Watch BB16!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thank you :)

And so another season comes to an end. We laughed..we cried..we mostly stopped watching the feeds around week 8. lol ;) It's been a weird rollercoaster of a season for all of us. Sometimes it was interesting, many times it was not. But we all got through the season with minimal battle wounds to show for it.

Just like every year, I want to thank each & every one of you guys and gals that have signed up through the feeds through me, those of you who donated to support the blog, and those of you that shared the blog with friends and family. It is *only* with your support that I was able to be here all summer and every Big Brother season. I couldn't do it without y'all. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

So now it's time that I get back to my normal life, get back to focusing on non-BB stuff, get out and enjoy the sun before Winter hits in a couple months, and hold my fluffy fur daughter while binge watching Netflix this Fall. Speaking of, Miss Bella is doing just fabulous!! She still acts like a puppy, except that now she takes a few more naps during the day. ;) I've had her for 7 wonderful years (since BB10) and I can't imagine my life or blogging summers without her beside me snoring, or (my favorite) throwing her tennis ball on my laptop as I blog the Overnighters. Here's a pic of Miss Bella & I from last week when I took her on a nice long walk on a trail.

We hope y'all have a GREAT year until next June when the blog will be ready for BB18! Until we see you all again next season...
Jamie & Miss Bella

Stay tuned...
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Katie Mc said...

Thank you Jamie, you're the best blogger ever!! Enjoy the next 9 months, but do comment on FB once in awhile!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your hard work this season! I have 2 questions.
1. Do I need to cancel my subscription or does it end when the season does?
2. I've always wonderedWhen and how do the HG make up the handshakes they do between votes in the DR on eviction nights?

Unknown said...

Thanks for your hard work this season! I have 2 questions.
1. Do I need to cancel my subscription or does it end when the season does?
2. I've always wonderedWhen and how do the HG make up the handshakes they do between votes in the DR on eviction nights?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much! I've been following your blog since BB15. It is really nice to get the updates since I live on the west coast and when I'm not a starving college student, I'll make sure to donate to your blog for all the years I've been following!

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time to do what you do 😊 We appreciate you. Thank god this season is ovah!

Unknown said...

You rock Jamie!!! GREAT picture!

cmhess1553 said...

Thank you thank you for all your hard work and sticking it out during this season of the expected. I have checked out the other blogs but I keep coming back to yours.

Marko said...

Thanks for all your hard work Jamie. See you next year!

Nicole Chenault said...

You're awesome! Enjoy your time with your pup - she's beautiful. Thanks again!!

Unknown said...

Awesome job on a painful season to watch :( Thanks for being there for us when we couldn't bear to watch! (Maybe it seemed so lousy compared to BB 16?!?) I just made a donation, and really enjoy your writing style. Have a great fall & winter with pretty Miss Bella!

KSBerserk said...

Thanks Jamie!!

Bill H said...

I don't know official answer to question 2, but with all day to kill 7 days a week, I am sure the houseguests can squeeze in time to come up with stupid handshakes. My real guess is they don't do that though. I am thinking they are instructed by production to just do something funny as they pass in hallway to DR and most of it happens on the fly.

Bill H said...

Thank you again Jamie for giving us a place to "vent" this season. It really helped me.

One final thought on last night. As much as I don't really like Steve, I must give him credit. He used the week wisely to practice stating his case if was HOH, and delivered it well. Nice job of flipping Liz's speech of "playing with a big target on my back because of twins" into the fact that it was actually also a huge advantage to have an unconditional ally that no one else had.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jamie!!! You are the best blogger ever (the only one I've ever followed) & you and Miss Bella are just ADORABLE! <3 Take care & thanks again!! Until BB18 ... ! (let's just hope for a better cast...)

Unknown said...

Again thanks Jamie for all your hard work. See you next Season.

stef said...

Thank you Jamie. Although not a live feed subscriber I thoroughly enjoyed your blog & comments You enabled me to laugh many times when I couldn't. THANKS AGAIN JAMIE & see/read you next summer.

stef said...

Thanks Jamie for a great BB17 season blog. Loved all your comments & sarcasm :>) Glad its over too. Too mucg drama/paranoia & too much Vanessa crying. See you next season. Any chance of a survivor blog?

Gross said...

Been a follower of your blog for many years. Thank you for everything.....

I hope BB gets more creative in the future.

Xoxoxo till next year!

JChism said...

Thank you, Jamie. You and Johnny Mac were truly the ONLY comedic entertainment all season. You rock girl! Take care of yourself and Ms Bella and see you next summer!!

Mandaeff said...

Thank you and hoping next season is the best one yet! #NeedMoreDrama

Unknown said...

Miss Bella is beautiful!! I had a golden she is in Heaven now, RIP Sonnie the wonder dog, they truly are smart, loyal dogs...enjoy your time away from the blog Jamie and thanks for keeping it up all season, see you next year!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie & Bella for another great BB season!

Unknown said...

Thank you Jamie and Bella!! You got us though a tough season. Have a great winter. Look forward to reading your blog next year.

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