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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday Night Double Eviction

It's here, ladies & gents! It's Double Eviction night in BB land! Tonight, we will see either grandma Meg leave or Julia. Earlier this afternoon, both Johnny Mac and Steve decided to NOT flip the vote and get Julia out. Buuuuttt....right before the feeds turned off, Steve was heard saying "I could just say f*ck it, I'm playing Big Brother, and flip it." So it's still 50/50, though this is Steve we're talking about. So, yea. I have zero faith in him. With that being said, once Julie tells the houseguests that it's Double Eviction night, that *could* change Johnny and Steve's minds. We'll see!!

Sidenote: If Julia is indeed evicted, and James wins HOH and puts up any combo of Austin/Liz/Vanessa, there might be a lapse in my live reporting. Please do not panic, as I would most likely be so damn happy that I'm either (A) humping my couch in excitement like a dog, or (B) passed out because something actually interesting happened this season. ;)

Okay, the show starts at 9pm EST as usual, so grab your snackies & drinks and enjoy the show!!

9:00pm EST:
Show begins...

9:12pm EST:
Julie just told the HG's it's Double Eviction night. James is excited, while Steve looks like he's gonna throw up.

9:13pm EST:
Meg/Julia give their speeches.

The Votes:
*Liz votes to evict...Meg
*James votes to evict...Julia
*Steve votes to evict...Meg (GAWD DANG YOU!!)
*JM votes to evict...Meg
*Austin votes to evict..Meg

Evicted from the BB17 House is:
Julie asked Meg if there's anything romantic between her/James. Meg said there's not fireworks there, only best friends. :)

9:23pm EST:
Time for the HOH Comp! It's a True or False question comp.
Steve/James are out.
Austin/JM are out. It's between the twins now.

Winner of the HOH Comp:
(A twin..does it really matter which one?! lol)
Nominated for Eviction:
9:36pm EST:
Time for the POV Comp!

Winner of the POV is:
Next, James will be evicted and the summer of blogging will end. I'm done. I can't do this anymore this season, guys. I'm sorry.

Liz did NOT use the Veto.
Time for the votes.

The Votes:
*Austin votes to evict...James
*Julia votes to evict...James
*Vanessa votes to evict...James
*Steve votes to evict...James

Evicted from the BB17 House is:
Now Austin/Twins/Vanessa/Steve/JM are left in the house.
All of them, minus outgoing HOH Liz, will compete later for HOH.

**Sidenote: I am voting James for America's Favorite Player because (besides Vanessa), he's the only one who played the game. (Vanessa will win 1st or 2nd place, depending on the jury. So predictable.)


Stay tuned...
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TheFamDoc24 said...

If it ends up being choice A please make sure you get a video of that posted on the blog. hahahahaha

Jamie said...

LOL!!! I'll try ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG freaking preseason football is playing instead! Do you have the link to watch the show online?

Unknown said...

Do you have a link to the show so we can watch if we are lucky enough to live in a region thats airing less important things (like football)

Jamie said...

DeniseG said...

Jamie -lmao!!
If you're in California Bay Area Big Brother is on Channel 44 at the usual time of 9 pm.

Unknown said...

You can watch it on tv 38 the sister station...

Unknown said...

Its on at 8 here on channel 31 cw sister station California. Niners are playing on 13. Gooo niners :)

Melinda said...

That link isnt working for me. Damn football. :(

Mo said...

Guess Julia is leaving since she's dressed up

Unknown said...

Please keep me updated. My local CBS is showing football instead of BB17!

Unknown said...

I'm in TN. Any help getting BB live instead of this damn game?

Steve Robbins Art said...


Dixie said...

Cowards and stupid players...

TheFamDoc24 said...


Amy said...

If James leaves next I am done with this season, what a bunch of idiots!

Unknown said...

Fricken ridiculous!! Worst worst worst season ever. So predictable!! I seriously cannot wait for this season to be over.. The look on their faces when they come to the realization of just how boring and not liked they were, will be priceless. Jmac, you broke my heart! Just give V the money now BB!!! I can just imagine your face as you were typing this update Jamie! Ugh!

jazz said...

New meaning for BB...brainless ball-less!

Unknown said...

I agree soooo much!! SOOO much!

Unknown said...

I knew that was going to happen but I'm still shocked. I don't understand. I thought for sure once they heard it was a DE they would have changed their minds. And why does everyone have to vote together? Doesn't make sense they should write the check to Austin or the twins now.

Jamie said...

omg i'm freakin' livid over here.

A♥ said...

I don't get it. I bet those dummies sitting at home regret letting Julia come in now. Steve sucks. He's always sucked. At least Meg was entertaining!

Unknown said...

Steve deserves to be booted next!! He is such a wussie!

Unknown said...

Damnit!! Meg was my favorite from the start. Useless or not.

A♥ said...

Ughhhhhhhh this season is awful

Unknown said...

Damn you Steve!! Meg was my favorite from the start. Useless or not.

DeniseG said...

Between the twins--vomit

TheFamDoc24 said...

I'm done. Completely worthless.

Unknown said...

It's insane isn't it?? I don't even want to watch anymore! I've actually stopped watching and come to your blog with the hopes that something BIG happens! But nope!!!! Its like watching groundhog day! Only more annoying! Jamie, an open letter to CBS, BB's casting and the players is what they deserve.. I can only imagine how entertaining your letter would be!

Heather said...

Ugh turned it off when the twins were last two. Hated this season before, really hate it now and just don't care anymore. Can't wait until next season. See you next season....I'm out!

Unknown said...

Steve should be throwing up now for the mistake he made.

Annabelle14 said...

UGH, James mineswell go ahead and pack his bags. He's next. Have fun in the jury house with Meg. And the season is done… How production thinks these four are going to keep us watching to the finals is beyond me.

Jeremy N. said...

Hopefully james wins POV

Jim C. said...

Looks like James is next unless he wins POV

Steve Robbins Art said...

Welp- I'm out.

(or I would be, if I hadn't invested my entire summer to this bull-crap...)
(Seriously! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE, J-Mac, and ESPECIALLY YOU, Steve. Enjoy the jury house sometime between tonight and finale. You deserve not getting the half-mil)


Lea said...

Ugh a twin ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Kb said...

Yes let's get Meg out instead of breaking up a trio. So dumb!

Xandy said...

This effing sucks. I Luke steve... but I wanna punch him in the thoat.

Unknown said...

Im so sad

Unknown said...

What is going on? This is all kinds of stupid

Bthammer said...


M Jamaar Davis said...

Im only watching the rest of this episode in hopes that James wins Veto, Steve is the replacement, and Steve goes home for not sending home Julia

Bthammer said...

This is the worst season by far! The house guests are boring, the moves they make are boring, it just sucks. I really hate that I've wasted my summer on this predictable season.

Unknown said...

Season over. Good job Big Brother. You single handedly ruined the last bit of summer I had left.
I feel like they pulled a bait and switch on us. "Every week we will have a new surprise" "expect the unexpected" etc etc.
We NEED an all stars. Bring back evil Dick and all the greats of BB history. At this point, that would be the only way I'll come back next year to watch (If there is a next year)

Unknown said...

Beyond f'n pissed!!!!! Steve you pussy!!!!!! How stupid can one be?!? Yeah let's leave a 3 person strong alliance in the game with few ppl left. And when they heard it was a double eviction they shlda been like we def shld get out a twin now and hopefully send another one out. Omg F this game and production for being lazy to find new ideas and twists for the game. All they have to do is read our comments for ideas!

Again thanks Steve u bitch. There's no way he'll ever make a big move. Can't wait til he's voted out

Unknown said...

So JMac, James or Steve is about to be evicted. Austwins wins. Vanessa, 4th on their totem pole, has lost too.

Unknown said...

Agreed. This has been the perfect storm of mundane predictability.

Unknown said...

I cant watch it and i hear no more this season is over

PhillyDan said...

I'm so over BB this predictable...can someone get a backbone and make a move already.

Unknown said...

Whatever happened to D'Vonne's (sp?) last laugh? Why haven't they done a rewind yet? Now that JM and Steve wussed out, I hope they are the next ones to go.

Holly said...

I'm so pissed. WTF?!?!?! I LOVE Big Brother, but this season is soooo freakin ridiculous. I can't stand it. AG must be so proud.

The ONLY good thing that has come out of this season is James! #JamesForBBAllstars

Anonymous said...

This season is even worse than BB12. Austwins and Vanessa pretty much dominate the house now. Even if JMac/James wins the next HOH, he will be picked off the week after. James and JMac were the only interesting players left, and one of them will go into sequester in a few minutes. The other will leave in the next 2 weeks.

Unknown said...

Wth don't just leave us hanging! Blog!! All I've got over here is a football game!!!

Kb said...

Yep, me too. I am out. Done!!

Steve Robbins Art said...

So good bye James! (vote hasn't happened yet, but there's no doubt in my mind that he's iced)

Should I presume you're going to stop updating this blog, Jamie? I've never seen you this justifiably frustrated before.

Unknown said...

Done! I should have followed my sister's example, she stopped watching as soon as it got predictable and boring.. Which was pretty much right away!! Would have saved me some time and energy!! I literally cannot stop shaking my head. Thank you Jamie! You were a trooper! See you next season, unless it gets canceled! Ugh!

cindy Williamson said...

This could not get any worse. The twins would not have made it past week 7 if anyone had a brain.

KathyC said...

Don't blame you one bit, Jamie. Thanks for hangin as long as you did. I'm also done this season - and that's a first!

AES BB watcher said...

Looks like the Autwins will be the final three... As much as I don't like them, they have played everyone in the BB house... That's how you win.... Ugh!

Unknown said...

Smh I completely understand

Unknown said...

This is my 1st time commenting. Jamie u do an awesome job every year. I'm dumb founded and so confused as to how it makes any sense to leave twins in a game. This season has driven me to crack open more bottles of wines than ever. Totally over this season!!!!!

jazz said...

Sure happy Survivor is about to start, BB is over for me. Thanks for the great blogging, best entertainment of the season.

Unknown said...

These people are so stupid i mean number one mistake is letting julia come in the game then mistake number 2 they kept both in the game the 3 they let it get so low in numbers that the twins and austin are half the game. Cam it really get any worse.

Unknown said...

I do not know how you have stayed sane this long. Worst season ever!!!! Thank you for your blog and hope to see you next season.

Unknown said...

I'm done watching this show so stupid and predictable

JeanneK said...

Shouldn't things start getting more interesting as this final group starts turning on each other? And seriously how, does Julie keep a straight face with the "suspense" of this show?

Unknown said...

This season socks. All of my favorite Hg's are now laying on the jury. I hate the final 6. I hopr maybe season 18 can be much better

Fred said...

No Comment..

KathyC said...

I would really prefer to have the cameras in the Jury Hiuse now!

slnc said...

They're so stupid! What a bunch of biotches! So scary! Steve is , ugh I can't!!! Unbelievable...what is he thinking?

Unknown said...

Uugggghhh Im gonna miss James all the good ones are gone man smh

Unknown said...

I am so done with this. Yea lets get out the duo where one is total no threat at all and keep a trio with all competitive players. At this point I don't care who wina they are all stupid . everyone left is horrible and boring.

Unknown said...

Ok I'm done. This season is the worst one I can remember. I've been watching the celebrity BB happening in the UK on YouTube. It is soooooo much more entertaining than these god awful pansies! I def prefer the American format of the show but this season I DO NOT!!!! Ahhhhh! Ugh

Amy said...

Jamie thank you for blogging for us, as I said above, I'm done now that James is gone, I'm beyond frustrated with these people and don't even want to see one of thos 3 win, I don't care about the rest, but not one of the twins or Austin, either way I will hear on the news or something, gosh I even shed a tear tonight seeing James walk out. 'Till next season!

Unknown said...

I'm done watching this show so stupid and predictable

Anonymous said...

Is this really the last blog until the finale?

moregrits said...

I haven't watched most episodes this season, just read the blog and twitter. This season has been so difficult to watch. They keep a strong trio, twins at that. Vanessa has deals with everyone, so who is she going to cry about now?

Nana said...

Me tooooo. So over the twits and their smugness! Austin is just gross and Vanessa is downright mean - perfect definition of a bully. CBS please find better choices for houseguests next season!! I do wish I could be a fly on the wall when they read the comments about them. Hopefully, it'll take them down a peg or two!

Anonymous said...

Hello CBS! Show us the jury house please!! For most of the episode!!!

Unknown said...

Omg these people just handed the twins and Austin the game. So stupid im so done!!!!-Amanda Johnson

Stephanie said...

This has got to be the worst season yet. I have been less interested in these houseguests than any others. Come on JM, win HOH!

Unknown said...

Worst season!!! Now with James gone I will not watch, really bad casting with Steve & Vanessa has enough $$ already. Really poorly laid out. JMac will be gone next, he is so stupid not to make any moves. Just a bunch of followers......😤

TheFamDoc24 said...

Jamie, I'm sooooo disappointed in this show, but I'm even more disappointed because there will be no video of you and the couch. lol.
See ya in BB18!

Unknown said...

First rule of BB is always break up the couple. No couple is stronger than twins & this year you have a THROUPLE and the HG had a chance to break it up & didn't take it

Holly said...

Back tracking... WTF was Julia talking about during her veto speech?! She doesn't want any blood on her hands?!?! Girlfriend. You haven't won a DAMN thing. You've been a warm body in that house and nothing more.

And I swear if ONE more person says anything about "not wanting blood on their hands I might scream. These HGs are so ignorant it is UNREAL! They all need a massive Come to Jesus moment! Wake up you nimrods! You are playing BIG BROTHER!!!!

Steve is awful. Liz sucks. Austin is nasty. Julia is dumb. Vanessa is.... Ugh. No words. J-Mac is the only likable one and... I think that is a tad far fetched.

My predictions for the next evictions....

HOH: Austwins
Evicted- S/J

HOH: Austwins
Evicted- S/J

HOH: Austwins
Evicted- A/V (my guess is V)

HOH: Austwins
Evicted: Austin.

Those annoying ass twins are going to be sitting pretty on finale night. With Liz taking it all.

Kyle said...

On a lighter note, google images of the movie Dark Crystal and see if there is any resemblance to Vanessa?!

rigs said...

I am so glad Meg and James are gone. Now the show begins. Vanessa is playing a very good game. I can't believe so many have no appreciation for a game being played so well, especially when the game is into it's 17th season. When the going gets tough, the tough get going and the losers fall by the wayside.

Kmm7743 said...

Done!!! Jamie, I have been following your blog since season 15 and haven't commented since, but I feel compelled to get this off my chest. This season seriously sucked balls!!!!!!Thanks Jamie for all your hard work. I don't blame you one bit if you call it quits on blogging this season.
Steve, spineless twit.
Vanessa, always looks like she's high on something. Hate when she talks.
Austin=just gross. Looks like he smells like piss.
Julia, not as dumb...but still dumb none the less.
Rooting for Johnny Mac to win but that won't happen, and well I won't be watching anymore anyway to see it.

Marissa said...

Anddd I'm done. I literally just cancelled my CBS All Access subscription. My reason? That I cannot force myself to care about the idiots left in the house.

Kmm7743 said...

I didnt know that crying when you don't get your way, throwing hissy fits when you don't get your way, and bullying other people to get your way was good game play (especially when you are already rich) but I guess we are all entitled to our opinions.

Unknown said...

Jamie, I've been reading your blog silence I started watching BB season 8 and I've always watched the shows even tho I already knew what was going to happen. I haven't watched the show in 3 weeks now because this season sucks!! I keep checking in on your blog to see if something exciting happens and it hasn't. I am done watching this season but will continue to check your blog to see who wins but I can not give CBS and this boring season any ratings. Thank you Jamie for keeping us all updated and putting up with this boring season,I honestly don't know how u do it!

Holly said...

I have total appreciation of Vannesa's game play, but she won't win (unless she wins every eligible HOH and veto possible). She's 4th man on totem poll.

What I don't have appreciation for is Steve's all talk, no play "game".

I don't care who you are. You DON'T leave a TRIO in the house. It makes no sense. These houseguest are ball-less!

Unknown said...

Like many out there, I'm out of interest for this season. It sucks so bad, CBS may pull next years saeason. A great last twist would be for CBS to give the Jurors an option for "none of the above". That would top an ultimately shitty season.

ASell6907 said...

And I can't believe you're glad Meg and James are gone. Congrats. You're probably one of the few people watching the show that's been rooting against James and thinks the twins aren't bullies. 👎👎

Briget said...

John and Steve apparently can't do simple math... They should have voted out Julia and kept Meg. They'll be the next two picked off. Idiot moves!

angie said...

Great blog Jamie. That said, I'm done as well. I refuse to watch them give that much money to such despicable human beings.

HurlyBurly said...

CBS All Access cancelled. It's football season now anyway:)

Steph said...

Hand the money to Vanessa now and be done with it. That's what is gonna happen anyway. Do any of them realize they have a brain of their own and can vote the way they want? This season sucks

Melissa S. said...

Beyond disgusted. No way you can even muster appreciation for Vanessa's game - SHE HAS LEFT IN A THREESOME AND DOESNT HAVE ANY NUMBERS LEFT TO BEAT THEM! Sounds like really poor strategy to me. Not quite as smart as you think you are if you're happy with fourth place. But wait, maybe she was just enjoying a summer and not ATTEMPTING TO WIN A GAME - much like the rest of the strategy-deficient HGs. I'm done. Jamie, you rock - I pray you come back next year...

Unknown said...

Hey Jamie! I've been following your blog for years and you have always delivered an entertaining and interesting perspective on the game. But this season has been so disappointing! I know that it isn't easy to get in the house. There are people who apply for years and never get in. But the houseguests this season act like the competition was just about getting in the house. Where's the hunger? Where's the passion? Does production tell casting " Find one bully, one showmance and then fill the rest of the beds with a bunch of victims." What a waste of time. Maybe next summer I'll see what's on ABC or NBC. We'll that's my rant. Thanks again Jamie. You were the only entertaining thing this season. Now I think I'll turn off my TV and go outside and play.

Bobby Z said...

Bottom line is the formula for securing house guests by Production has gone stale. Their going out to find an oriental, a black, a gay/lesbian/transgender, muscleman, blondes no longer works.

Vanessa was an alternate to make the show for four years running and made it this season. This country have millions and millions of people and they have a waiting list that last five years?

Come on, I could get 16 people at a bar offering them a chance to win 500k if they would just leave the real world and compete for the summer. Production sucks and maybe this should be the last season of this farce of a reality game.

Jon said...

This season has been a complete disaster. The last few seasons have been bubbling to this culmination. CBS and/or the casting director are more interested in the appearance of the cast than their actual abilities as players.

Stupid battle of the block almost forces this group think mentality which has been impossible for these people to shake. No gameplay or intrigue. Just a wasted summer.

Unknown said...

For some west coasters you view on Channel 9 or kcal.

Renie said...

I'm happy to know I'm in good company regarding any interest left for BB17. The Twins are the MEAN girls of the season (and twits at that); Austin is grungy, Steve....had potential but no ballocks to play for himself. JMac...could have turned the house on its head, but chose not to. Vanessa...has been able to manipulate, cajole, cry, threaten and stay in the game. Although I don't like her style, she's at least playing the game (and the players). James has to be fan favorite...and Meg a close second. I enjoyed their friendship. Alas, all good things come to an end. I doubt that I will be watching the next few weeks. Jamie, I don't blame you for losing the desire to blog until the end of the season (you probably could just copy/paste/copy/paste and still be spot on for the happenings in the house).

Just Me said...

I agree. Seriously wondering if there will be a next season. Ratings have to be REALLY bad this year.

Jake said...

Shame shame, I'd never miss an episode of Big Brother just because my favorites aren't winning. Just like I didn't last year with that awful Derrick.

Gross said...

Steve and Jmac saved Julia. LOL.
She's putting them up if she wins HOH.


Jamie said...

That's fantastic! Lol that's what they get.

Clair20 said...

At least Steve is still a way better player than Austin and his twins. He's a very nice and caring individual. Vanessa has to get out, plz someone, and her hats my god they are terrible, she can't even move her head when she walks, its really funny actually. TY!!

Nana said...

I concur

Gross said...


I really loved watching James in the house. In the beginning I thought he was squirrly, but he grew on me so much. The odds were against them the whole time.

I might get beat up for saying this .... But austins social game is amazing. Just my opinion.

If Jmac wins HOH.... And ends up controlling his nominations/eviction... Then she deserves to win. I don't like her personally (too intense, doesn't handle criticism well, and is kind of a bully)..... But hand her the check.

I'm mentally checked out now that James is gone. Jmac and Steve really let me down. Honestly, they rolled the dice with not flipping.... But Meg could have been a vote. Or something.

Now I'm glad Jmac and Steve are next targets. UGH!

Thx again for your amazing blog. Soooo much comment participation this year girl!! I love it.

Gross said...

I think it's just more frustration that our seasons underdogs this entire season haven't been able to flip the house or rattle the dominating alliance.

Gross said...

It's intersting... They Casted people that are not catty, that do not incessantly personally attack people like previous years, and seem slightly more intelligent than previous seasons.

Then it turned into this big mess.

Vanessa is intimidating, and I think that's what she's got going for her. I don't think she's good at BB. I think she's just good at BB by default bc people are scared of her. Ha.

Jax said...

Let's just give the trophy to the twins now. Jonny Mac and Steve, congrats you spineless wimps, you just threw away the season. How could you not realize you're #5 and #6 here and the next ones to go up on the block? Vanessa, you've played a fairly decent game, but you're #4 at best. Why not make a big move and remove your biggest competition? You could have ran this house with the trio gone. I don't care how good of a player you are, it's not going to matter when you're out numbered 3:1. And Austin? You're still #3. You're not going to crack those twins. This would have been the perfect week to get Julia out, blame the vote on Steve, and guarantee yourself a credible shot at the final two, or at least a better shot than being the odd man out of a group of three.

I might be done for good after another stinker of a season. Last season was boring because Derrick ran it from start to finish. He's a great player, but it's so boring to watch. And now this hot garbage of a season. Ugh. Done.

The Truth said...

Wow. So depressing.

Unknown said...

I know we are disappointed by tonight's double eviction.
Vanessa has actually been extremely smart about this. The austwins will be targeting jmac. Steve and jmac will be targeting austwins. So Vanessa could slip into the final 3. So the only weak players are Steve and jmac, unless they win the next HOH. But if Liz and Austin are on the block and Julia wins the veto and pulls Liz off, they will officially have the votes. So I can see austwins making it to the final 3. And although I dislike them, it would be awesome to have the twins in the final 2 because no one would have expected the twins to make it that far!
The only thing I really want from the rest of this season is for Steve to get evicted. He's a complete embarrassment for a superfan.

Unknown said...

Steve won the second HOH Comp! Please break up the Austwins!!!!!

Obsidiandog. said...

Unlike previous double evictions I was calm all the way through. With Meg and James gone there really isn't much reason left to watch feeds or BBAD anymore, so I have reclaimed a large amount of my time. The rest of these people are the most joyless, least spontaneous, least interesting, most unlikeable cast I've ever seen. They will be reduced to staring at each other for the next 3 weeks until the jury is forced to hold their collective noses and pick someone to give the money to before they all blow town.

Marko said...

Steve is BB's biggest a-hole! He definatley needs to go next so he can wander through the jury house halls at night telling himself what an idiot he was playing this game!!

Unknown said...

he twins were not smart getting rid of James. They should've got Vanessa out. Vanessa didn't hesitate putting Julia on the block and Julia didn't even think to veto one of Liz's votes to get Nessa backdoored. Little do they know they just gave Nessa the game. #ifonlytheyhadabrain smh

rigs said...

Now that Steve is again HOH, all those who think he has no balls will find out that he does. I predict he will go after Austin and be successful.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Rigs!!!!

Marko said...

Just found out Steve won HOH, I guess he gonna make some more bad choices!!

Christina said...

I have watched BB since the very first season. They have gone from a diverse cast, games for have-nots, a garden and even a pet. They used to cast on brains, abilities and the desire to win at all costs. I swear, half of these contestants act like they don't need the money. It baffles me!! They are more interested in "camera time" and the BB afterlife. Austin was just talking about his dream job would be for CBS to hire him like they did Jeff....LMAO! Where are the Remmy's? The Evel Dicks? Heck, I'll even take Chicken George or Jerry at this point!! I used to look forward to my BB summer feeds every year. Not anymore. This is the third year I have been completely let down. Get your act together BB because I can't handle anymore of these!!! So
completely disgusted :( AND, Vanessa will be lucky to win at this point. It will be the twins. 2 spoiled brats that did nothing but bitch, and whine all season. Thanks BB.
Poor Jamie! I think you deserve some tips from us, I couldn't do it girl and you gave your best!! Thank you :)

Gebuza-Life said...

This blog was the ONLY entertainment of the season!!!

Unknown said...

Steve won HOH! Finally no Austin's Angels!! He will nominate whoever Vanessa wants.

lazybones12215 said...

Every year it is the same thing. The audience gets angry and swears never to watch the show again but here we are again. I have to admit this is one of the worse seasons. How Steve made it this far is beyond me. The guy is totally spineless - Vanessa twists him around her little finger. Everyone is on to her except him but no one has had the nerve to evict her. So shame on them - they are getting what they deserve. I have to laugh when they say Vanessa is a poker player - every emotion is right on her face. Bet the other players love to see her sit down at the table.

Unknown said...

I saw on another site that Steve is HOH. Please, to all things holy, SPLIT UP THE AUSTWINS!

Mr, Sinister said...

Well the good news is that most of us that post here are not alone about how bad this season turned out. I checked out a few other blog sites and there posters feel the same as we do (most of us).

@jamie: Like most people I've followed your blog for a long time now, you have been my savior for when to watch BB and when not to (since season 9) & I must say this season is the first season I felt I needed to rant with others. Sad to see you're done until finale night but I don't blame you either

I'll just have to record & fast forward to the end. Thanks for all you have done.

Woody said...

Jamie; Thank you for your work on this blog. Have been a BB watcher for 15+ seasons and a reader of your for 5-6. We tuned out of the show 2 weeks ago. Bad, BAD gameplay and a very stereotypical cast which really isn't interesting. After looking forward to the show beginning again each year, we are now basically over it. Definitely done for this season--may come back next year--with some MAJOR changes to production and the game. Absent that, we're done, and I'm not sure how much longer the show will survive.

Again, THANK YOU JAMIE for all that you provide here!

Alea Marie said...

Well at least Steve is the new HOH.
Sooo this should be the time he targets the Austwins...we shall see...annd it means that Steve & Jmac will have one more week in the house. Soo maybe there is hope.
Once he breaks up the Austwins & has aligned with Van & Jmac they'll finally have the damn numbers to get out the other twin.
At least I hope....

Razldazlrr said...

I know we have complained about bad casting in the past but never has it been like this season. I have barely watched the show and fast forwarded through a lot - especially the twins and Vanessa whining on and on. Horrible strategy and game. Let's hope this doesn't cancel our show!

If any of the past great players have watched this season - especially the ones that came in 2nd or 3rd - can you imagine what they must be saying??

Jamie - I don't blame you - how you lasted this long is beyond me - just a gagfest! But thanks for suffering through it and a big hug to your pooch!

Steve Robbins Art said...

@Cassandra Monson: correction. Good bye Johnny Mac.

Saginaw Guy said...

Maybe Vanessa will tell Steve to put himself up with JMack. Steve would probably do it.

Gross said...

135 comments? Is that a record??


Gross said...

This literally made me LOL!

He's definitely really passionate about BB.

Unknown said...

Me too!!

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