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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Weds: The Overnighter

It's Day 1,098 inside the Big Brother 17 house...or at least it feels like it. lol So, this week isn't gonna go as planned but then again, what week has this season? Liz will be staying. Julia will be going. Vanessa has Final 2 deals with everybody, including the floating duck in the pool. Steve is next weeks target (not Vanessa, go figure). Vanessa will still be winning BB17, as we've known for like 10 weeks now. And since these morons obviously don't know how to play the game, Vanessa deserves to win.

Austin asked Vanessa yesterday if she would keep Liz. She said yes, as long as Johnny Mac was okay with it. Vanessa asked J-Mac, and of course he said okay. So then Vanessa tells Austin/Liz (6:42pm BBT) that she's on board with keeping Liz but she wants the following 3 things in return:
*Austin/Liz can't nominate Vanessa
*no replacement nom
*and Vanessa gets to pick if J-Mac or Steve goes next week.

Austin/Liz agreed, but then later on Liz told Julia she has zero interest in keeping her word on any of that. So that's interesting. Then Julia told Liz that her/Austin need to get Steve out next week. (*What, not Vanessa? Ok.) Liz said that she'd rather have Vanessa win BB, than Steve. Julia thinks they (Austin/Liz) should go to Fina 3 with Johnny Mac. Speaking of deals, Austin/J-Mac made a deal to keep each other next week and made a Final 4 deal.

In other news, Julia told Steve that if Liz stayed, she wouldn't be gunning for him. (*Lie.) Then in more interesting news, Vanessa told Steve that Austin/Liz will be gunning for him next week. Later on in the night, Steve figured it out (after watching Austin/Vanessa talk on the TV in the HOH room) that Vanessa is sitting pretty at least for next week as he is in danger. And he's right.

**So, that's the Overnighter in a nutshell. These idiots are keeping a strong showmance in the house by choice, instead of splitting them up and keeping the weaker twin in the house that can't win comps. I just can't with these people anymore. It's almost like they purposelessly make the most wrong choice for their games every week. lol Today is Wednesday, which means there's a new BB17 episode on tonight at 8pm EST. We'll get to see the Veto Comp that Jesse hosted and the twins temporarily turn on Austin. Good times.

Stay tuned...
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Obsidiandog. said...

I tuned out of the feeds and BBAD after James left, and stopped frequenting the blogs. None of these people interest me in the least. I'd really hate being on the jury and have to make that decision. I don't envy you your job having to follow all this.

Beverly said...


SDfan said...

Ugh. Not again. Oh poor Jamie, watching the feeds must suck. I'm surprised you haven't thrown something at your tv or something. Haha. As much as I dislike V, she definitely deserves to win. She is just too good with all these dumb players in the house.

Saginaw Guy said...

This season should be required to watch for all future houseguests while they are in sequester. It should be titled "How NOT to play this game". They should be forced to watch evey last painful minute.

Jamie said...

i agree!!! @Saginaw

TheFamDoc24 said...

My head hurts.
And I"m now going to spout this opinion...Vanessa is a bad to borderline terrible game player!
Now, do I think she will win? Yes. Do I think she should win? Yes.
But she really is not good at this game. The thing she has going for her is that everyone else is even worse. Which makes for crappy television.
Jamie, you're an angel for sticking with this and allowing a safe place for us to vent (rather than punch holes in walls lol).

Jamie said...

blogging every day is either (1) therapy to get out my frustrations about this season or (2) makes me cringe and i dont wanna do it anymore this year lol gahhh!! only 2 more weeks though. gotta keep truckin'!! :D

Unknown said...

Love your blog Jamie!

It's so obvious that CBS is running this year behind the scenes. If the people that have been the house this year are truly that stupid to not see that Vanessa needs to go if they want ANY chance of winning, then I've lost all hope for humanity as a whole. Morons.

Unknown said...

I just have no words......

Razldazlrr said...

Jamie - day 1098!! for a second I thought to myself - really? ha ha ha

Seriously, these people are just morons. Keeping Liz and Vanessa? I know some of the great past players that came in 2nd, 3rd, fourth are just watching this season and thinking - wtf?

Bill H said...

But Vanessa always comes full circle back to original plan. My money is she shifts gears once more and Liz will be sent packing.

Sounds like everyone has F3 and F2 deals with everyone.

Unknown said...

I haven't watched an episode in weeks. I do read your daily blog that is how I decide if I am watching the show. These guys are morons. The only thing I can say is they are better then the racists bunch.

Unknown said...

Ugh.....this season has been such a let down. I can't believe that nobody has called one their many alliances the "idiot squad". So many missed opportunities to get out Vanessa and Austin. I'll be glad when BB17 is but a memory. Between the sound of Vanessa's voice or the twins voices I want to stick hot needles in my ears when they talk.

Unknown said...

so it seemed like the first complaint was that this week was just another predictable week. now the complaint is that things aren't going as planned. people complain that they are all idiots, but they've done well getting this far by winning comps and making deals. lots of seasons don't end with america's favs winning, not sure why people are so fed up this season.

Unknown said...

Jamie you deserve a medal for the coverage you've provided this season.

At Bill H. I hope your right otherwise i don't get these people. Do they just want to give the money to Vanessa. She not playing a great game the others are even trying.

Unknown said...

I have a final 2 deal with Vanessa and I'm not even in the house!!!

Jamie said...


Unknown said...

Is this this a first in BB history where the 2 Noms are givin the choice of who goes home!? And the rest of the house just says "eeehhhh...whatever you guys wanna do...I'm cool with it either way"

I'd love to say that I'm gonna stop watching but I'm not. I gotta see how this trainwreck ends

JChism said...

Love your sense of humor, Jamie! You make me laugh which is all you can do with these HGs... Love the comment above from Saginaw Guy "how NOT to play this game". Vanessa was never a favorite houseguest of mine but she is the smartest and deserves to win.

TheFamDoc24 said...

Emma, I just choked on my lunch while reading your comment. I can only hope you plan to blindside her at Final 3. lol

Steve Robbins Art said...

It's an interesting thought, that CBS is pulling strings. If that is/was the case, why didn't they pull the right ones, and keep more interesting people in the game? Sure, Becky was a who-gives-an-eff for the first month or so, but she turned out to be an risk taker- same with Jackie, Davon, Jason, Shelli, and Audrey. They're likable, conventionally attractive, and before getting shit-canned, playing the game...

... Actually, that might be the root of the problem right there. Those who actually play the game are punished by being voted out by those who aren't.

CBS should keep this in mind, and make it mandatory on the application to ask "do you see yourself as a floater?" Those who say "yes" don't proceed. Other questions can be asked if they say "no," which could indicate if when push came to shove, they'd fall back as a floater.

Floating makes for terrible television, and HG proudly proclaiming it as a viable strategy (I'm looking at you, Steve the spineless, dry-heaving coward) are what will kill this show.

Dittee said...


Unknown said...

Is Vanessa that good or are the others just so dumb. How would she fare against players who can actually play?

Unknown said...

Steve, I think you hit the nail on the head. Those that actually play always get punished. Wish I could think of a reward for these players. Any ideas? I know one thing is to never, never have a twin twist. I still love BB.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. We don't want to watch people play follow the leader and throw comps all summer. MAKE MOVES. HAVE YOUR OWN MIND. I agree they got rid of all the interesting personalities and we're left with a boring high school cliche: one jock, three blondes, two "nerds" (sorry to use that word). They got rid of everyone that had a varied ethnicity/sexuality. Everyone that was fun to watch is gone. I miss Chilltown like whoa.

DeniseG said...

Idea: make America the HOH, and the HGs play competition to win immunity. America nominates 2 for eviction and the HGs vote out one. Not every week of the season, but the occasional twist.
Also Survivor this season is a cast of second chances all voted in by America.

I'm bored by the competitions and the HGs. Now the DR sessions are predictable. At least JMac makes me laugh a little.

BKReed said...

The predictability comes into play every single time Steve talks to himself about making big moves, and then doesn't. The predictability comes into play every single time the Austwits talk about making big moves, and then they don't. They ALL realize something needs to change in order for any of them to win BB, but NONE of them are willing to make the move to make the change. That's what's so aggravating about this season... Vanessa only looks like a good game player because all the others are so horrible at playing the game. It's like none of them want to win, they're just there for the experience. In a blog a while back someone put it quite accurately by comparing the HGs to some razor blades... If they're all dull, but one is just a little bit sharper than the others, does it make that blade a great blade? No, it just makes it a better blade than the rest. Jamie - you crack me up and I just love your blog posts!

Unknown said...

Oh Jamie there is a little piece of heaven set aside for you. Watching the feeds must be like doing time. I don't even know what to say about this season anymore. I know that this won't be a popular statement but my hope is that Vanessa doesn't win. Out of this bunch she deserves to but it would be great to see her come back as an all-star and have to play with real players. They would chew her up and spit her out!

Unknown said...

How about no alliances. Anyone production catches working in an alliance gets punishments like consecutive have nots (production would actually have to enforce it though), no letter from home of you win HoH, no alcohol, something like that. It's these mega huge 45 person alliances that run the house from week one.

Or maybe production could "out" a huge alliance to anyone not in it during DR sessions. If production's gonna meddle, they may as well try to get the game back on its intended track anyway.

Michael and Connie said...

If I have to hear the twins crunch their food loudly again I will scream. They have alot of growing up to do.

Andy Tatnall said...

I hope next summer is an All-Stars, and I hope Vanessa plays, so that she can get kicked out almost immediately and everyone can see how badly her "gameplay" would work against people who actually know how to play Big Brother.

Casually interested said...

Someone commented on Twitter that production is trying to help V win cause she will be in a new show called Pokerface Unless the backdrop is at a mental health facility I don't see it working out.

Casually interested said...

2nd best comment if the day. Right behind Emma's!!

Unknown said...

All I can say is WOW! A house of Misfits!!

Unknown said...

All I can say is WOW! A house of Misfits!!

Unknown said...

I know everyone is annoyed that Liz MIGHT be staying. But I completely agree with what Vanessa has done! If I were in the house I would have made the exact same move! Maybe without that many demands but I would agree to vote to save Liz knowing that her and Austin would keep me safe next week and would target Steve and JMAC. I may not personally like the decision but I completely agree with the game move!
Even if Austin is HOH and Vanessa is on the block with Steve, she will have Liz's vote and Austin would break the tie to keep Vanessa. Its the best game move for Vanessa.
Evicting Liz would just show Austin and Julia, as she would stay, that Vanessa is against them and they would target her before looking towards Steve and JMAC.

Vanessa has partially stopped the tears and is making extremely good strategic moves to get to the finals. I tip my hat to her!
And personally the only two that deserve to win are Vanessa and Liz.
Both have wons lots of competitions have made strategic moves, mainly Vanessa, but Liz should have been the biggest target in the house but she has remained untouched.

Austin hasnt made any game moves! All hes done is make alliances but barely wins competitions to show his loyalty to anyone other than the twins. So really I see no big game moves played by him. He tried to evict JMAC because Vanessa wanted that, JMAC was no real threat to the austwins as he doesnt win anything.

JMAC, love the dude, but he deserves americas choice, not a seat in the final 2. Hes played the game early in the season by throwing competitions, but he should now be attempting to win everything to insure his safety but hes not doing anything! I do love that he has aligned with Vanessa, but he only did it to get some safety for a while. Unless he wins an HOH and takes out a big threat like Vanessa or Liz, he will have absolutely nothing to say in the final 2 speeches and that doesnt deserve 500K.

Then theres steve, I despise him, he grinds my gears. He doesnt deserve to win or sit in the final 2. He didnt start playing the game until the DE and he acts like hes been instrumental in all the previous evictions because he's in the "scamper squad". He needs a reality check because he didnt do anything before that DE, that was all Vanessa and the Austwins. Ive said it before but I am a superfan like steve, I dont understand his game play, its been truly awful and he was right, he doesnt have the cut throat attitude to win this game. Please evict him next!!!!

Rant over!!!

Now some fun, I'm gonna make my predictions for these final weeks.

Julia Evicted this thursday.
Liz wins HOH nominates Steve and JMAC, JMAC wins veto, Vanessa Renom.
Steve Evicted 5th place.
Vanessa win HOH nominates JMAC and Austin, Vanessa wins veto, takes JMAC down, Liz renom, JMAC evicts Austin due to closeness to Vanessa.
Final 3: Liz, Vanessa, JMAC.
Final HOH 1: endurance comp, most likely JMAC.
Final HOH 2: Vanessa easily win the mental comp.
Final HOH 3: Vanessa wins and takes Liz to final 2 as JMAC has lots of friends.

Vanessa and Liz final 2, which will be difficult to predict who wins.

Unknown said...

I too have tuned out since James was booted from the house. I can't stand to watch stupid people hand over the game to Vanessa. Nothing worth watching anymore. I don't think I'll bother checking your blog anymore Jamie, as it is a lost season for me. But THANKS Jamie for all the hard work you do. Keep it up and will be back next season!

Marko said...

How about everyone here with a Twitter account flood Julie Chen's Twitter page with ideas, rants & complaints...she is married to Mr. CBS!!

Mandy said...

I'm really tired of people hating on Steve. I'm 100% sure he has Aspergers and he cannot help having anxiety and social awkwardness.

Unknown said...

Yes keep on Truckin' Jamie, keep blogging for us I love your writing...sorry this season is crap hang in there!! Not sure who I want to win now Johnny Mac?

kmacattack said...

lol -

kmacattack said...

Great blog!

Obsidiandog. said...

@Casually interested: "Pokerface"? Is that supposed to be some kind of commentary on Vanessa's unfortunate complexion? ha

Fred said...

This season really feels like I'm watching a soap opera...

Unknown said...

I'm sorry but people are hating on Steve for his awful game play not his social behavior. I have a kid who works in my lab and he has aspergers he's very intelligent like Steve but he's not devoid of original thought or logical thinking! Which Steve doesn't seem to do either of those

MattP said...

Like her or not (I personally am not a huge fan), but Vanessa is GOOD and definitely is the most deserving to win the game--especially after working her magic to get Julia to pick Austin for the knock out comp. How many more days til this season is over...?

rigs said...

I don’t understand people who say players this season are playing a terrible game. The winners are rising to the top. The days of wham, bang out the door are over. Players who made “bold” and “powerful” moves are quickly ejected from the house. The good old days have taught the new players how not to play the game and yet many here want people to play the game that way. James and Becky made bold moves and they were evicted. Jason and Jackie’s “tough talk” got them evicted. This generation of players has learned from the past and what worked in the past would be really stupid game play today. The old style of play is now for weak players and only the strong survive on Big Brother.

rigs said...

I am beginning to wonder if most BB watchers are “Duck Dynasty” and “roll in the mud” for fun type fans and that is why they like the Asian “hillbilly” and his style of game play. Humans are learning “machines” and instead of a mud wrestling style of play, winning players have evolved into playing a more “chess” style of BB.
I agree that Steve probably does have some form of Asperger’s syndrome. His social behavior is often very “retarded” as in his social skills haven’t progressed normally. I don’t blame him for something he can’t control or learn any more than I can blame James for not being a rocket scientist.
I’ve also noticed that when Julia is not around her sister, she can appear to be quite intelligent and adult like. But when the twins get together, they are in a time warp of their past … a childhood period of time.

FiddleDeeDee said...

I don't know about Wah-nessa being all that good. She lucked out with this bunch. They are complete morons. It doesn't seem like it takes much to outplay the narcissist, twits, floater and dr room screamer.

Unknown said...


bbwatcher said...

Best line ever!!! Next to "no blood on my hands" lol

Unknown said...

If a major player such as Dan, Ian, Dick, Daniele D., Janelle, Rachel were playing than Vanessa would be goner prejury. These people know how to play Big Brother. Besides the game play they were interesting and kept us on our toes.

The twit twins, WWE-not, Dr. JMAC, Steve are not playing. This is like a kindergarten group of kids playing this game. Bully Vanessa ordering everyone around, Liz and Austin playing house, Julia, Steve and Johnny sitting crying for their mother..

My question is what did the casting company see in these people. I wonder if they just did a lottery and pulled names out of a hat!!!!!!!

I know people say that the superfans are complaining about the show. We have a right after being spoiled by 14 other good or great seasons to complain. BB15 was bad, BB16 was predictable, BB17 awful!!!!!!!!!!!

Jaime, I've followed your blog since BB11. I admire the fact that you are able to report the day's events. You are a brave soul and many blessings to you. Love the blog.

BB Bopper said...


I have posted 2 comments this season, one of them being today, yet neither of them appear. I do not break the posting rules and my posts are not inappropriate so would you please tell me why they were not posted? Thank you.

I would also like to thank you for all your hard work. I have been enjoying your blog for years now. Although I don't comment very often I do read your blog daily during the BB season.

Jamie said...

you sure, Bopper? I have all the comments published. i moderate comments, so sometimes it can take a few mins or several hours to publish (depends if i'm awake or sleeping or at work).

JoyNSoul said...

I keep thinking this season can only get better as they get down to the wire, right. I mean, how can it possibly get any worse? Oh, how these people manage to find a way every week.

"Can you please keep my girlfriend in the house for me who's a strong player and loyal to me above all others (after her sister leaves) and evict her weak player sister instead?"

"Sure, because we all feel so terrible about having to evict anyone in the big brother house. Let us do this really nice and stupid thing just for you. And while we're at it, would like us to forfeit our chances of winning a half million dollars in the process? You would? Alright, I can do that since it means I won't have to get any blood on my hands."

Hoping they come to their senses before tomorrow's eviction and vote out Liz. If Liz and Austin want so badly to be together, let them do so in the jury house.

I'm still routing for Johnny Mac even though Vanessa is probably the most deserving. I just wish JMac was a little stronger of a personality when I comes to deciding who to evict. It's like he really wants to make the smarter choices, but he's a little too "go with the flow." Still, he's the most likeable one left in the house. If Vanessa is evicted, I'm half Inclined to say everyone in the jury should vote the one who evicted her as this year's winner. Unless it's one of the Austwins. Don't want to see any of them win under any circumstances!

Also, have to comment on Danielle Donato being a major player. I agree she would have evicted Vanessa by now, but I have a hard time agreeing with her being a major or even good player. She rode her dad's coat tails in the game and got herself evicted much faster when he wasn't there to help her. Both seasons she was in, she got distracted by a guy. It's just that her dad was there the first time to evict her love interest, there by eliminating her distraction. That being said, she's probably still a better player than this season's cast of clean, bloodless hands!

I would also love to see another all star season next year, but not sure it would content with the first all-stars. Although, I'd be curious to see how Amanda and Vanessa would do in the house together. Not a fan of either, but I could see potential for a lot of fireworks there!

I will continue to watch this season to the end in all its disaster, but so looking forward to the start of Survivor!

Smokey said...

Ditto!.....well said.

nikkikole said...


Nana said...

I must agree!!

Nana said...

LOVE IT!!! Vanessa's girlfriend needs to be taking notes. It looks like Vanessa will stop at nothing to get her way. I couldn't live with someone like that.

Nana said...


Nana said...

I like that idea

Pursenut said...

I'd rather watch paint dry on a wall than continue watching this season. Let's all go to HGTV and watch Property Brothers. I am done!

Will said...

@rigs. You are assuming all the players have watched BB enough or even at all to have them realize chess is a better way to play. Players like Clay were recruited and he had never seen BB before. The Twins were found as well. I can agree with you to a certain point, but I think almost all of them (Except STEVE) only have maybe one season of watching to pull from.

Dafney77 said...

Haha!!! 100% in agreement!

TheFamDoc24 said...

Rigs disagree with people all you want but can you please think of a better word to use than retarded? It is not appropriate.

Unknown said...

It's not worthy anymore to watch it. Is monotonous and predictable. I stopped watching last week

Razldazlrr said...

Really - they recruited Clay and those god awful twins? I could sit down with any one of them for less than an hour and know they would be horrible on the show! ha ha

druidbros said...

Thanks for watching the feeds. You deserve combat pay. I had to stop because I cant stand to hear Vanessa lie anymore. She is such a manipulative liar. She does the same thing every week, just whispers or gives advice to one person in the house who knows she is a serial liar but believes her in the moment. It doesnt say much for the rest of the house.

Gross said...

I'm with you here..... Good point.
I'm still watching because I'll always be a die hard BB fan. I like austin (hahahah....I know I'm crazy). I think he's played a good game.

Unknown said...

Do you remember in the beginning of the season we were so excited about the cast?!

Unknown said...

Simply stated, Vanessa is the best of the worst. Could have thrown darts and picked better players than what was chosen.

Unknown said...


rigs said...

Will, isn’t Austin a big BB fan? How about JMac, Steve and Vanessa? From what I gather, they are big BB fans and they are the ones still in the game. The only ones who were not big BB fans were the Twins. They are still in the game, not because of their game prowess but because they are being protected by Austin and Vanessa who can easily manipulate them. Again, my point was that the players that made bold moves and exhibited bold behavior have all been evicted from the house by the “chess players”. It should be apparent to anyone who has been watching BB for years that making waves and making bold moves should be left until after most players have been evicted. Steve and Vanessa are making those moves at exactly the right time.
Bobby, you are correct and that is why I qualified retarded. I guess I could have used a bunch of big words to say the same thing like, “congenital social development syndrome”. Either way they mean Steve’s social skills are either hmmm, slow to develop or development is inhibited. There are times when being politically correct is uncalled for.
Those who complain about Clay and the twins should realize that they are no worse than and maybe better than Meg, Jason, Audrey, Jeff and Da. They all played terrible games.

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