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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Overnighter + Veto Comp Winner

Good morning & Happy Wednesday to everyone! The feeds came back on late last night after being down for a couple of days. When they returned, we learned that...

Steve Nominated:

(*Noms don't really matter as this week, it's all about winning the veto.)

The Winner of the Veto is:

So after Vanessa takes herself off the block, we'll have Liz/JM as the final noms. What's even more shocking? Steve threw the veto comp. (*Sidenote: I think former BB HG Caleb hosted the veto comp.)  Anyway, so now we have Steve/Vanessa going to the Final 3. Will JM or Liz join them? We'll find out during tonight's live show.

Steve spent a good part of the late night in the HOH room crying. He knows he messed up and that throwing the veto that Vanessa won, was a $500,000 mistake. (12:10am BBT)
He was calling himself stupid, apologizing over and over again to his mom for making such a stupid mistake, and then went downstairs and cried to Liz.

It appears that Vanessa will vote to evict Johnny Mac at this point (she's the only vote this week, once she takes herself off the block). She was talking to Steve last night and said that Johnny Mac would be harder to beat in the 1st two Final 3 rounds, but then also said that John wouldn't have the jury votes if he was Final 2. Hmm. So we'll have to wait and see. Vanessa told Steve she'll be happy to be sitting next to Steve in Final 2 and that she's okay with taking 2nd place (she thinks she doesn't have the jury votes to win).

**I'll be back tonight to blog the live eviction show! See y'all then!

Stay tuned...
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ccf said...

I'm so glad this is over soon. I can't watch it anymore.

SDfan said...

Of course Steve threw the veto to Vanessa. Why wouldn't he?!?!?!?!?!

GMAGS said...

So, Vanessa wins POV and is guaranteed final 3. And in my opinion, it is well deserved. People keep saying that she sucks, and if there were better players in the house this year, she would have been voted out a long time ago. Well she doesn’t suck as she made final 3 and she can’t control who she played against. She did what she had to do against the competition that was selected by CBS. I think most of us agree that the cast this year wasn’t the best and probably one of the worst, but why penalize Vanessa for that? She played the game against the competition that was put in front of her and proved to be the better player. Regardless of if your competition is top notch or sucks, you still have to play and win and Vanessa did that!

I also think Austin’s rant when he was evicted may have helped Vanessa get to final 2. He went on and on about how she doesn’t have the votes in jury to win the game. Pretty sure she will use that to convince the final HOH winner (if she doesn’t win it) to take her to final 2.

Unknown said...

I am so disgusted by this season. Steve continues to make these dreadful mistakes and then bemoans his actions/fate. I would feel bad for him if this were the first time he did this but he has done it the entire season. And Vanessa is just not someone anyone feels good about winning. It feels so dirty to know that she is getting that $500k check. If CBS had any character, during the finale they would acknowledge how much the audience has hated this cast and this season.

Andy Tatnall said...

Steve would be so much easier to root for if he just had anything resembling a backbone. He keeps chickening out of making big moves and then acknowledging and regretting his mistakes, but then keeps doing it over and over again. Throwing the veto comp? The time when throwing ANYTHING is a viable strategy is long, long over. You win everything you can. Period. Who throws comps this late?

Speaking of which, the strategy of comp-throwing in general has gone too far. I'm tired of watching only half the cast compete in these comps. BB needs to find a way in future seasons of making winning more attractive to these people, and losing less of a strategy without eliminating it altogether.

Anonymous said...

I was so nauseous listening to the fake clapping and cheering last night. Put in a real audience with real reactions!! If CBS' goal is to keep up Austin's delusional thinking, so he makes a fool of himself at the finale, fine. But I miss the REAL REACTIONS of REAL PEOPLE at the "live" evictions

Unknown said...

I completely agree. as much as I don't like her and was completely annoyed by her she deserves to win. Especially since all the other players figured out she was playing both sides of the house and still decided to keep her. Plus she blindsided Austin and that made me so happy. Haha

City said...

I totally agree with you. Vanessa is the best player although she sucks

City said...

I totally agree with you. Vanessa is the best player in BB 17 although she sucks

Steve Robbins Art said...

Vanessa isn't a sucky player, per se. Her methods are irritating as f**k, and I don't enjoy watching her cry all the time, but she has been amazingly effective at controlling the vote and noms (not Derrick-level).

Think about it: she rooted out the strongest competition, whittling it down to the weakest, most controllable players. Instead of the good players remaining, it's instead the bottom of the barrel, and she floats to the top in comparison.

Steve truly is the worst player I've ever seen. For being the "Nerd" stereotype, he doesn't think through his actions ahead of time, and he always seems to vote against his interests. This entire season we've been shouting at our screens, waiting for him to show some agency and advocate for himself. And he could've controlled the game so many times! What a chump.

Voting out J-Mac probably is a smart move. Without the figures in front of me, his win-rate for comps might be slightly better than Liz, and he's more affable.

If Liz wins HOH in the F3 Comp, she'd be well advised to take Steve, who she could beat in a second in the finale. A Liz/Vanessa final automatically has 2 votes against Vanessa (Austin, Julia), and who knows how effective Julia/Austin would be in the Jury House?

Jax said...

Who throws the most important veto of the season? Steve, congratulations, you just gave Vanessa $500,000. This freaking one has wanted to play the game, even when we're down to brass tacks. Unbelievable.

Liz seems like the most logical to get out of the house considering she already has two concrete votes in the jury house. I'm not sure what getting JM out of the house is going to accomplish considering Liz is every bit as good as he is at comps.

I do hope V wins. A final two with Steve and JM would be a travesty to the game.

JChism said...

She manipulated the game the entire season to her credit and won a good number of comps. I'm not a fan of hers, but she does deserve to win.

Unknown said...

I knew if Vanessa won the veto she would evict JMAC, I'm actually quite pleased with that. Although the final 3 all have awful personalities, they have all earned their place in final 3.

I think JMAC voting to evict Austin and get blood on his hands may have just given him the votes he will need to get James for Americas favorite player

Unknown said...

Best of the worst

Unknown said...

Some superfan this kid is. Down to final four and you throw the veto? Gutless fish he is. At this point can't you just think for yourself? He has irked me so much this season and this is just icing on the cake.

Unknown said...

Completely agree, that was embarrassing. Why has this country become so politically correct that big brother contestants can't receive a truthful response to their actions? I wanted Julie to ask him why he doesn't wash his hands!

Mandaeff said...

I feel the same way. This season was the worse. I think BB wanted this and had the biggest idiots on the show to do just that. Who the hell throws a veto comp at final 4?! Dumbest cast ever!

Missmobay said...

Just write the check to Vanessa, she deserves it even though I can't stand her.

Unknown said...

AGREED! I kept waiting for then to show this mysterious audience...LOL! I'm so over this season

lazybones12215 said...

Anyone who has watched this season knows Steve is a moron who needs someone to hold his hand and unfortunately Vanessa figured that out right away and has been bossing him around to get him to do what she wants. I do not like the woman, her facial expressions drive me up the wall and if I hear "you don't understand" one more time I'm going to scream but let's give the devil her due. She ran circles around everyone there - I was amazed how she bullied people into doing things she wanted done when they knew they were being bullied. Would love to see her and Evil Dick in a future game. Get used to it - she is probably going to be the winner of this fiasco.

Leslie said...

I've said it before and I will say it again, worse season ever! If any of the rumors are true about Vanessa having a show on CBS, help us all. Anyone who watches will need medication just to follow her rambling.

Unknown said...

I agree. I am actually a fan of Vanessa's, but I have been a fan of hers for years since I've watched her play poker. I think she's played the game very well. And of course people become annoying in the house. I'm pretty sure anyone would at some point ;)

Brandy said...

I said whoever took out Austin was the winner in my eyes and that blindside was beautiful. Austin went out barefoot and ranting!

rigs said...

I feel good about Vanessa winning. For those who prayed to God that Vanessa would be eliminated, God has spoken and Vanessa will not be eliminated tonight. I would love to see her play against past contestants. She would be a big target because she is so good at this game. She is a gamer; this is what she did for a living. And she doesn’t suck in any sense of the word. This season did have other good competitors but they were eliminated. Shelli was a fierce competitor and James was a good competitor.

As for Steve making a decision and then bemoaning it, he will always do that no matter what decision he makes. Steve either has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or has a spectrum of it (I also suspect he has Asperger’s or a spectrum of that). OCD is called the “doubting disease” for a reason. With OCD you are always doubting yourself.

Unknown said...

Steve really is the worst player in bb history. He's going to be so embarrassed when he leaves the house.

DeniseG said...

I'm surprised Steve threw POV but I shouldn't be. He hasn't thought for himself all season , which is probably why V kept him around.
If V is in final two she wins, whether we like it or not. Who ever shows up to guide the jury in the decision process will tell them to look at game play and make sure V wins.
I don't like V because of the pity seeking and crying. The DR crying and crying after Austins eviction was infuriating and insulting to the remaining players.

Oh well. Now to the good part--voting for AFP is on! Go to; vote up to 20 times a day. Go James!!!

Kristy said...

Absolutely unbelievable that Steve could throw the veto to the person he most wanted out of the house! She has been so mean to him at times and he knows JM helped save him last week! It would have been so easy for Steve to win the veto, take JM off the block and put Vanessa up. Steve and JM could have pretended they wanted to keep her so they wouldn't have to listen to her whining and campaigning for 24 hrs til the live show....then JM would "get the blood on his hands," blindside her, and she would've been gone quickly! Best time to take her out since he missed on double eviction! Ugh! Well I can say congrats to Steve for taking top honors for dumbest move in BB history....step down Marcellus!

Will said...

In all honesty, I thought people had to do psychological tests to get on the show. It is obvious that Steve can not handle this all. How did he pass the psychological test?

Jen Broughton said...

Vanessa would be an idiot to not evict Liz. She has a proven comp strength and 2 guaranteed votes in the jury. For someone "so great" at game theory, why is that not obvious to her???

Unknown said...

Like her or not, Vanessa deserves to win. Steve thinks he's this huge BB fan & genius but he doesn't know what he's doing & make a mistake after mistake after mistake

Unknown said...

Vanessa will not evict Liz because Steve and Liz probably won't take each other to the final 2. If she evicts Liz, then Steve and JMAC will take each other to the final 2. So at the end of the game Vanessa is playing smart to optimize her chances of getting into the final 2. If I was in her situation I would do the exact same.

Unknown said...

Also I think if Liz is the final HOH, I think she would be smart to take Vanessa to the final 2 over Steve, a lot of people in jury like Steve so he could get a lot of votes. Whereas some people in jury really hate Vanessa and even though shes played a good game, they will also appreciate Liz's game. And because Liz is slightly more likeable against Vanessa she could get their vote.

Liz (Austin, Julia, Jackie) Vs Steve (Vanessa, Shelli, Becky, JMAC, Meg and James), Steve Wins 6:3.
Steve (Austin, JMAC) Vs Vanessa (Shelli, Becky, Jackie, Meg, James, maybe liz and julia), Vanessa Wins 7:2.
Vanessa (Shelli, Becky, Jackie, Steve) Vs Liz,(Austin, Julia, Meg, James, JMAC) Liz wins 5:4.

It really depends on who is the final 2.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I sometimes read another Spoiler Blog (though Jamie, you run the most respectful one I've read! Well done!), and some commentator made the point that Steve genuinely has some really deep-seated co-dependency issues with his mother, as he's let another mother-figrue in Vanessa control him with emotional abuse tactics (and it IS abuse, if you really examine it beyond a surface-level investigation- demeaning, belittiling, planting false flags, and giving just enough positive reinforcement to prevent independent thinking).

Really, it comes down to Steve exposing himself as the world's most easy mark for con artistry, or crazy clingy romantic relationships.

Unknown said...

I don't even watch the show anymore. Well, except for last night. Last night gave me so much joy. Am I evil? Lol. But with that said, I absolutely cannot wait until these people go away! It was torture this season. Absolute torture. From beginning to end. I have never in my life found myself cringing throughout an entire season of a show. It wasn't an emotional rollercoaster because I was consistently annoyed. BB casting and producera should definitely be ashamed of the horrendous show they provided this season. Ugh! Can you feel my frustration???? Lol. OK rant over. And Jamie, once again thank you and major hats off to you for hanging in there. You are a fricken trooper. No joke! Troo-per!!!

Razldazlrr said...

wow - I guess I shouldn't be surprised - now why exactly did Steve throw the veto? At this point in the game, how could you possibly be that stupid?

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with what someone else said - I don't think Vanessa is some great player - I just think she's playing against a bunch of goofs. Put her up against some of the past stars of this game, and it would be a different story.

Will said...

@Jamie. I am seeing comments on twitter about how horrible Austin was to production. Did you see any of that on the feeds? Also a few of the players broke a lot of "rules" and BB did nothing about it.

Unknown said...


Steve Robbins Art said...

Perhaps one way to save the show is to eliminate "cam whores" (pardon the term- it's useful shorthand), and put in some players who really do seem to need the money (starting a new business, pay off student loans [bonus for topical issue], buying a house), or are playing for the benefit of someone else who needs the money (like an invalid relative, a new baby, a struggling spouse).

I don't see why the HGs this year (other than James) need the cash.

JoyNSoul said...

Such an awesome eviction last night and now back to the same 'ole disappointment that sums up this season. I don't recall a season ever being this painful. Not even in past seasons when things didn't go the way I wanted then either. Now, I do wonder if Steve actually had a chance of winning the veto if he hadn't thrown it. Still, the fact that he even made that decision is crazy! I want so bad to root for Steve, but he just doesn't make it easy!

I'm still hoping to see Vanessa evict Liz. Liz does have 2 guaranteed votes in the jury. Vanessa could probably swing those votes her way if she evicts Liz, and she might possibly get Liz's vote too. I'm guessing Austin won't hold a grudge against Vanessa. I think he'll cool down and appreciate the game play and convince the twins to vote the same way. Of course, you just never really know with this cast so I could be completely wrong!

I think Vanessa beats anyone in final 2. I think there's enough people in the jury who will choose to not vote bitter. That's the key for Vanessa: no bitter jury members (like Donny and Jocosta last year - bitter and showed no appreciation for Derek's brilliant game). Her biggest competition for the win is probably Liz, so I hope she realizes that before tonight's eviction!

Marko said...

Move over Marcellas, we have a new BB dummy....Steve!

Unknown said...


FiddleDeeDee said...

Hate to say it, but Wah-nessa deserves to win after that colossal bungle by Steve. I knew he would blow it. Would like to agree w/ others who have said Wah-nessa isn't a great game player. She happened to be in a game with a bunch of nincompoops.

Steve Robbins Art said...

@ Leesa Luv
"Am I evil?"
In short, not at all. You experienced that the show was, can, and will be, at it's best: consequences.

slnc said...

She was the better player , wouldn't say best..but she gets on my damn nerves crying all the freakin time! Geesh enough already, you put someone up, stand by and stop all damn crying! !! Shit, she has pissed me off!

Unknown said...

Exactly!! 👏

johnnie zip said...

My personal opinion that this was a fix big brother 17 if Vanessa wins I heard that CBS is coming out with a new card game poker and wants Vanessa on it or to host it so we shall see what we shall see but this was the worst big brother ever

Unknown said...

I do not like v but she got Julia to choose austin, got steve to throw chomp and many other things. They tell her their deals. Really? Bulky annoying but crazy controlling woman did it throughout the game. Dumb players just on vacation for the summer let v win. Oh well sad and not sure I will watch again. Haven't for some time but no twisty twisted, bb takeover, just nothing. Let it die a slow agonizing death. Frankie, Jesse, caleb....why bother. players I want to see again caleb best of of that bunch. Oh the ways time we cannot get back and if I ever hear those twins voices again. Btw no way should austin be in b&b lol so done

Unknown said...

I know I am in the minority, but I truly don't think that Vanessa is as good at this game as people say. And it isn't because I can't stand her. Because I have truly disliked many players who's game I've really enjoyed and respected.

I honestly believe Vanessa fell ass backwards into everything. Yes she won when it was needed. But I believe production pushed for Vanessa to stay in many situations she should have left. Her paranoia is being viewed as a strategy and it simply, to me, isn't. I believe she was extremely paranoid, and that her emotional episodes intimidated people who didn't want to deal with it all. I don't see this as game play and strategy, I see it as stupid houseguest making stupid decisions and leaving her in too long. I just don't feel that any of that was through her own "strategy". I think it was pure lack of insight on other house guests, with a combo of CBS pushing Vanessa.

But after all that, she's where she's at and I wish her the best. But I do hope Steve takes home the win before she does.

Jon said...

I agree with the others that Vanessa is only the best of some not so good players this season. She will likely win and deservedly so but she has made some bad moves and has had a few things bounce her way too. She certainly is not near as good of a game player as someone like Dan or Derrick.

One bad move she made was when she wanted to get out Johnny Mac during her HOH and leave in Austin and Liz. Luckily for her Johnny Mac won veto and forced her to change her plan. But if he didn't and Austin, Liz, or Vanessa had won, they would have left nominations the same and voted out Johnny Mac (most likely) and her odds of winning would have drastically gone down. Here is what that situation would have looked like. Austin/Liz go into final four working together and thus have a 67% chance to win HOH (because Vanessa had to sit out from being prior HOH) and a 50% chance to win Veto. With these odds, Austin/Liz most likely win HOH, guaranteeing one make it to final 3 and have a 50/50 chance at veto which, if they won would give put both of them in the final 3 and give Vanessa a 50/50 chance of going home or going with them to final 3. Even if Austin and Liz then take her to final 3, she would then find herself in a situation where she could only win by winning the final HOH - 33% chance because there is no way Austin and Liz wouldn't take each other. Thus it worked out really well for her that Johnny Mac won the veto during her HOH and she woke up and decided to vote out Austin to break up the showmance. But again, that wasn't her orginal strategy.

Another situation where she got lucky was when James, Meg, and Jackie decided to go against Becky and vote out Shelli over Vanessa. This had nothing to do with good game play by Vanessa but just luck that they flipped the vote.

SRabitz said...

Ready for this to end already!! But absolutely without a doubt think Vanessa is the only one that knew how to play this game! She's the reason or have her hands involved with everyone he was sitting in the jury house now

monilynb said...

I can honestly say I did not enjoy Big Brother this year. This whole season seemed like it was fixed and it seems like everyone was playing to let Vanessa win.

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