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Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday: Overnighter (Summary)

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday to y'all!! :D As we learned last night, Da'vonne was sent home and both Austin & Vanessa are the current HOH's. Today we will have the Nominations Ceremony where both HOH's will name their 2 noms for the week, and then the BOB Comp will be played, dethroning one of the HOH's.

Since I only have a small amount of time to dedicate to The Overnighter this morning before work, I'm going to do a summary. But I'll be back tonight with a detailed Afternoon Post for y'all.

Okay, so it seems that Austin & Vanessa decided that Vanessa can be the HOH for this week and let her do her thing. The target for this week is Jeff, with a couple of backup plans (James' name was thrown out there as a possible backup plan). Austin lied to Jeff and told him that Steve/Audrey are the targets this week, but that's not the case. Austin is acting like he doesn't know about this weeks plan. Austin/Vanessa think it's a good idea to leave Audrey in the game because she'll always be a bigger target before they are. Vanessa went and told Audrey to not worry because she's not the target & to use this week to rebuild her game.

In other news, the twins switched out last night. Liz is now back in the house.

So that's pretty much it at this point! If all goes according to the plan, Vanessa will be the sole HOH and gun after Jeff this week (with James as the backup plan).

Speaking of Jeff, he made it onto for doing this...

Ummm..yeah. :/ I have no words. I'll just leave that there and walk away. lol You can use the flashback feature on the live feeds to see it for yourself. Start at 8:20pm BBT & then the' incident' happens at 8:22pm BBT on Cam 3.

**I'll be back this afternoon with a shiny new Afternoon Post for y'all! Until then, enjoy watching the live feeds!! :D (Free Week, then $5.99/month.)

Stay tuned...
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Steve Robbins Art said...

Ha! If CBS pulled Jeff's technically-a-rapist-if-true butt off the show, I'm curious how the producers will spin this to explain without explaining. It will require a lot of truth massaging to go over the heads of children and young adults.

Razldazlrr said...

Jeff has turned out to be such a PIG! that is just so beyond gross. and what an idiot - hello!!! there are cameras on.....

I liked Davonne - she added some spice to the game but she played too hard too fast. that would probably be me - hard to keep the mouth shut. I never figured out why she told everyone about the twin situation and maybe just told Jason, to give him an advantage.

Really don't like Shelli and Clay - I wish their plans would have blown back in their faces.

Angela said...

I wasn't totally convinced that that's what was going on with Jeff BUT I have thought he was a creeper since week 1.

Unknown said...

I like that the house has two strong sides. 1-1 at this point with Jace & Da' gone. At least it's not the one-sided Derrick BB16 House. I like me some crazy girl Audrey but if she sabotages herself one more time this week then I'm going to let her go.

Lea said...

Liz/Julia mentioned that Jeff keeps attempting to touch and lift up Liz/Julia's shirt. I think he's a legit creep and he can't figure out how to interact appropriately with Liz/Julia since he's so attracted to them. I think CBS needs to have protocol in place for when female house guests are sexually harassed because there is no way that those types of comments, gestures, etc should be allowed to continue without repercussions.

Austin told Liz in the HOH room to make a big deal about it and yell at him that she's being sexually harassed. I think there is such a stigma that she must be leading him on, etc so she must be to blame. I think he needs to learn that his behavior isn't acceptable under any circumstances. I'm annoyed at CBS for letting it go on this long.

Ashley said...

There is a new camera angle on TMZ now showing this isn't true

Unknown said...

So in my opinion, the game is quite open, there is no clear front runner right now. But I feel like the guys are doomed this year, except maybe James.
Clay, Jason, Jeff and Steve, all have huge targets on their back. It seems that Johnny mac will be the ultimate pawn, and I can see him ending up in the final 2, being the runner up.
Now for the girls, I can see Becky, Jackie and Meg getting really far in this game. Meg will play a strong social game to get her to the end.
Becky doesnt seem to be a threat to anyone but shes clearly good at competitions, so she might manage to fly under the radar and then become a competition beast.
This also applies to Jackie, shes playing under the radar right now, but shes a very physical competitor. Her and Becky are already working together, so I can see them making a final 2 deal and later in the game, they will start dominating the competitions and knock out all the remaining big targets.
If I had to guess the final 6, I would choose, Becky, Jackie, James, John, Meg and Vanessa.
What does everyone else think? Who would you pick for the final 6?

Ashley said...

I really don't like Jeff, but I watched the TMZ vidoes. They posted another one from a different angle and you can tell that is not at all what happened. You can see that there is in fact a spot on her shirt that appears to be some sort of stain. In no way shape or form does it appear that he did what is being accused.

Obsidiandog. said...

Jeff is certainly skeevy. He's AL Bundy. He thinks he's a player with gals but he doesn't really like them. During BBAD last night he was explaining to Jackie why she was bad for his game. He told her to her face that she was a liability to him, blissfully unaware that maybe he's a liability to her. Yup, Al Bundy.

PhillyDan said...

Hi Jamie, I purchased the live feeds via your blog. I've been reading your BB blog for years and you do some amazing work keeping us updated. I have a question for do I use the flashback feature on the feeds. I can't seem to figure it out. I go to the highlights but it doesn't give me the choice to choose whatever timeframe I want to watch. Can you help me? Thanks

Jamie said...

Hi Danny! Thanks for your support of the blog!! If you're using a computer, look for the calendar icon by where it says "live". It's not available on any devices like iPad or cell phones. Only computers/laptops. Hope I helped!

PhillyDan said...

Thanks, very helpful. I use my iPad and iPhone but now I know to use my laptop for the flashback feature. Thanks again!!

Jamie said...

Awesome! Glad I could help! :D

Christina said...

I think Jeff knew what he was doing, setting up a "situation" that will make him relevant after BB is over. He told the guys that he did it, made it look believable but stopped short of technically doing it. Just my 2 cents, lol. Personally, I have a hard time even looking at him... I don't know how any girl would find him attractive?! Yuck.

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