The votes just aren't there for Jeff to stay, not to say it's not's just not likely he'll get the needed votes (6 votes this week). While the house wanted Audrey up & out this week, Vanessa dodged putting her up and she said it's because as a gay woman, she didn't wanna crush Audrey's dreams. Jason on the other hand, has been vocal about how he has no problem pulling that trigger on Audrey the first shot he gets. lol (He'd put up Audrey/Steve if he won HOH.)
I get asked a lot about who my favorite/least favorite houseguests are, so I figured I'd answer those questions this morning. Every season, I tend to wait the first couple/few weeks until I really get to see them play before I make my picks. So if you are curious, here's my thoughts:
*Loooooove Jason! I legit wanna be besties with him.
*Austin is my pick to win this season. Smart, calm, strong, good social game..he's got this.
*Vanessa..I picked her per-premiere but now I'm not so sure. She's too emotion-driven. Not smart for this game. If she could take the emotion part out of her gameplay, she'd be deadly (in a good way).
*Audrey is a HG that I love to hate/hate to love.
*John & Steve are so adorable
*Who the f*ck is Becky & Jackie?!
*I like Liz more than Julia
*Shelli/Clay are dumber than a box of rocks.
*Jeff is a pig & I'm glad he's leaving Thursday.
*I miss Da'vonne :(
*I do not miss Jace, though.
So that's it, those are my thoughts as a BB fan. What are your thoughts? Who's your favorite/least favorites? Leave a comment in the comment section below, I'd love to hear your feedback! :D
Moving onward...
Okay, so yesterday afternoon (1:18pm BBT), John told Vanessa that he's voting for Jeff to stay because he's always had this back. (Jackie is also voting to keep Jeff.)
Vanessa warned him to watch out for Jeff. (Later on, Jeff/Jackie/Meg/Jason were talking and all agreed that Vanessa messed up her own game in the house by not putting up Audrey this week and makes no sense to gun after Jeff over Audrey.)
Speaking of Audrey, she's trying to take the opportunity to use Jeff as the scapegoat to all of the mess she's created since the game started. Kinda smart though...blame it all on the person that's leaving, wipe your slate clean. Too bad it won't work. Too much damage done.
Funny moment of the day yesterday:
Becky mentioned that she hasn't had a DR session since Da'vonne left last week. lol Later on, BB called her to the DR and Becky got excited that she's still somewhat relevant to the show. :P
In other news, Austin/Liz seem to like each other, though Liz has mentioned to Vanessa (2:43am BBT) that he needs to cut his hair and get rid of his beard..but loves his personality.
I can see Austin's protection over/crush on Liz being his downfall in this game. Him wanting to keep the twins (to "gain a number" in their alliance) is just bad game play, in my opinion.
Last night (1:25am BBT), Vanessa told Steve that maybe he should target a floater "like Meg". Steve disagreed that Meg is a "floater" and that she's in a strong alliance. Steve asks if he should target Audrey if he wins HOH.
She tells him not to worry about Audrey because she's an "active floater". Speaking of Vanessa, she wants to be the female "Chilltown" with Audrey. Audrey agrees and they now have a Final 2 deal. Vanessa mentioned bringing in Jason for a F3 deal with them, but Audrey said Jason would never do that. (*She's right.) They then think of maybe bringing in Meg or Liz. (Interesting to note that Audrey is still lying to Vanessa about being the wonky votes for both Jace & Da'vonne.)
**That's about about it for The Overnighter! The HG's finally got some booze last night at 11pm BBT (of course, it wasn't nearly enough as BB is always stingy with alcohol) and they played some drinking games.
Jeff knows he has to get 6 votes and that his game is pretty much over at this point. He even took responsibility last night for screwing up his game by making too many friends (and alliances) and talked to too many people, was too involved. He said if he stays, he'll do a Becky/John type of game where he shuts his mouth a lot more.
I'll be back in the afternoon with a new post, so check back for that. Have a great morning, guys & gals! :D
Stay tuned...
Interesting - I'm with you on your picks and thoughts about the favorites. I was on the fence about Jeff, but if you say he's a pig - then he needs to go. I like the Jason side of the house much more than the Shelli/Clay side.
Who are Becky and Jackie? LOL
I really like Jason's side much better than Barbie and Ken side too!! Jaaon, Meg, and James need to get Becky and Jackie on their side. They need the numbers. And hopefully John can be with them too. Next week I really hope either Audrey, Shelli, Clay, or Vanessa go home! I wonder how Austin will do without Vanessa around telling him what to do
I love Meg. That all.
I want that house so divided that you can cut the tension with a knife.
As for my favs they are:
The twins
Then those other ppl in the house with Jackie being last
I'm rooting for Austin. He looks like a Dothraki warrior with the intellect of a Pentoshi (if you're familiar with Game Of Thrones/ASOIAF).
Why can't anyone think for themselves?! I don't care for Jason, he's a little mean, calling Julia "fat Beth", I mean, if she's fat then I must be a whale :/ I like Austin a lot and John makes me laugh so hard, I hope he stays for a while, but I'd like to see Vanessa go so Austin can play his game!! I want to see the house flip and keep Jeff for the sake of some turmoil amongst the ranks! I think the "sixth sense" is crazy to keep Liz off the block for a "vote on their side" because that just makes the twins stronger. I would laugh if Julia did like Jeff and when the voting happened, she voted to keep what if the twins went rogue and they were divided when they were in the house?! Yesss that would be awesome, Liz on one side and Julia on the other.....muahahahahaha!!!
Johnny Mac is my favorite. Seemed to be totally incapable but wins when he must and is hysterical when he gets excited. Great social game so far and unlike Steve, who I want to like, is not uber-obvious about his game-play. I think he has everyone fooled and is flying under the radar which is crazy with how he pulls out the clutch POV wins. I'm team J-Mac all the way and hope he wins.
Austin is my second favorite and a final 3 pick. I disagree with the previous poster that thinks Vanessa is controlling him. I think the opposite is true. Very subtly and with some pretty good skill he has controlled this week. I agree about Vanessa being too emotional. And I just can't cheer for anyone who wants to go Final 2 with Audrey (my love to hate as well). Jury is still out on Liz/Julia for me but I'm okay with putting up with them to see how Austin handles it.
I like James and Jason as well. Jason is pure gold in the DR. He does seem like a fun guy to hang out with. James is great to me for the simple fact that he crushes preconceived notions just by existing and that is phenomenal.
Meg has annoyed me since day one.
I don't get all the hate thrown at Clay and Shelli. I mean they're not the greatest players of all time, but getting Davonne out was a really good move in my opinion. She was loud and overplayed from the beginning but had potential to straiten her game out and go far, and she was going to gun after them.
Becky getting hit by a train is a great story and I'd like her to come out of her shell a little more because I think she could be likable. I liked Jackie on AR but she hasn't done much in this game. Thought Jeff was a tool on AR and he proved it to me more the past 3 weeks in the BB house.
My thoughts on Jace? Well, Bye Felicia!
And my favorite BB'er of all time? Well that's Jamie! For reals! haha Your blog has been the best part of some seasons, like last year for example. Keep up the great work!
Aww! Thank you!! :D xo
At this time, I am rooting for Austin, John, or Steve to win. I wish I coukd root for a girl but none are a fav right now. Maybe when a few weeks pass and they have to step up their game, I may have a different opinion.
I do not mind Vanessa, Meg, twins, James, or Becky.
I dislike Audrey's game play and Jason's "humor".
I think Jeff leaving is smart for V/A so that the other side of house loses a #.
I do not think Clay, Jackie, Shelli will make it far but could be used to sway votes if they want to be real floaters.
I don't care for Jason. He'd be fun for an afternoon, but that's it! It's hard to say who I love. I was rooting for Audry off the bat and that quickly faded. Then, I liked Vsnessa but now I'm not so sure. I don't know?!?!! Still so early in the season. In a few months we'll all be like, "who was Jeff again?". Lots of game to be played... Just getting started...
Love love Jason but I dont think he will win. Meg, the twins or even Austin I would want to win! Jamie when you gonna try out for BB cus i totally think you would get on and win with all the knowledge you have. You are the best blogger!! And i know we have never met but I consider you a great friend :) Nicole
Hi Nicole!! :D thank you darling for the kind words, so sweet. I think of all yall as friends & family! Xoxo to you!!
I liked Day & love Jason but their game play was/is too honest. Ya gotta keep your mouth shut and cards close to your vest, surprisingly Austin is doing a pretty good job. He has some subtle moves that contrast with his out of the box appearance. I have never seen a full grown, professional man act as quirky as Johnny Mac, he reminds me a little bit of Michael Scott on The Office, but more likable. I can see why he is a fan favorite as he is an original, but I have a hard time picturing him hovering over me in a dentist chair. Think I would bolt lol. Audrey is a mess, but the season would be boring without her. I really don't care who wins, love Jason, but don't think he will make it to the end. I don't think I am as invested in this cast as I usually am (have watched every season since the beginning of BB) but that's okay. I still enjoy the show.
Team Johnny Mac all the way!
I'm rooting for Jason, James, Meg and Steve to make it to the end. Johnny Mac could go far if he learned who to trust in this game. I hope Shelli/Clay go home soon. I can see Audrey lasting in the game because people like to keep a good villan to the end. I would've loved Austin hadn't he showed that he supported and Aligned with other side of the house.
Cannot stand Liz / Julia love Jason and James Audrey definitely needs to go
Hey Jamie I'm glad to hear that you think Austin is a strong player too.
Everyone might be saying Jackie and Becky who?
But they are the ones I'm excited to see what happens. I hope Becky wins another HOH hopefully along side jason or meg and then we can have a huge power change, I want liz/julia gone! They are really lame.
I also believe that if Liz didnt have the twin twist, all us viewers would be saying who the hell is liz?
Haha totally agree!
Johnny Mac is the man!
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