Austin's crush on Liz has been getting to a Caleb-like level, it's a little scary. lol It all started last night (as I covered in the Overnighter.) But Vanessa took it to a whole new (game) level today. Here's the scoop...
This morning shortly after 10:14am BBT, Vanessa/Austin were talking in the HOH bathroom when Vanessa mentioned (and lied) that Steve was bummed out that Liz likes Austin, and not him.
But Steve never said that and Steve doesn't like Liz 'like that', so it's a totally fabricated story. This is after Vanessa has been pushing Austin the past day or two to let his feelings for Liz be known (to her). So this is an obvious attempt to sabotage her alliance somewhat. (She later semi-confirms this by telling Austin she'd like a 3 person alliance of her/Audrey/Austin.) During this convo, we hear Austin say that "nobody comes between me and my twins!", regarding Steve ..and I nearly spit my iced tea out. lol Vanessa actually encouraged Austin to "keep doing what you're doing" with Liz because it's "working". But if you remember, Liz was heard saying that she doesn't like Austin's hair, beard, he's annoying but has a good personality. So umm, yeah. There's that.
But farmer Vanessa wasn't done planting seeds just yet. She went on to tell Austin that they need to watch out for Clay/Shelli in case they're working with the other side of the house. Austin agreed. So now Vanessa has painted bullseye targets on Steve/Clay/Shelli. In addition, Vanessa thinks they can snag up Jason to help get Clay or Shelli out of the house soon.
We all know that Vanessa is a damn good poker player, and she doesn't mind taking risks, but this is kind of a big one. I think it's a good idea, but maybe if it was a couple weeks down the line when there's less houseguests? I'm not sure. Hmm. What do y'all think?
Stay tuned...
Vanessa is playing too hard too soon.... but I have another question for those of you that watch the feeds... on still pics and when I see the house on TV that place looks like a pigpen... like a nasty dirty dishes, trash, leftover food, kind of pigpen.... yuch!!!
I liked Vanessa in the beginning but that changed really quickly. I especially don't like her after tonight's episode/ diary rooms. She threw the comp but then got mad when Austin lost pov? Girl please...
I agree. I thought I could have liked Vanessa, but after tonight, I just dob't like her or her game play. Her reaction to Austin was also a put off, girl please!
I love Johnny Mac's DR's and he has really grown on me. He's my new favorite :)
SO many floaters right now...
I agree with you 100%. I was rooting for Vanessa since the beginning thinking see could go really far in this game. But after this week I can't wait to see her go up on the block. I really hope that Jason doesn't end up working with her like she wants. But I have faith that Jason is very capable of seeing who the BSers are.
I completely disagree - it shows what a good read that Vanessa has on people - she completely knew that Austin threw it and was lying about it. I like her ability to work things in her favor. And the show also shows that Austin isn't the game player you all think - his "surprised reactions" are too fake and people will (as Jason has ) catch on.
Vanessa made the decision to throw the comp herself, instead of trying to win the veto to keep her noms the same. Austin is a big boy and can make his own decisions, so why did she flip out on him for considering what she did herself? I just don't like Vanessa like I thought I might have.
As for "reading people", it's too reminiscent of Derrick the undercover cop "reading people" last year, like it's their jobs, so I'm kinda over it already. I'd like to see the two different sides of the house win HOH and see what happens...
Team Johnny Mac <3
Austin makes Caleb seem as smooth as 007 with the ladies.
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