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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

BB17 Live Finale

It's here!! It's here!! The BB17 finale is finally here!! :D This fantastic craptastic season is coming to a glorious end tonight, PRAISE THE BB GODS!!! lol Can y'all tell I'm excited to get this season done with? ;) haha

At 10am BBT this morning, the live feeds switched off & won't be back on until BB18 next summer.  (You will, however, be able to watch the backyard interviews post-finale tonight if you have the feeds still.) The final 3 have their bags packed and are getting ready for tonight's show that starts at 9:30pm EST. The finale is 90 mins long, so make sure you have your snackies ready!

I'll be here live blogging tonight for those of you who won't be able to see the show, or are skipping it all together and just want the highlights/spoilers later on.

I'll be making my seasonal "Thank You!" post after the finale is ended, so stick around for that & for a new pic of my dog (Miss Bella!!) and I! :D She just turned 7 yrs old, I got her right after BB10 was over. Wow, how time flies.

Okie dokie, I'll be back at 9:30pm EST to start live blogging tonight's spoilers!

9:30pm EST:
Finale begins...

Dr. Will asked the jury questions like he did last year too.

10:02pm EST:
Final HOH Part 3 begins! It's Vanessa VS Steve

The Winner of Part 3 Final HOH is:

Steve Evicted:

The Final 2: Steve and Liz
Next up, Jury Questions.

10:36pm EST:
Time for the voting! Jury members are making their choices.

10:49pm EST:
Pre-jury just asked the jury questions. Jason called Vanessa out on never owning up to her own game moves and that she only cried all the time. Vanessa said it's true and was a good sport about it.

Vanessa voted for LIZ
J-Mac voted for STEVE
Austin voted for LIZ
Julia voted for LIZ
James voted for STEVE
Meg voted for STEVE
Becky voted for STEVE
Jackie voted for STEVE
Shelly voted for STEVE
Winner of BB17 is:

America's Favorite Player is:
JAMES (yayyyy!!!!)

Stay tuned...
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TheFamDoc24 said...

You rock Jamie! Thanks for you do for us nut-jobs.

Jared said...

Hello Jamie, I have been following your blog for the past 5 years and it is clearly the best BB blog there is. Thank you so much for your dedication this season and keeping us all informed. It was a tough season to watch, hopefully we are rewarded next summer with players that actually want to play BB, not just be seen on TV. Anyways, thank you again and I'll be tuning in later to see your updates on the finale.

slnc said...

Thanks doll! You're awesome! Great season of blogging even though bb17 sucked ass!

Amy said...

Thank you Jamie!

Jamie said...

Love yall!! :D

BB Fan said...

Jamie this my 1st year ro ever follow a blog, I've been watching BB since year one, sorry l didn't know about yours. Its terrific! And very well done. I will be following anything you have to say in following these blogs. Again well done.
I do have one question, are you going to have a blog for Survivor? It seems to me its changed a lot through the years. So far its looking interesting and I think l might see the
future in possible blogging there too.

Pam the Realtor said...

West coast anxiously awaiting your updates! Thanks for another great season!

Unknown said...

Hands down the most boring, predictable BB season ever. Stopped watching weeks ago. Without you Jamie, the whole summer would have been a bust.

Brian D said...

Steve you have to take Vanessa out!

Unknown said...

Omg please don't wus out!!!!!

Steve Robbins Art said...

I hate this show, and I hate that steve will get money.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Finally Vanessa gone!!!! Should win the the game for Steve even with Julia and Austin vote for Liz to win...

Anonymous said...

Johnny Mac ultimately decided the winner of this game with that jury question (Part 3 HOH). Perhaps Van should have spent more time with him.

JChism said...

Good for Steve!

KathyC said...

OMG - he did it! HE REALLY DID IT!!

Unknown said...

FINALLY!!!!!!! Can't wait to see jury reaction!

AES BB watcher said...

Yay. Vanessa is gone. Go Steve!

Ragz said...

Yes Vanessa is gone.

Steve Robbins Art said...

The problem with Steve winning is that it validates boring, terrible gameplay. He does NOT deserve any of this.

Unfortunately, he's presenting his arguments much better than Liz is.

Unknown said...

While I feel Vanessa was a great player. Her mood swings and bullying of people like Steve made me not care for her early. Glad to see her out, hope Steve wins.

Rob Mullinax said...

What was her reaction? I had to head to work.

Unknown said...

Any final guesses

Ashley Jean said...

I only love that vanessa got evicted because now i have NO IDEA who's going to win it all!!! the votes seem so 50/50. Liz should NOT win this!!!! ugh, steve really really deserves this. and how rude of Austin to be calling him a boy. what a bully.

Annafel said...

Finally!!!!! Not even watching the show because this blog is way more fun (:

Unknown said...

Thank You Jamie!

Your blog allowed me to skip many nights of viewing this worthless group of contestants. Great job.

Unknown said...

Thank You Jamie!!

Your blog allowed me to avoid spending more hours than needed on viewing this worthless group of contestants. Great job.

Unknown said...

Omg she is so mad....

Rob Mullinax said...

What Paul said lol.

Anonymous said...

Steve Moses: the second coming of Ian Terry

BB17 really did have similarities with BB14.

JChism said...

Steve deserved the win over Liz. Very happy with the result. Good for him!

dallaswear said...

You guys, don't forget to tip Jamie!!! At least $20 ( or more !!!) if you can! She's held it down for us fans for a long summer!!!
Thank you for an amazing blog!!!!!
STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE! #seasonredeemed

Clair20 said...

Hi Jamie thanks for your blog this summer!!! I was a die hard Steve fan from the get go. Like when he talked and followed the cameras. I am sooo happy for Steve. Thank you again. Till season 18!!!! wow.

Unknown said...

Thank you soooooooooo much for keeping up with the blog all season Jamie. I know it wasn't easy, but you did an amazing job thanks Jamie.

Unknown said...

I just need to vent..... Steve should of never won, he's a sisssy baby and only got so far because of him being such a sissy baby.. Vanessa should of got the money she deserves for being in the game for so long.... And actually PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME...... I'm standing for my girl Vanessa..... I feel so bad for her.. Sure she had the money, sure she'll be okay, but who actually played hard was her and I'm sad to see such a guy like him to win. Sure he's smart and innocent, but without a doubt he would of never made it as far if he wasn't such a little baby. Ugh!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so so so so much Jamie, you were amazing with the blog this year, and I'm so happy Steve won

KathyC said...

Great job, Jamie!! Thank you so much! Now I know the show is worth staying up for (west coast viewer). See you all next season! Let's hope for a better cast - some real game players!

Unknown said...

Same here! I haven't watched the last 3 episodes. I just wait for Jamie!!

BB Fan said...

I'm so HAPPY😊☺😉😍😄😃😀GOODNIGHT EVERYONE! If l had some confetti l'd toss at ya, wooooohooooo!see ya next year all and Jamie for everything!😄

Unknown said...

Yeah definitely cause you know she didn't think Liz played a great game. Makes me dislike her even more.

Bill H said...


Before I make final comments on season, I too want to genuinely thank you for this blog. I truly think finding common ground on here that the players this year were horrible helped me keep my sanity. It was a train wreck of a season, so much so, that it turned this 4 or 5 year reader of this blog into a first time (yet multiple time) poster this season. Ok calling a spade a spade, my commenting was venting which was very therapeutic. The motto this season should have been Expect the Illogical, Irrational moves of houseguests.

Shallow I admit, but two last final jabs at Vanessa. Is it me, but why does it blow her mind when game players don't go along with her plan so they have to be called untrustworthy? And this has been building for a few weeks......I know perhaps it's "fashion" but don't wear pants with suspenders if you are always going to leave the suspeder straps hanging down to your knees, especially on a night when you are "dressed up". Just saying.

Thanks again Jamie!

Jamie said...

Hope to see you back here next season commenting more, Bill!!! :D

Unknown said...

So happy!

BB Fan said...

I think the show would have been much better if they would have shown
Austin throwing his fit when he was evicted. Thanks again Jamie and your doggie is really cute. See you next year

Anonymous said...

And your beloved Vanessa would likely have won the entire thing had she not CRIED her way ALL THE WAY to the finale! How can you call Steve "a baby" repeatedly when it was Vanessa who cried like an infant the entire time?! And at least Steve was an adult when it came to taking full responsibility for each and every action that he took. Vanessa was constantly screaming about not wanting to get blood on her hands - - in other words, not wanting to take responsibility for any of her actions-- and pretty much admitted to such when Jason pointed it out to her. All in all, while I may not be sure if any of the final three truly deserved to win, I DO know that out of the final three that we were given, Steve IS the most deserving of the win. Congrats, Love!

Addicted to bb said...

Im so confused to why the show didnt talk abt Clay and Shelly. It was really weird when they showd all the romance in the house they showd clay and meg. Then nothing at the reunion. What did I miss??

JChism said...

Vanessa lost 2 of the 3 final comps. Steve won 2 of the 3 final comps. Whether he's a "sissy baby" as you say, or she's a manipulative psycho (we are each entitled to our opinions), in the end he deserved it more, personalities aside.

Bill H said...

Somewhere, Vanessa is blaming "production".

Anonymous said...

A 'meh' ending to a MEH season. I really wish they would have a reunion episode- you just now that the evicted HGs have a LOT to say & how entertaining would that be! While watching this season's premiere, the cast struck me as very bland & there weren't ANY players I LOVED or loved to hate ... they cast every male cliche possible and pretty females with beach bodies. Sure, that's appealing for a week or two, but as many people have said on here, BB fans don't want to watch the HGs at summer camp, kumbayaing and not getting blood on their hands! Jason's 'bathe in blood' comment at the finale was perfection.

This season, I continued watching solely because it's a summer tradition, Jamie's blog kept me addicted ;) & there was always a glimmer of hope that either Vanessa would take ownership for doing people dirty OR Steve would shock us all by walking out on finale night with all the confidence in the world, laughing at the fact that he fooled everyone into believing he was the 'nerdy' one and easy to control. The joke's on me because Vanessa really was delusional & Steve really was riding coattails for most of the game! The silver lining is that Steve won't blow the prize money and he & his parents seem genuinely thankful.

Other BB17 highlights that come to mind... obviously, Austin's eviction & subsequent interviews were hilarious. James winning AFP is awesome! Audrey's 'blanketing' and Clelli's back-to-back eviction. I think BB17 was as good as it could've been, with the HGs that were cast. PLEASE have less followers & more villains next season!!! By far, the best part of BB17 is this blog! Thanks to everyone commenting on the blog, b/c most of the time you're saying exactly what I'm thinking & MANY, MANY THANKS TO JAMIE!!! You're the best =)

Unknown said...

She voted for Liz because she said before she wanted a girl to win this season

Lyndsay said...

Liz blew it with her speeches. So sad

Unknown said...

Found your blog on 1st try of a blog. Was exactly what I was looking for. I stopped looking. Thanks.

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