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Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday to y'all!! :D Last night, we saw Jeff get evicted from the BB house and Liz/Shelli are the Dual HOH's. Who's the targets this week? Well..there was a lot of talking last night but nothing solid as far as who the main target is. Jason's name was thrown out a lot, but so was Jackie's and James'. Today is the Nomination Ceremony and the Battle of the Block comp, which will make everything crystal clear by tonight.

Vanessa has been super obsessed with the votes from last nights eviction. She wants to know who "betrayed" her. In other news, Liz/Shelli got their HOH rooms last night. Liz got a letter from her mom, while Shelli got a letter from her dog. (*Omg, I would totally want one from my dog, Miss Bella, if I ever got on BB! haha) Oh, and Austin/Clay/Shelli (and I believe Vanessa, too?) still think that Audrey is America's Player. Umm yea, noooo.

Okay, so I had errands to run this morning and I have to go to work in 30 mins, so here are the cliffnotes version of the Overnighter from last night's live feed happenings!

10:40pm BBT:
Liz & Shelli don't know what to do this week.

10:50pm BBT:

Austin tells Shelli/Liz how Jason said he'd gun after floaters & those that went after Da'vonne. Liz said she's afraid to put up Jason/Becky because they'll win BOB. Austin thinks they should have multiple targets so that's there's "no stress" in who goes home.

11:10pm BBT:
Clay suggests putting up Jason/Becky on opposite sides.
Shelli wonders if they protect Audrey again this week, if that will out their alliance.

11:16pm BBT:
Liz wants to put up Jackie with possibly Jason.

11:46pm BBT:
Six Sense have a meeting. They think Becky is in the best spot in the house with all her deals/alliances and that she's just hanging back while others take each other out. Vanessa adds that she thinks Becky was trying to rally votes for Jeff to stay. Shelli says she feels that she can't trust Becky.

2:21am BBT:
Liz wants to put up a pawn and a target. Told Audrey she's safe this week. She wants to either go after Jason or James, with Jackie as a backup plan. Vanessa tells Liz that it's best if Shelli stays HOH this week instead of her (Liz).

3:10am BBT:
Liz/Johnny Mac made a deal to keep each other safe for 2 weeks.

5:16am BBT:
Liz/Austin cuddle in bed.

**So that's it for The Overnighter recap! Like I said, today is the Nomination Ceremony and BOB Comp, which will make all this jumbled mess a lot more clearer by tonight. I fully expect to see Jason get nominated for sure, I just hope he's not the target. I hate when my favorite HG (on any season) goes out early. Hoping that doesn't happen again this season!

I'll be back with the Nominations Ceremony spoiler post later on, so check back in the afternoon for that. See y'all then!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

Vanessa tells Liz it's best if Shelli stays HOH this week instead of her?! Oh hell nooooo!! Liz PLEASE grow a pair and stay HOH. You and Johnny Mac can make something BIG happen! Switch sides girl, don't let Austin and Vanessa run your HOH opportunity! Put up the right people and the house will do the rest ;)

Unknown said...

NO, why are they going after Jason, Becky and Jackie, they are all my favorites right now. Please go after Steve, hes sooooooooo annoying. I dont find him interesting at all.

I would love to see Liz backdoor Austin, that would be pure comedy! And it honestly would be better for her game. With him gone, vanessa, Shelli and Clay would be bigger target than if Austin stays and they are considered a duo.

DeniseG said...

I don't have much hope that this week will be much different than last week considering who the HOHs are.
I like Steve and Johnny Mac, and I also like Jackie, but I'm not sure why!

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