn't work either. Jeff is as good as gone this week. The Veto Ceremony was just held, so let me post the results in a new post for y'all! :D

Stay tuned...
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Andy Tatnall said...

Johnny Mac is great, but I wish he'd lose the Bobcat Goldthwait act when he's in the DR.

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure but I think Austin is my favorite at this point.

This Is My Journey said...

After last nights episode I have to agree. I actually don't really hate the sixth sense much. I don't watch the live feeds so I haven't seen how annoying clay and shelli are.

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