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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday: The Overnighter

Happy Saturday, BB fans!! I just got home from work (I never work weekends, but I had to this morning) and just now getting to the Overnighter. So my apologies for it being a little later than usual.

Okie dokie, so to recap: we have James/John currently on the block & the *new* plan for HOH Vanessa this week, is to gun after James instead of Jeff. This all just happened last night around 10pm BBT. I'll cover that below. James is now the target, Jeff is the backup plan.

Today is the Veto Comp, so we'll have to wait & see in the aftermath what's actually gonna happen this week. Vanessa flip-flops so much, I feel like she's playing ping pong more than she is Big Brother. Oy vey. Speaking of Vanessa, when she had asked John to throw the BOB Comp yesterday (which he did), she lied to him and said she was gonna backdoor Audrey this week. I can see this coming back to bite her in the butt later on in the game. (Maybe sooner rather than later.) We shall see.

Okay, let me go get that 10pm BBT convo and I'll post it below! :D

**You can watch this convo below by using the Flashback Feature on the live feeds!

10:10pm BBT:
HOH Room
Vanessa: "After the (BOB Comp), I went to hug James and he shrugged me off. It was like rude, kind of? I'm not one of those people to get pissed in that (kind of ) situation but it was like..kinda like not a smart move (for James)."

Vanessa goes on to say that the fate of his (James') game is in her hands, and yet he shrugged her off from a hug after the comp. Clay thinks that James might be getting too comfortable, maybe because he thinks he has the numbers to stay or he knows that Vanessa is gonna pull somebody off and "backdoor somebody else".

Vanessa asks Clay for advice. (*Oh sweet fancy Moses, why would you ask Clay?! *head desk*)
Vanessa: "Here's my dilemma..who do I put up?"
Clay: "We won't know until after the Veto."

Vanessa says she doesn't know who they should pick for HG Choice when picking veto players because they don't wanna be too obvious.

This convo is ongoing but Vanessa comes to the conclusion that she wants James gone this week, with Jeff as the backup plan. 

1:20am BBT:
Lounge Room
Jeff is throwing a little bit of a hissy fit about Jason throwing his name around during the day and that it doesn't matter what people say, it matters how people make you feel.

Jeff: "(Jason) was acting like Day. It's just don't know..his tone was very aggravating, extremely aggravating. I had to walk out of the room." (#STFUjeff)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! The Veto Comp will be sometime today and then we'll see where things stand for noms this week. Until then, enjoy the feeds!! :D

Stay tuned...
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This Is My Journey said...

I have missed *head desk*.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused what did James do other than not hug her what is the real reason for wanting James out.

Anonymous said...

Soooo many know about the twins. Austin and Vanessa know. They've told clay and Shellie along with Steve but clay and Shellie don't know Steve knows and vice versa. Austin and Liz were talking about how to let the Julia (haha) outta the bag last night. There was talk about letting Becky know because she likes projects, to letting Jeff know so he begs for their votes in return keeping the twins safe. Everyone already knows. Maybe she'll just tell Jason who will confirm it to the whole house lol or have a house meeting.

Unknown said...

I really miss after dark on showtime... does anyone know why they changed channels Cas the pop channel is a horrible feed and with Comercials and bleeping out words is just too damn annoying for me to even bear watching it anymore!!

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