Okay, so the short version is...
John won Veto, he's gonna take himself off the block (obviously), Vanessa needs a renom, she wants Jeff as the renom, the house wants Audrey as the renom, this leaves Vanessa in a bit of a pickle because now she has to figure out a way to get the house to be okay with Jeff going up & out this week. Then there were fights early this morning. It was Austin confronting Jeff, then Vanessa confronting Jeff, all while Audrey was elated that the target was off her this week and onto Jeff. It was utter chaos!
Okay, let me go get started on my 2nd cup o' joe and I'll start posting the details of the Overnighter below.
**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!
6:45pm BBT:
HOH Room
Audrey denied giving Da'vonne a vote to stay last week. Vanessa says she needs to come up with a plan to get Jeff up as the renom.
Vanessa: "I need two things...(A) I need a very big reason that outweighs the hero factor of putting Audrey up, and put Jeff up. And (B) I need a reason not to backdoor Audrey."
Vanessa says she kinda already has reasons to tell the other HG's of why she's not putting up Audrey..which is that the lies about Audrey are coming from sources she doesn't trust, and Audrey isn't gunning for her (Vanessa) so why put her up. Audrey adds that she (Aud) doesn't have anybody to work with. Vanessa then starts to brainstorm about how to get a big reason to put Jeff up. (At 4:30am BBT this morning, she does just that, so I'll move on to the rest of the night for now.)
By 7:11pm BBT, Vanessa tells Shelli she thinks Clay is a twin.
Shelli said she can see that being a possibility because he's called to the DR a lot, he doesn't seem to take his meds as often as he should, different hair styles, etc.
8:34pm BBT:
Living Room
All HG's
The feeds went to fishies for a little bit as Vanessa read the "Gronk Party Rules" for the week. When the feeds came back on, Vanessa re-read the BB card and said it will be a "Party Foul" for any houseguest that doesn't participate in any of Gronk's parties this week..which can be at any moment. (There were a few of them throughout the night and early morning, which I'll cover of course.)
8:55pm BBT:
All HG's
It's time for a Gronk Party! All HG's are ordered to the shower and dance with the water running.
11:42pm BBT:
Time for another Gronk Party! This time, it's a Toga Party.
BB played music for them to dance to.
All HG's: "Gronk! Gronk! Gronk!"
2:45am BBT:
BB/Gronk: "Let's get a limbo party goin' in the backyard!"
They used a pool stick as a limbo stick.
4:25am BBT:
Austin is telling James that he's hearing from multiple people that Jeff's going around saying "don't trust Austin, don't trust Austin"..and now he doesn't know who to trust. He tells James he wants to save him (James) this week and that they made a deal early on in the game.
Austin: "I told Vanessa to talk to (Jeff) and wants to bring us in over there..and now its like what the f*ck?..I dunno blow it up and confront him but it's pissin' me off."
Austin said that if Jeff goes up on the block VS James, Jeff would go home.
James told Austin that he (James) is good with them (Vanessa/Austin) and would not target them.
Austin: "Make no mistake about it, my target this week was Audrey. This is all news to me. I thought I could trust Jeff, but.."
Austin wonders if Jeff is playing an Audrey-type game..where he's telling different people different things.
James: "Just watch your back with (Jeff)."
James said he didn't wanna say anything more than that, prefers to be vague in just warning Austin to be careful with Jeff.
Their convo ends. Austin goes & talks to Vanessa in the Lounge Room real quick.
Austin: "James just confirmed it." (re: Jeff talking smack to others about Austin.)
Vanessa tells Austin to go talk to Jeff. Austin does.
4:31am BBT:
Clay is asking Jeff if he said he wanted to split up Clay/Shelli. (He did.) Jeff denies it and says it was Jason who said that.
Austin: "Dude, are you throwing me under the bus?"
Jeff: "What do you mean throwing you under the bus?"
Austin: "Outing me the past couple weeks.."
Jeff: "No dude, I've been workin' with you the past couple weeks!"
Austin: "I just talked to James to watch my fuc*kin' back (with you)."
Jeff: "With me??"
Austin goes on to say that others have been telling him that Jeff doesn't have his best interest at heart.Jeff is saying that James is lying because he's on the block. Jeff is denying that he's ever said that Austin "has to go". Jeff keeps deflecting everything back on James. Jeff said James thinks Austin is still running (Vanessa's) HOH. Austin said he approached James, not the other way around.
Jeff: "That's complete bullsh*t, dude."
Austin outs that Jeff has said that Shelli can't be trusted.
Shelli: "Jeff, what the hell!"
Jeff actually owns up to that one.
Austin: "You told me that we can't trust Clay until f*ckin' Shelli is outta the picture." (*ooo!!)
Jeff: "That's complete bullsh*t. What are you trying to pull??"
Austin: "James is saying one thing, you're saying another thing..you're lying right now. We're all here. Who's with who?"
Jeff: "Let's step back..because none of this is making sense. This is insane! Insanity!"
They go back & forth. This is a MUST WATCH on the live feeds!! No way I can transcribe all this.
At 4:36am BBT, Austin grabs Vanessa from the lounge room & tells her to come talk to them in the bathroom. She does.
James is there as well.
Vanessa: "You never said that Austin's a target for you?"
**Sidenote: This is what Vanessa needed to do in order to get the house to be okay with her putting Jeff up this week instead of Audrey. And it worked.
Jeff: "Do I think Austin is a target for me? No! But.."
Vanessa: "I asked you a specific question..Have you ever said, in the past 2 weeks..that Austin's a target for me."
Jeff denies it.
Vanessa: "Have you said that you can't work with Shelli & Clay as a couple?..You said that to me yesterday in the HOH room."
Vanessa starts talking at her usual 100mph pace and I can't keep up. lol
Vanessa: "Wait..what did you just say??"
Vanessa is getting really pissed at this point.
Vanessa: "When I asked you to join MY alliance? Bro, I'm HOH, are you trippin'?!"
Vanessa: "Oh my God, you must be like, silly. You said MY alliance. Buddy, you told ME you wanted to pull ME into a meeting, don't you DARE imply that it was my idea."
They go back & forth...Meg/Jason/James/Johnny Mack are listening from the kitchen.
Vanessa walks away pissed, calling Jeff a liar (loud enough for everyone to hear).
As Vanessa walks back upstairs, she yells down to James/Jason/Meg/John in the kitchen and says she doesn't talk alliances with people & that's not her game style, that Jeff is lying, etc.
4:40am BBT:
HOH Room
Vanessa fills Audrey in and tells him that she "literally almost punched him" (Jeff). They both start laughing.
Vanessa said Jeff just "sealed his fate" with all those lies.
Vanessa: "He's a liar!"
Audrey: "Jason's colors are gonna show next!" (*Leave my Jason outta this, Aud! #Besties)
5:00am BBT:
Vanessa tells Jackie (yes, she's still in the house) that Jeff's going up, and that Audrey was her original plan.
5:31am BBT:
James asked Meg what's gonna happen with Jeff/Clay/Shelli now (post-confrontation), Meg says it doesn't matter at this point because Jeff is going home. James said if he wins HOH, he's putting Audrey on the block from the get-go. No backdoor plan. Meg told James that Audrey had already confessed to voting for Da'vonne to stay to Jason.
7:25am BBT:
Time for a Hot Tub Party! (Part of Gronk's party week in the BB house.) Everyone showed up.
Jason: "This is the worst party ever." (*lol)
**And that's finally it for The Overnighter!! Phewww that was a long one!! Today is Sunday Funday, which is also my 1 day (err..afternoon..) off a week. Tonight at 8pm EST, we'll get a new BB17 episode so make sure to tune in for that.
If you're dying to know what's going on today on the live feeds, you can watch it for FREE! You get 1 free week and then $5.99/month after that. Super cheap!! You get 24/7 access to the feeds, every episode of EVERY Big Brother season, plus over 6,500 episodes of other CBS shows. It's a streaming service, kinda like Netflix. But cheaper. ;) hehe
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Stay tuned...
After all of that I'm rooting for Vanessa to win!
@DeniseG: I'm right there with you (I am cheering for Vanessa and John.) She found herself in a hole, but then she found herself an out and took advantage of it. I'm glad she didn't waste her HOH on Audrey after all.
are you doing the chat room viewing thing this year???
Bring Dav Back!!!
This season is starting to be too predictable. No one wants to make a big move. There are really no strong people in this house, just people who can't keep anything to them selves. A very confusing season...
This being the longest season yet I'm hoping they bring her back too.
Those are my two favorites at this point.
So I guess my comment didn't post so I'm gonna have to remember what I wrote lol but so far this year has been pretty good it's been crazy and dramatic and my favorite so far has to be Vanessa. But I'm wondering if anyone is gonna stumble upon the fact she is lying about her job she its hard to guess if someone is a poker player I don't think that would be my first guess lol but she sometimes gives it away Shes always using the word strategic/strategy and talking about numbers and is great at math. All things you need to be good at poker but I don't think anyone will catch on we all know Austin won't catch on(zing) but I'm rooting for Vanessa and that side of the house. Love this blog Jamie!!
I love John ...he's just too cute!!!!! :-)
I think not sending Audrey home and gunning after a bigger threat to her game is a big move. I'm loving the "sixth sense alliance"! But I also love meg and Jason. The house guests this year are SO much better than last year's!
Big Brother needs to return to it's original formula. Let people play the game. Have a single twist once in a while like the original America's player, Pandora's Box, etc. The one this week BB takeover was lame. There was always one week where there were no have nots but a new twist?
My husband started me watching BB back in 2005. I've loved every season except for 15. I liked Derrick's style from last year.
I think my guy summed it up last night when we tried watching BBAD.
He said, "there's no one that I care to see make it to the end in this house!". There's no Evil Dick, Dan, Janelle, Britney, or Ian that you cheered for each week.
We watch the live show and keep up with the show with this blog. It's my favorite BB news blog. I've used it for over 5 years and counting.
Great job Jaime. We appreciate all of your hard work ever summer.
Hi Jamie, thanks for the blog, great work. You should go on the show, you'd be great!!! But in your last blog you said "him" for Audry, ooooopppsiee, but we are only humantake care. TY!!!! Gina
I agree with Patricia, they need to go back to the original formula.It's what made them successful to begin with. I don't like two HOH's, they always become buddies and pick their noms together etc....SO BORING! This is a decent cast, but there isn't anyone I like. I didn't like how Derrick ran the whole game last year, that too, was BORING! Audrey is going to slide right through to the end because she's the "biggest target", sounds like she has her own strategy!
I wish it go back to the first seasons that America picks who is on the block. That would change things. Two HOH thing is boring
I would love to have America choose one and allow the hoh to choose the other. This way the floaters would need a life raft and the alliances on edge.
I would love to have one HOH and have America choose one nomination and the other be the HOH's. This way floating would not be allowed and pawns not so readily available.
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