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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday: The Overnighter

Happy Live Show Day, BB addicts! Tonight we have a Double Eviction, which means that either Meg or Julia will leave and then the HG's will fight for HOH, make nominations, play for veto, evict, and then play for HOH again. It's gonna be a wild night! The houseguests got a stripped-down version of tonight's HOH comp and the BB card read that they encourage "everyone" to practice.

So, who's going home tonight? Well, that's a good question! If you would've asked me yesterday who's going home, I would have told you Meg for sure, no question. Now? I'm not so sure. It all comes down to Steve.

Steve wants to flip the vote and vote Julia out. But he made 1 huge mistake: he asked Vanessa for permission to vote Julia out. *head desk* (5:39pm BBT)
Vanessa started off the conversation with "I was prepared for the vote to flip and I can adapt..", but then she went into an hour long conversation about why that would be horrible for their game. During this talk, Vanessa lies to Steve and said she's only made a Final 2 deal with him (Steve) and nobody else. Steve asked Vanessa who she wants to go to Final 3 with, she said Julia (and Steve) because they can win against her in the F3 comps.

Then Vanessa talked to Austin, who (surprisingly) said he knows he can't go to Final 3 with Liz/Julia, so one of them has to be taken out (obviously Julia before Liz) but he can't be the one to do it. Vanessa tells him that Liz would "castrate" him if he voted Julia out this week. But then Austin turns around and says he won't break up the twins until Final 3. (Steve was also in the room during this.)

Shortly after, Vanessa talked to John about not flipping the vote unless he (Johnny Mac) can get Austin's blessing and that if can, then she'd roll with the flip. (7:38pm BBT)
She went through her reasons of why it's not a good idea to get rid of Julia this week. John just did a lot of "Mm hmm" and "yeah"'ing. He tells her she's right on everything. (*I think he was just saying that to shut her up.)

At 8:26pm BBT, Steve/John talk alone in the HOH room. They discuss how if they vote out Julia, then Meg/James won't gun after them (S/J). Steve thinks it's really risky, while John said he's "on the fence" and thinks it's risky, too.

Steve: "Do you think James and Meg would work with us?"
JM: "I dunno."

Johnny Mac thinks it'll be good for them (S/JM) to have Meg/James on their side to win the crapshoot HOH comp tonight.

Meanwhile, downstairs..

Besties James and Meg are packing up Meg's stuff. James tried on one of Meg's tops, which made Meg laugh of course. (If Meg goes, I am *really* gonna miss little moments like these between these two on the feeds. They are the best thing about this season. Watching their friendship blossom this summer was amazing and fun to watch. :) )

James finds a purple bandanna and asks Meg if it's hers. She says yes and it's her only one. James looks at her..Meg says no (to him wanting to keep it)..
James: "Come on! I gotta have somethin' to remember you by!"
Meg: "I gotta have something to remember (BB)! I don't have a lot of (BB) stuff.."
James: "Want some of my stuff?"
Meg: "No."

James teases Meg, saying she's gonna bring back the bandanna look to NYC. (*lol)

Fast-forward to...

At 10:14pm BBT, Meg makes her pitch to Steve (finally!!) and said that Austin/Liz/Julia need to be broken up and that this is his chance to change the game and make a big move.

She said her/James have never gone after him (Steve). She said if Steve saves Meg, then the 3 of them can take over (James/Meg/Steve).

11:10pm BBT:
Johnny Mac tells James he wants to flip the vote but can't do it by himself.

1:30am BBT:
Johnny Mac/Steve talk about flipping the votes, again. JM said they'd have the numbers going into the HOH comp if they got Julia out. Steve isn't sure because Vanessa doesn't want the vote to flip. Ten minutes later, Steve starts pacing and saying he doesn't wanna keep Austin/Twins in the game and lose because of them, but also doesn't wanna be a bad person for voting Julia out.

4:15am BBT:
Steve is still up, talking to himself, going back and forth on if he should flip or not. He said he has a gut feeling he should vote Julia out but he's still not sure what to do.

Steve: "I don't wanna be the guy that goes home because I was too scared to make a move."

5:18am BBT:
Steve is worrying himself sick. Literally.

He starts dry heaving into the bathroom sink and then goes back to his bedroom where he's clearly frustrated that he doesn't know what to do.
**And that's it for the Overnighter! Steve is still undecided and hopefully he'll talk to Johnny Mac today and we'll know what Steve is thinking. As of right now, it's up in the air. As of 7:55am BBT, Steve is still tossing and turning, mixed with gagging coughs. It's like he knows what he should do, but is nervous to go against Vanessa. Which way will he decide to go?! We'll have to wait and see!! I will say that the live feeds have been ahhh-mazing the past 14'ish hours and I hope they continue to be. This is the kind of stuff us feedsters love!! :D Okay, I'll be back tonight with a new live show post. Until then, follow me on Twitter for mid-day updates.

Stay tuned...
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Steve Robbins Art said...

This kid is totally awful at this game! He's a grade A+ coward, and it casts suspicions on the people in his town to be so proud of him.

MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS! You can dress yourself, right, or do you need some abusive bully to do that for you?
(fully aware statement is abusive and bullyish)

Razldazlrr said...

Well, that's good news - let's hope Steve and JMac have the "you know what" to do it! Everyone is so damn scared of Vanessa - give me a break! I really don't understand why Steve can't figure out it's best for his game.

I tried to watch the show last night but fast forwarded through a lot - I just can't stand listening to the twins or Vanessa - how you do it Jamie is beyond me!

Jay said...

Finally! A house guest dry heaving just like the rest of us at home watching this game play out...

The Truth said...

Yay! Hopefully they evict Julia tonight!

Casually interested said...

If Steve pulls this off he will have marked his place in the annals of big moves of. BB17,
in an otherwise dull season! Go Steve.

Dianne said...

Gah! I feel hung over from all of last night's Steve drama and am not sure Steve will have the courage to follow through on this, plus it's going to be hard to confer with James, Meg & JMac without the others noticeing the scampering.

Unknown said...

Steve can't win if he keeps playing scared. Get Julia out (since Nessa didn't put Liz up). If ur goal is to win then u gotta play the game. I would rather play to win like Becky, Jackie or James then to play scared like most of the rest of the house

SDfan said...

Let's go Steve - make a play and do something to make you go farther in the game!!! Oh, I wish! But I have a feeling, he will cop out so not to go against V & A. I am hoping for that and will be surprised if he votes out Julia (I'd rather do that than hope for him to vote her out and not do it). This way MAYBE I can see something new tonight. Haha.

KathyC said...

Did these guys forget that Vanessa doesn't get a vote in this eviction?? I'm sure Meg will be going tonight - I have a feeling that production had a hand in the way Steve and JMac are considering a flip in an attempt to keep us interested. I still cannot wrap my head around this game play - can you imagine if a really strong player was in the house? Derrick was good last season, but people didn't dislike him. These HGs are all running scared and don't seem to want the final prize. I just don't get it. And I'm really missing Brian's take on things this year - did he already give up?

Unknown said...

Im hoping steve betrainig V and vote Julia out. A big surprise will be seing A voting Julia out. I hope meg still in the game, James winning HOH, he puts Liz and Austin; and if one of them wins POV, he backdoor V. So there are posibilities to make this entire game better

Unknown said...

He needs to play like he wants to win! All he is doing is helping others win.

Stephanie Kay said...

PLEAAASEEEEE do this, Steve!! Hoping for a miracle tonight. Julia out, followed by Liz, Austin, or Vanessa? That would be magical.

cmhess1553 said...

I must say that I miss Brian's take as well. Jaime you rock thank you for keeping with it.

Unknown said...

Just found this blog this season. Always just waited for episodes to air and not look for spoilers. My question is, how "real" are these people playing? Can production "tell" them how to play? Because a lot of the things these house guests do make no sense!! I get that the isolation gets to you mentally, but at this point, how can any of them see a threesome as good for their game?? Ugh!

Andy Tatnall said...

From the feeds this morning it seems as if, sadly, Steve and J-Mac have chickened out of flipping the votes. Again.

Unknown said...

Ugh. They're gonna get boned if they don't act now. Austwins win the second HOH tonight one of them is a goner for sure.

Smokey said...

I agree with all of you. I wish the house would vote out julia, but they are all so scared of Vanessa, it's pathetic. What are they afraid of? That she will go around crying and acting pissy all day; she does that already, so what does that matter. I beleive Steve will throw the hoh tonight, no mater who gets voted out. Of all the houseguest i think steve and jmac are the only two worthy of winng the money. I just wish steve had some backbone; he's compared to Ian all the time, but he is no Ian.

Razldazlrr said...

Andy - boooooo - I guess we shouldn't be surprised - they have no "you know whats"!

Steve Robbins Art said...

I mean, seriously- if Vanessa is kicked out, "ooo big deal! I won't have her vote at the finale!" So you don't have her vote. But you made it to the finale, so you've got a lot more people who probably will respect how YOU played the game, and can ignore what little she can actually accomplish.

This Is My Journey said...

I think you just ruined my day. Lol.

Cammy Vyper said...

STEVE!!! VOTE JULIA OUT!!! omgosh, lol.

Fred said...

Do you really think they will go against Vanessa? I don't think so... It's productions way of giving us all hope, and at the end of the day Meg will still be voted out..We see this every Thursday, it's productions way of trying to make good tv..

GB said...

Why can't J/Mac and Steve see its in their best interest to get rid of Julia!! Break up the trio NOW or its all OVER for them. Who cares what Vanessa thinks?! Let her cry and whine, she can't play for the next HOH!
I'm sick of this whole sordid mess! PLAY THE GAME PEOPLE!

DeniseG said...

Steve getting sick from the inability to make a decision is really sad. What happens when he has to deal with real life? He will sabotage his chance for HOH, either subconsciously or on purpose, so that he won't have to make decisions and put people up. The only way he'll win BB is if he's up against Meg or Julia.
Last nights episode showed some of V's true colors but was still a favorable edit. But they didn't show how mean the twins can be. And who tossed Liz's clothes? Was it Austin?

rigs said...

If Steve votes Julia out this round, he can kiss his game goodbye. That would be a very stupid move on his part and he would deserve to get booted. House priority has to be Meg out this week and James as soon as it can be done. In no way does James deserve to win BB17 and certainly not Meg.

Beverly said...

What happened to the days of just voting someone out without having to ask everyone's permission? SMH

KathyC said...

Yes, I'm afraid production has a say in all 'reality' TV shows, and even though not exactly scripted, they give them hints or straight up tell them what to say or talk about. They know which way they want plot lines to go and they more or less steer them in that direction. And @Mike Balunda - LOL!! Freudian slip? LOL!!

AuntRoniRocks said...

Jamie - I'm sad to say my network is playing football - you'll have the link to the live show, right? yea!

While I am certainly not holding my breath, I'm for sure still hoping to see a big move tonight. It all depends on the challenges.. hope James can somehow escape eviction and take out some folks!!

Nana/bblvr said...

I love Big Brother! That being said, I am so disappointed this season! I have taken "BB After Dark" off my series recording, I can barely make it through show (actually hit pause so I can forward through the Austwits, V, and Steve) and only watch certain parts! I have started to watch as much of any season other than this one as I can. PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!! I ♡ this blog, thanks Jamie! I also miss Brian's comments, but totally understand if he quit watching.

Nana/bblvr said...

Just curious if anyone knows if there are people out there that think this is a good season? This is the only blog I read and I can't believe anyone is enjoying this "vacation slide show"! Does CBS actually think this is great? Bring on Survivor!

Anonymous said...

Steve is back to thinking about what he should do??? IMHO, if he hears before the live eviction (which they probably will) that there will be a DE, even if he again decides to vote out Julia, he will quickly change his mind because he won't have time to spend hours fretting about what he should do then. I don't understand why Steve and JMac just can't come out and say what they are thinking, especially to Meg and James.

Anonymous said...

@deniseg I was totally thinking that!! Looked like Austin dumped her stuff!

Gross said...

This made me LOL!!!!!

Amy said...

I haven't even been watching since Jackie left. I check in here periodically to see if it has gotten any better.....Thank you Jamie for suffering through this season! I appreciate it.

RbHtown said...

What a dull season. I'm going to miss James, he was the only one willing to make big bold moves. The twin twist I think really hurt the game this season. What a predictable season. I predict Vanessa wins. Vanessa controls everyones Vote no one left in the house will have enough brains to go against Vanessa. So sad, I hope next season is better

RbHtown said...

Yes....Bring on Survivor!

Unknown said...

This bb season officially sucks big time. It's soooooooo boring and nothing or no one keeps it interesting! OMG what a waste of a season.. Btw shout out from Thailand.

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