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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Veto Comp Results

Today is the Veto Comp and the players have been picked. Before I get to all that, I'll fill those in who haven't been to the blog yet today: The plan this week was initially to target Jason, but it seems that "Operation: Backdoor Audrey" is the plan now. Shelli (HOH) is having a hard time pulling the trigger but is getting encouragement from Vanessa, of all people, to get her up & out this week. We'll have to wait & see.

Playing in the Veto Comp:
Shelli/Jason/Johnny Mac/Meg/James/Vanessa

Shelli isn't going to try to fight for the veto though, so that she doesn't have to make a decision with it and put up a renom too. Less blood on her hands. And since James promised both John & Jason that he'd use it on both of them if he won the veto, I can see James maybe throwing it so that he doesn't have make that decision. So it might just be Jason/John/Vanessa really trying for that golden power of veto this week. Since Audrey didn't get picked to play, this should be an easy path for Shelli to get Audrey up & out this week. Will it actually happen? Time will tell! Monday is the Veto Ceremony & if Audrey is indeed a replacement nom, I expect the live feeds to be ahhh-mazing!! ;) hehe

The live feeds went to Jeff-loops around 4:50pm BBT, which means the Veto Comp is underway!! :D Yayy! I'll post the spoilers as soon as the feeds turn back on.

Winner of the Power of Veto is:

Veto players are covered in paint.

James (to Meg): "What's up, Mama Smurf?" (*lol)

With Vanessa winning the veto, I fully expect her (at this point) to use it, making Shelli put up a renom which should be Audrey. Turn on your feeds & listen to the game talk tonight to find out what's gonna happen this week! :D

**Thank you for your support by getting the feeds through the blog!!**

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

I feel like the smartest move for James would be to take off Jason. No one will vote John out over Audrey.

Unknown said...

Question...when Liz and Julia switch, where does the other one go? They can't have outside contact, correct? So, do they stay alone in the "jury house" or a hotel, or what's that deal all about?

Jamie said...

I'm not sure exactly where, but it's definitely somewhere secluded and im guessing very close to the CBS lot.

Unknown said...

One of them mentioned that they are sequestered when they arent in the house, but she didnt say much more becUse she didnt want to get called out

Unknown said...

Makes sense!

Jamie, I too, along with many here, have read your blog for years and appreciate all that you do! I'm happy to see a poll as well :)

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