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Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning, BB addicts!! Hope your weekend was awesome! Okay, so apparently yesterday was the worst day for me to take off because soooo much drama happened yesterday, it's insane!!! If you have the live feeds, then you definitely got your $6 worth yesterday. lol

We currently have Jason/Johnny Mac on the block, but Vanessa (POV winner) will be taking Jason off the block today during the Veto Ceremony and then Shelli will have Audrey go up in his place as the replacement nom. Audrey is dead in the water at this point in the game. And she knows it.

Since so much happened yesterday, I'm just gonna give time stamps and what happened, so you guys and gals can use your live feeds flashback feature and watch all the awesome drama unfold for yourself.

12:51pm BBT:
Clay and Audrey go back & forth for an hour. Lots of crying from Audrey.

1:40pm BBT:
Shelli tells Vanessa to use the veto to save Jason, she'll put up Audrey.
It'll be easier to get Audrey out if she's up next to Johnny Mac.

1:45pm BBT:
Audrey tries to enter HOH, but Clay tells her to go away so he can talk to Shelli alone.

A few minutes later, she enters the HOH room anyway and Clay/Vanessa argue with Audrey.
Shelli was there but just mostly watched the whole thing.

By 2:38pm BBT:

Clay's had enough and leaves the room while still yelling.

3:50pm BBT:
Vanessa (Veto winner) tried to make a safety deal with Jackie, if she were to use it on Jason or John
but Jackie declined, saying she's good with both of them already. (*Atta girl, Jackie.)

4:10pm BBT:
Audrey outs the 6 person alliance to James!! She names who's all in it and to tells him to tell other HG's.
A little while later (5:30pm BBT), James/Jackie talk to Audrey and tell her about the 6 person alliance.
James then went and told Clay/Meg that Audrey said there's a 6 person alliance. Meg/Jason find out as well but they don't really care.

6:35pm BBT:
Vanessa tells James that the 6 person alliance is a lie.

7:00pm BBT:
Clay tells Shelli that Audrey outted their alliance.

8:39pm BBT:
HOH house meeting with all HG's except Audrey.
They do a lot of comparing notes, trash talking about Audrey, and all agree that she has to go this week.
They also agree not to be mean to Audrey, but that she definitely has to go.
The meeting ends at 9:20pm BBT.

12:40am BBT:
Jackie tells James that if she wins HOH, she wants to put up Vanessa or Austin with Liz. (*Suddenly I'm Team Jackie. lol)

12:45am BBT:
Austin tells Julia he wanted Jason gone this week and get Audrey out another week.
He thinks they should bring in Johnny Mac to the alliance and tell him about the twins.

2:05am BBT:
Vanessa is calming Audrey down, telling her not to quit the game.

3:05am BBT:
Vanessa/James/Meg talk to Audrey, still trying to calm her down.

**So that's yesterday/last nights happenings. With so much going on, I figured I'd do a summary/time stamp Overnighter today. Today is the Veto Ceremony where I fully expect Jason to be saved via Vanessa's POV and then Shelli to name Audrey as the renom. As soon as I get back from work, I'll start a new shiny post with anything that happens between now & then! :D

Stay tuned...
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Michael and Connie said...

Audrey is a real piece of work. She needs to get the heck out of Dodge.

Anonymous said...

I really like the six sence alliance and I can't stand Audrey but if they get rid of her the other side of the will have no choice but to come after them and I love Johnny Mac I wish he was in their alliance instead of putting him on the block they need to pull him in. It seems like the rest of the house isn't playing and they just want to coast to the end like Meg Jason Jackie Becky I like James but I don't like what side he is on. And I like Liz but after watching last nights episode something worried me I hope she is not like the evil Alabama twins from 5 who as soon as they came in they screwed over the people that helped them because they were like well we got each other we don't need them now the fact that Liz voted for Jeff to stay and the fact that she is using Austin if she screws Austin or Vanessa over I'll be pissed clay or Shelly I won't care as much even though clay and Shelly are a floating couple they are gonna float to who ever

Steve Robbins Art said...

We'll see what kind of woman Audrey is, when she's talking to Julie when she leaves the house, if they try to re-shape her being voted off as a gender issue.

I don't THINK either would play that card, and it seems clear that Audrey's trans-womanhood isn't an issue to the other HGs, but think of the Twitter tidal wave that CBS could ride into social relevancy...

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with others - I really do not like the 2 HOH for the week - I wish they would stop it.

Audrey - so time for her to go - she adds drama but not really good drama - she's just annoying.

I miss the great personalities and different ages of people they used to get for this show. They must be casting on demographics or advertising because they just do a bad job picking people (in my humble opinion). I also wish they would make it $1M like, Survivor - I bet they would get a better cast.

KathyC said...

How on earth did they have a house meeting without Audrey? Was she in the DR? Asleep? Sorry, I don't have the live feeds and it seems she is always butting in everywhere she's not wanted.

Unknown said...

Audrey is a smart one but she has played too hard. I think that what this Season will best be known for.

I believe I read somewhere that Audrey know about most of the pow wows that center around her. Some of them run late into the night, till 1-2am. I'm sure these just drove her nuts.

I don't believe that Jason, Meg, Jackie have floated, its just hard when your side doesn't have the power. I hope when Audrey leaves this will put a fire on hugs to start making better moves especially John Mac.

Jammie I appreciate your not blog so much. I know it must be difficult for you to do the blog and your regular life.

TheFamDoc24 said...

As always, I think there are fans who have no idea a.) what it means to be a floater and b.) that floating can be a good strategy.
The house meeting was funny. I think Shelli and Vanessa talked entirely too much. And they lied through their teeth. I'm still team Johnny Mac but I have got to tell you I think Jackie and Becky have potential to be smarter/better players than they've let on so far. I was impressed with that.
I think Jason is smart enough to see through everything that is said. Sadly, I do not think James is.
It was interesting how Liz/Julia (whichever one it was) just sat there the whole time, knowing she was the rogue vote for Jeff.
Steve's idea to talk loudly every time Audrey approached him was hilarious.
I'm definitely enjoying this season. We're week 4 and there has been a couple of good villains, a couple of nerdy underdogs who play the game well, a guy like Jason that you can't help but want to hang out with, A big scary emotional guy, twins, an Asian redneck, and some folks who've been flying under the radar but might actually be starting to show that they're really in the know with things. I'm hooked.

Keep up the good work Jamie.

Angela said...

Raz, I heard that the only way they could change the winnings to a million is if the show was aired in the fall instead of summer. Has to do with ratings I guess.

Unknown said...

They didnt show what Audrey was doing during the meeting. But I would assume she caught on, got upset, and went into the diary room to talk to production. Apparently she was in there a few hours. Production must have been talking her out of quitting.

Unknown said...

I really wish they would cast how they used to. It's almost as if they just cast people that are pretty. What happened to all the Chicken George's? They think because they cast LGBT that they're being diverse enough.

Katie Mc said...

yes, where was Audrey during the house meeting. I was watching online and they kept looking at the monitor through it all, I guess checking to see if she was coming. I assume she was in the DR???? She never surfaced before I went to sleep and that was after 11pm BB time

Unknown said...

Audrey is still in the diary room as we speak. Some have gone to sleep because they're just waiting to see whats gonna happen. Wish the POV ceremony would just go on without her. She put herself on the block with all the lies and manipulation. I'm taking a break from the feeds for now.

Tiedo said...

I mentioned this last week...getting Jeff out was a terrible mistake...Audrey has ruined their alliance (six sense) and it would not have happened if they got her out last week...

I kept saying these dummies are blind to the fact that Audrey lies about everything trying to keep a target off herself...(of course is not working).

They deserve to have their games f-'D up!!
They played with their emotions rather than brains well going after Jeff.

Vanessa screwed that alliance as the HOH last week...good rittance Audrey!!!

Unknown said...

From what i just seen on the feeds audrey finally came out of the diary room agter 5 hours of being in there. Then it went back to the brb screen. So we shall see what happens.

Angela said...

I totally agree with you!!

Unknown said...

Are there any have-nots this week?

Unknown said...

Are there any have-nots this week?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the cast thing they used to pick awesome people I do like this cast a lot better than 15 and 16 those sucked ever since 14 with the exception of frank was horrible hated joe and the quack pack hated Shane and Daniel but yeah I'm getting off topic

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