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Friday, July 17, 2015

Nominations Ceremony (Spoilers)

Good afternoon, BB addicts!! The BB17 houseguests had their Nominations Ceremony this afternoon, and well..I'm not shocked. Let's get to who's nominated:

Nominated for Eviction:
James & Jackie (via Liz)
Jason & John (via Shelli)

After the feeds came back on, Shelli was seen telling John she "doesn't expect him to throw" the BOB Comp this afternoon and to go out and compete. Shelli then assured him that he has the votes to stay in case they lose and remain on the block.

Jason is fired up for the BOB Comp because he was told by Shelli that Audrey has been dragging his name through the mud. (He was told Jeff/Audrey were both doing that.) Meanwhile, Liz/Austin talked about possible backdoor options: Audrey/Steve/Becky were all mentioned as possibilities.

Around 11:45am BBT, Shelli/Audrey talked. Shelli told her how she told Jason that Jeff/Audrey said Jason was going after Shelli. Audrey then started to backtrack a bit, which made Shelli upset because she "stuck up" for Audrey and now she's giving her a reason not to trust her. They went back and forth, Audrey cried, Shelli then apologized and said she should have never said Audrey's name to Jason..only Jeff's. Shelli also mentioned that she wouldn't mind being dethroned this week and that Liz nominated James instead of Becky so that Becky could be a backdoor option for her.

So that's the latest on the happenings inside the BB house! The BOB Comp will be today and then we'll find out who will be the sole HOH this week and which 2 HG's will remain on the block for now. Check back later for that update! :D

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Unknown said...

Does Julia cuddle with Austin when she is in the house in place of Liz?

I don't know why, but I think Austin vibes creepy towards the twins. I don't have the live either of them actually have feelings for him?

Unknown said...

I'm getting tired of them trying to backdoor everyone! Just put them on the block to begin with and let them fight for it! Geesh!

DeniseG said...

I thought John was "guaranteed" he wouldn't go on the block if he threw BOB; shouldn't he start getting ticked?

Dafney77 said...

Oh no! Not Johnny Mack again!! I love him he can't go!!

Unknown said...

Agreed!!!! It's getting old. The producers need to come up with a way to prevent this next season.

Mr, Sinister said...

Funny you should mention this, I just finished watching UK's current season of BB (via you tube). The players nominate, but the public get to vote on who gets booted. Also the BB house totally messed with the players.

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