After the show, make sure you have your live feeds ready to go ($5.99/month, 1st week is free!!) for all the game talking, scheming and everything that we love that makes BB our favorite show. Good stuff!
Ok, I will see y'all back here at 9pm EST! I'll be posting live spoilers as the show airs for those that can't be around a TV tonight.
9:00pm EST:
Show begins...
The Votes:
*Jackie votes to evict...James
*Austin votes to evict...Jeff
*Johnny Mac votes to evict..James
*Meg votes to evict...Jeff (commercial)
*Clay votes to evict...Jeff
*Shelli votes to evict...Jeff
*Steve votes to evict...James
*Liz votes to evict...James
*Jason votes to evict...Jeff
*Becky votes to evict...Jeff
*Audrey votes to evict...Jeff
Evicted from the BB House is:
Jeff knows about the twins now. He wasn't shocked (he already knew).
9:43pm EST:
HOH Comp is up next!
9:47pm EST:
HOH Comp is a question comp.
2 New HOH's are:
It's "90's week" all week in the BB house. No clue what that heck that means, but I'm sure we'll find out! lol ;)
Time to turn on the live feeds!!!
Stay tuned...
Okay I am becoming less of an Austin fan saying that , I'm thinking once Jeff is gone I might become a Jackie fan.
Wasn't there a rumor last year about BB production trying to control the applause when the evicted houseguest walks out?? I certainly hope they aren't doing that. Can't wait to see Vanessa get evicted and hopefully booed!
Austin is just creepy. I liked him until he became so possessive about the twins. I'm having Beastmode Cowboy flashbacks!
Ugh, this stinks shelli agian
I love all the cute hook ups its like match maker big brother
*face palm* not Shlay (you know she won't make a decision without him)
Ugh nooo! Shelli again boo.
Did Julie blow up Clay being a football player? I can't remember if he wanted it to be a secret.
Did Clay already out himself about Texas A & M Football to everyone before this live show??! Or did he just get himself in trouble?
Why did Liz and Steve vote out James instead of Jeff
Why did Liz and Steve vote out James instead of Jeff was that planned
UGH! Liz's voice drives me NUTS! And Shelli again? Puhhhhleeeeease!
I, too, thought Clay kept the football playing a secret. Didn't Julie mention it first?! It was quite astounding how dim Jeff was, I mean, James gave him great ammo when James said it was all good if he got evicted because he was ready to go back to the girls back home! Seriously? If you don't really want to fight to stay, then send the guy home, why should he have a chance at the money?! And when Austin confronted Jeff in the bathroom...Austin basically repeated verbatim what Clay said that Jeff said...why didn't Jeff turn to Clay and say wth?! It was so obvious that Clay ran to Austin. Jeff really just isn't that bright...he deserved to go. I'm so bummed about the HOH's too...I can't take Shelli again!! Maybe...just maybe...Liz will do something exciting, I mean she did go against the house and vote for Jeff to stay.
Agreed! And now we'll have to listen to her alllll week againnnnnnnn.
I didn't think clay was planning on telling the house about his football days. Meg looked surprised when he answered. I was really hoping Jason and Johnny Mack would've won HOH. Since they didn't we can expect them both up on the block probably with some combination of becky, Jackie and Steve. I really hope they unleash coup de tat this week. The house definitely need a a serious shake up.
Where are the endurance comps? The comps they've chosen have been boring. I wanna see these houseguests fight for an HOH spot.
OK, watch as they try to convince Johnny Mac to pawn-up himself again.
Then he'll do it.
Throw a comp.
Win POV.
HOH tries to convince him not to use it.
He uses it anyway.
I like John a lot! I hope this isn't a regular cycle!
ugh ugh and ugh - shelli again - she and Liz work together so this will be a bore. the side of the house I like is getting picked off.
that was a boring and strange challenge - this probably has something to do with some show the network has coming up. I agree with someone else - let's get some competitive challenges going!
yep, did Julie out Clay on the football? those of you on the live feeds = has Clay talked about it? His face looked pretty surprised LOL.
John is growing on me, although I still don't want him as my dentist LOL
I thought I would like Steve but he seems a little odd.
HAHA yes Clay was trying to keep football a secret, I hope Julie did that on purpose to put a target on his back haha, put Julie Chen in the house!
I'm so annoyed that Shelli and Liz won, when it got to that final question, i was rooting so hard for Becky, Johnny Mac, Jackie, and even Audrey. I would have prefered if it was a combination of those 4, it would have been epic to have Audrey dethrowned and backdoored.
We know that wont happen this week because liz and shelli are zeta sisters.
Steve is the sort of person who brings out the bully in even the meekest person. You just want to shake him for his lunch money.
Agreed, that was a double eviction kind of comp
I agree I like John ok but I definitely would not want him to be my dentist.
John is growing on me as well. Although he seems like a cartoon character come to life especially with that voice. I can't wait for him to win and HOH and return the "pawn" favor. Also, is it just me or does there seem to be an abundance of annoying accents/voices this season?
Jamie, please ignore my "k" post and don't publish this one either. I got a new phone and was testing whether or not I signed into my Google account correctly. Thank you for all of your hard work and effort you put in to keeping us updated. You are truly appreciated!
I don't have the feeds but I saw on Twitter today a tweet from Jace regarding Clay, Jace said they all knew after the second night and that Clay talks about it all the time.
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