Nominated for Eviction are:
Jason & Meg (by Austin)
James & John (by Vanessa)
The Plan:
Austin wants to be dethroned as HOH so that Vanessa can remain the HOH for the week and get Jeff out (via backdoor), with James as the backup plan. John told Vanessa he'd throw the BOB Comp today. Vanessa promised him that he's safe this week no matter what. Both Austin/Vanessa are telling the other HG's that the plan is to backdoor Audrey, but it's not. (Though Vanessa did warn Audrey that if she doesn't lay low this week, she might have to put her up, so to chill out this week.)
Also, we have a new alliance chart, courtesy of @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter:
Feed Highlights from Today:
*Vanessa told Shelli/Clay/Austin that Audrey has to go out during a Double Eviction.
*Austin has been lying to Meg/Jason, saying that Audrey is this weeks target.
*Jason is pissed that the same people are getting nom'ed, while others "nap their way to jury". (*lol)
*James told Meg/Jason that he thinks that the plan isn't to BD Audrey this week, because Austin/Vanessa will want her in the game because she's a bigger target than them. He wonders if John is gonna try to throw this BOB Comp like last week. (*Ding Ding Ding!)
*2:50pm BBT BOB Comp has started!
In other news, TMZ has updated their website (basically retracting their earlier statement) about Jeff, due to a new camera angle. If you wanna read it, here's the link.
I'll post the winner of the BOB Comp in this post whenever the comp is over, so check back for that update! :D
Winner of the BOB Comp is:
(Austin has been dethroned, as planned.)
(Austin has been dethroned, as planned.)
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Stay tuned...