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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Afternoon Quickie Post + Veto Comp Players Picked

Today the HG's will play in the Veto Comp and the players have already been choosen! Let's see who we got..

Playing for Veto Are:

This is not good news for James, as the odds of him being the one to get voted out this week, just went up drastically. But it's still anybody's game until after the Veto Comp is played! 
This afternoon around 1:20pm BBT, Meg/Audrey/Vanessa were up in the HOH room.

Meg said that Audrey said 4 people were trying to flip the house to keep Day. Audrey, of course, denied this. Meg said she remembers the names because she went and campaigned to those 4 people. (*lol) Audrey then played the victim and said she's tired of people exaggerating everything she says simply because they don't like her. There was yelling by Meg, tears from was feeds gold! :D

If you get the chance, go back and watch.  

Meg then went and told Jason/Jeff how she was just attacked by Audrey in the HOH room. Shelli then told Vanessa that Meg is mad at her (Vanessa) because she didn't take her side during the fight with Audrey. Vanessa said she didn't take either side. This whole HOH mess was not what Vanessa wanted. She told Audrey to (1) lay low this week so she doesn't have to do what the house wants, which is to put Audrey up this week (2) this whole HOH Meg/Audrey thing was to try to catch Meg in a lie about Audrey so that Vanessa could go tell the house that they can trust Audrey, so that Vanessa wouldn't have to put Audrey up. Ohhhh what a mess! 

In other news, Jeff is worried that Vanessa won't go through with the 'backdoor Audrey' plan this week. (And as we know, he's actually right.) He told this to Jason/Meg/James just a little bit ago. 

Okay, so that's this afternoon in a nutshell! I'll update this post later on tonight after the Veto Comp was played and we have a winner. Until then, enjoy the ever-lively live feeds!! :D

Veto Comp started at 3:06pm BBT. Feeds will be back in 2-3'ish hours, typically. I'll update this post tonight with the winner.

As of 5:10pm BBT, Veto Comp still going on.

Winner of the Veto is:

Stay tuned...
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TheFamDoc24 said...

I really want Audrey out. But on the other hand, it is so fun to watch such a terrible player who thinks she is the greatest player of all time. Its like a train-wreck. I don't want it to happen, but I just can't look away. haha.

Unknown said...

Austin turned into Caleb 2.0 this morning Jamie. He showed a bizarre side of his personality. Liz was a puzzled as i was.

Kingboo985 said...

You have to look at both sides of the story. Austin wanted liz to sleep upstairs so Liz doesn't actually lit it slip about the plan for the week or (granted they know she's the twin) that she is a twin. He is just looking out for her in the long run but Liz didn't see that. That's what I got from the twitter updates I follow

Kaycee14 said...

Plus, he likes her and was jealous that she slept in the same bed as James when Austin wanted her to sleep with him. Austin said something about not helping Liz if she wasn't going to appreciate him. I think that's what Frups meant about "Caleb 2.0."

Tiedo said...

These people are not thinking's obviously good to keep a big target(Audrey) in the hose to keep the attention off you...but Audrey is not that type to keep in with all her lies and deceit!!!

She'd be out ASAP if I was in there...

Anonymous said...

Okay so I don't watch the feeds and I'm always a bit out of the loop, but at what point does Julia stop playing? I thought the twin twist was only active when the houseguests didn't know she was the twin.. And at this point practically the entire house knows. Will a public announcement have an effect on this, and finally render Julia an unviable player? And do Liz/Julia know that their secret is essentially common knowledge among the housemates?

Kaycee14 said...

Everyone but Audrey knows, although several aren't as sure now as they were a couple days ago. All we know about the twin twist rules is what Julie told us- "Liz" has to survive 5 evictions, and then Julia will be allowed into the house to play as herself. Nothing was said about the twins having to remain undetected.

Carrie said...

They (Julie Chen) never specified that they have to go undetected, just make it through five evictions.

Angela said...

If the twins make it to week 5 without being evicted ( while they are playing as one person) then they will both be allowed to be in the house playing as themselves

Angela said...

Doesn't matter if houseguests are aware

DeniseG said...

I just watched the HOH como again and was thinking that John is a terrible comps player. Then I read here that he won veto comp, again! What's up with that?
Also Da'Vonne said in her exit interview that the house is afraid to evict Audrey because she's transgender. Once that feeling wears off she'll probably be gone quickly.

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