Watch BB16!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday: Overnighter

Good morning & a happy Sunday to all of you!! Yesterday/early last night, the feeds were kinda boring. A little bit of pranks going on, not much game talk with the exception of Jace talking to HOH James (trying to keep himself from going up on the block today during the Veto Ceremony).
Speaking of Jace, he's been flirting with Liz (or her twin, Julia?). One of them seems into Jace, while the other one doesn't. It's kinda funny to watch. lol One of them will be playful back, while the other one doesn't seem to wanna be touched at all by him. Yesterday on the backyard couch, Jace went up to Liz or Julia and started playfully tickling her. She giggled and told him to "Stop that!", but in a flirty way.

Around 6:30pm BBT last night, James & Jason talked in the HOH bathroom.

James told him about how he had a conversation with Jace downstairs (refer to the 1st pic in the Overnighter I posted) and how Jace told him that he wants Jason to get 'backdoored' this week. James said he's only telling Jason all this info because he's loyal to the alliance. James went on to confirm that he's still putting up Jace as the renom and he'll be leaving this week. Jason asked if he knows what his speech is gonna be like. James said he doesn't wanna be too mean because he doesn't want to be seen as the 'mean guy'. Jason thinks it'll be a 9-2 vote to get Jace out this week.

Moving on...

Vanessa/Steve made a safety deal of sorts last night. They promised to not put each other up if either of them wins HOH.

Jace went streaking in the backyard at 8:56pm BBT!  He took his clothes off in the bathroom shower stall and then ran outside with a hat covering his naughty bits.

HG's in the backyard are having a good laugh.
Jackie mentions how Jace almost fell while streaking.
Jeff: "Oh my God, what if he would've nailed me and his junk would've been in my face!"
Austin: "It could've been traumatizing!"
Jeff: "Would've been terrible."

At 9:37pm BBT, Vanessa talked to Clay alone in the beach lounge room. She told Clay that he's playing smart, Clay confirms that Jace is going up & out this week, Vanessa mentions how she doesn't wanna be one of the HG's that's playing the game too hard but also knows she needs to be aligned with people at some point. 
Vanessa mentioned that she likes Da'vonne as a person but can't work with her, but could work with Austin. They go through all the houseguests to see who they could trust/work with. She thinks Becky is a "level headed chick". Vanessa is worried/predicting that stuff is gonna get chaotic after the veto ceremony and she wants to "create something loyal" (alliance wise) before that happens. (*Smart cookie!) Vanessa goes on to say that she wants to work with him (Clay) and Shelli.

The night continues on & on until 6am, and because today is my 'day off' from work & blogging (until tonight for the BB episode), I'm gonna do some cliffnotes:

*the HG's celebrated John's birthday
*Jace is still pissed off at Becky always "shushing" him
*Meg/Jeff flirted and talked last night. Both wonder if they shouldn't try to win HOH with all the chaos going on in the house, might not be a good idea. They both agree that the three of them (Meg/Jeff/Clay) will stick together to the end.
*Audrey spent the night planting seeds and stirring sh*t up, but most of the HG's are aware of her being the "puppet master" so to speak. (*I see her game getting blown up pretty soon.)

That's last night in a nutshell! I'll be anxious to see what happens today post-Veto Ceremony. That should bring some good feeds! It's still super early in the season and the amount of alliance/lies/paranoia is so flippin' high, that it's hard to even wrap my head around most of it! So if you're watching the feeds thinking "what the hell is going on??", you are not alone! lol Most of the confusion is coming from Audrey's web-weaving of lies and planting seeds in peoples heads. Her downfall is that she's being way too obvious, playing wayyyy too hard too fast. If it's week 1 and the HG's are catching on to her already, I wouldn't be surprised to see her go home next..depending on when the houseguests have had enough, that is.

Very interesting start to this season and I'm really anxious to see just how chaotic it can get! :D I'll be back tonight with Veto Ceremony spoiler (though Jace will be the one going up) and a new post for tonight's BB show. Until then, enjoy your Sunday & as always, enjoy watching the live feeds!!!

Stay tuned...
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IDPINK said...

So glad I found your site :-) great name is also Jamie BTW

Jamie said...

I'm so glad you found the blog, too! :D Welcome, Jamie! (that sounds weird to say haha!)

KathyC said...

So glad Jace will be going - watching BBAD, he is SO concerned about the camera angles and whether or not he's being 'shown.' Keeps asking everyone if they think things he did will be aired and constantly watches the cameras. So full of himself - good riddance! Enjoy your Sunday, Jamie!

Unknown said...

Is it just me or is the HGS don't want Jack/Jackie to leave so soon even though they were on The Amazing Race and they are strong together? If that's true then I like it because they are so cool Lol! Hey Jamie, thank you so much for your blog and question, which HGs is your favs/hates so far?

Unknown said...

Sorry I mean Jeff/Jackie

michelaine said...

I hope that was his hat. I sure wouldn't want it back! lol

Anonymous said...

Golf is running over on CBS so I assume big brother will be late.

Heather said...

I'm new to this site. Is there usually a post with links to live streaming of the show?

Unknown said...

Jamie you are amazing! I just want to say thank you! I found your blog 2 seasons ago!

Christina said...

It looks like we might finally have a great season of BB. So many different personalities, I love it! Its really anybody's game at this point. Well, except for Jace, lol! I can not wait until he is outta there! Thanks for another year Jaime :) Excited to spend it with you again. This is year number 6 watching it with you (I think!) You're the best!!

Thorn105 said...

Ugh. Golf made my dvr cut off BB too soon. Teset the timing so hopefully ot wont happen again, but I am glad I have your blog to refer to! This is the first year my husband is watching with me since he is home on medical leave. He has never watched an entire season, so that makes it fun! Happy blogging!

Ashlee Lopez said...

I already don't like Jackie too well. Hope a miracle happens and Jace gets to stay.
Looks like it's gonna be an interesting season this year..

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