Okay, so moving on..
Last night was also pretty chill inside the BB17 house. It seems like they play the game Thurs-Saturday, then they take a break until live show day on Thursday again. In fact, the newest BB17 Saga video that Wil made, pokes fun at "Boring Brother". lol I actually have really high hopes for this season, I just think this is the calm before the storm. Oh, speaking of the BB17 Saga video, here it is:
(Also, here's Episode 1 & Episode 2 in case you haven't seen them yet.)
Let me go gather up the Overnighter & I'll start posting it below! :D
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!
6:14pm BBT:
Backyard Lounger
Steve tells Clay that things in the BB17 house are missing. He asks if he's noticed.
Steve: "Have you noticed anything disappearing? ..all around the house?"
Clay: "I noticed the balls..the beach balls.."
Steve: "Yep..and one of the airplanes on top of the dresser."
Clay: "Oh they did?!"
Steve: "Mhm. There used to be 3 airplanes. There's 2 now."
Steve: "I think we need to spend some time (finding other missing things)."
6:30pm BBT:
Uh oh..Jeff is flirting with Austin's girl, Liz! Well..to be clear, Austin really likes Liz, but she has no interest in him. (Nor does her twin, Julia.) This sets off a motion of events throughout the night, in which I'll cover in the Overnighter.
Jeff: "You're so cute.."
Liz: "Stooopppahhh!" (*you have to read that in Liz's voice for it to make sense lol)
Jeff said he thinks she has a twin. She denies it and asks if that's why everyone has been "acting weird" around her.
Liz: "It all makes sense now. Who told you that?"
Jeff said he knows it's true. Liz denies and says it sounds like a rumor that America's Player would make up. She presses him for reasons why he would think that and then tells him that she doesn't have a twin sister.
6:43pm BBT:
Austin walks in and catches Jeff/Liz in mid-flirting.
Austin: "What's goin' on in here?"
Liz: "We're just talking."
Austin walks back out. Liz/Jeff continue to talk/flirt.
6:47pm BBT:
Austin: "(Jeff's) making (Liz) all uncomfortable. I'm so..livid. I gotta hold it in. I'm gonna talk to James right now."
Audrey: "Good thinkin'."
6:48pm BBT:
Austin tells James that Jeff said he's gonna tell him at the end of the week about a "secret alliance" that's gonna vote to keep him (Jeff) this week and how Austin will be "the swing vote" this week, but he's voting for James to stay.
Austin: "I plan on voting for you. If you win HOH next week, safe? No front door, no back door?"
James agrees.
James: "I swear, dude."
Austin: "You have my vote."
Austin tells James about Jeff/Liz cuddling it up in the bedroom and how Jeff's been campaigning.
Austin: "I hope (Liz) sees what (Jeff's doing)..it's like.."
Austin said that Jeff keeps saying that if he (Austin) doesn't keep him (Jeff), then he's probably gonna go next, like a threat in order for Austin to save him this week. Austin, who is fuming from Jeff/Liz getting flirty, tells James to make sure he can the votes to stay..ensuring Jeff's eviction on Thursday.
7:05pm BBT:
Per Austin's advice to get "a Meg or a Jason" for another vote to ensure he stays this week, James talks to Jason on the backyard couch. He tells Jason about how Austin said Jeff told him he's in a "secret alliance" that will keep him this week and that Austin is the "swing vote". They go through the HG's that it could possibly be voting for Jeff to stay...
Jason: "It's gonna come down to Shelli & Clay. You need to talk to them."
Jason tell James he has his vote & he told Meg to vote to keep James as well.
Jason: "Jeff's good. He's a salesman. He could sell water to the ocean."
Speaking of..right before this convo (at 7:02pm BBT), Jeff/Liz are talking about Austin in the lounge room. They say that Austin is "over protective" of Liz.
Liz: "It sucks..it's so annoying because I don't feel the same way about (Austin)."
7:09pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Austin is twisting the convo he just had with James, saying that it was James who said how hard Jeff's campaigning. Austin is obviously irritated at Jeff for flirting with Liz, to the point where he hinted that if they weren't playing BB, he wouldn't be as calm as he is right now. Clay tells him to calm down and take his emotion out of it.
A minute later, Clay leaves.
Liz enters.
Austin tells her that "everyone is flipping out" because of Liz/Jeff in bed together. (It's just him flipping out, though.)
Austin: "Why'd you let him? You should've gotten outta bed! Why were you guys under the covers together."
Liz: "Because he was talking to me and there were 2 other people sleeping in the room."
Austin: "What was he sayin."
Liz says Jeff brought up the whole twin thing and that she denied it.
Austin: "Good! Good...he's so f*ckin' manipulative. Oh my f*cking God. I'm gonna kill him. Outside this house, obviously." (*Well that escalated quickly. lol)
This convo goes on, but it's mostly Austin being jealous/furious, as Liz is just talking about her convo with Jeff.
8:38pm BBT:
Jeff is doing damage control, telling Austin that Liz asked him why he's so "hot and cold" with her and that's why they talked. Jeff goes on to say that he's still "Team Austin" and wants to leave the house knowing he didn't screw over his friends.
9:02pm BBT:
Becky wont tell Austin who shes voting for this week. (She's voting to keep James, as she told him so at 12:40am BBT.)
10:34pm BBT:
The girls are putting on a BB Musical. It's a funny (and a little awkward) flashback if you need a smile this morning with your coffee.
1:15am BBT:
Jeff/Jackie talk. Jeff warns Jackie that Vanessa/Liz/Austin/Liz's twin are all working together. He goes on to say that she can trust Jason/Meg/James/John/Becky over Clay/Shelli.
**And that's it for The Overnighter! I suspect Jeff to up his campaigning game today, as tomorrow is the live eviction. At this point, it doesn't seem like Jeff has a shot at staying no matter what he tries, but as we all know..anything is possible in BB. I'm expecting the HG's to sleep in late again today (I think they slept past noon yesterday, which is 3pm EST). As always, I'll be over on Twitter doing tweets throughout the day as I watch the feeds and give updates in between blog posts. See y'all later! :D
Stay tuned...
They might be boring but at least they aren't totally united as "the house".
Steve is a fool for sharing info with blockhead Clay.
Quick question... Doesn't Austin have a girlfriend?
i think he did..probably not now tho haha
I'm getting tired of Austin. He's going to make himself the next target with his paranoia and half truths.
Why do I love Austin more now?
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