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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday: The Overnighter

Happy Live Eviction Day, BB addicts!! :D This week seems like it's been going on & on for weeks! haha But it's all coming to an end tonight. Meg & Da'vonne are on the block, and as it stands right now, Da'vonne will still likely go home this evening. But!..there is a little hope. Currently, she has 3 of the 5 needed votes to stay (Jason/Audrey/Liz). *EDIT: Actually, I don't think she has Liz's vote anymore. I'll cover that more in depth in the Overnighter.

Since I missed last nights Afternoon Post (totally crashed out again as I was going through the flashback feeds), I'm gonna start from earlier yesterday and up through late last night/early morning. Let's dive right on in!! :D

** can watch everything below by using the Flashback Feature on the live feeds!

10:20am BBT:
Meg told Clay/Shelli how Audrey (lied) and said the house is flipping to keeping Da'vonne. Clay/Shelli think Audrey might be up to her old ways again (of lying/manipulating).

10:45am BBT:
Austin tells Meg he's pissed because of Audrey spreading lies about him.

1:47pm BBT:

Audrey VS Da'vonne. (*If you have the feeds, this is a great Flashback to watch!)
Day: "Can I ask you something?..last night, we had a conversation and squashed everything, I'm leaving..we get that. Right after that, did you run outside and say that I was trying to flip this house (to keeping me)?"

Audrey says no.
Day: "I told people that we talked and they said right after, you tried saying I was flipping the house and trying to get Meg outta here."

Audrey denies it and says that Liz said she was voting for her to stay. She said they can get Steve in there to confirm that she never said to Meg to "up her social game". Audrey said she told Meg that, but it was before they hashed things out.

Day: "I'm having a hard time believing you and if you did say that, then that's really shi**y of you to say..."
Audrey: "We can ask Meg what I said..I didn't say you were flipping the house..."
Day: "If you're actually telling the truth this time, you might wanna (straighten things out)."
Audrey: "I don't know who said that to you, but I'd be willing to have a conversation with those people in front of you if you want."

This is ongoing but I'm pressed for time and gotta move on.
Day can hear other HG's eavesdropping and invites them in the bedroom to listen. (*lol)

4:00pm BBT:
The backyard opens back up and the HG's see the practice comp for tonight's HOH Comp. (It's a crap shoot comp.)

*Note: This is not a new houseguest. This is Becky. I know you don't hear/see much of her, but I assure you she's still in the house. ;)

6:55pm BBT:
HOH Room
Shelli is talking about how Audrey needs to go next week, even before Liz.
Jackie: "Even if she is a twin, it's not f**king with our game right now."

By 8pm BBT, Shelli tells Clay about how Audrey has to go next and Clay agrees.

7:44pm BBT:
Meg is trying to teach Steve how to twerk. (They're both epically bad at it. lol)
Meg: "Look at Jason."

Jason is showing them how it's done.
8:42pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Audrey tells Day she wants to keep her but not to tell Meg because Meg will start to campagin against Day. Day said she's nervous (with Audrey) because she doesn't trust her. Audrey said people have turned on them both and they need to work together. Audrey said she doesn't know which votes to secure to get Day to stay. Audrey said she has her vote, but not to tell anyone including Jason because she doesn't want Jason to say anything and have Meg catch on.

1:20am BBT:
Day tries to get Austin's vote, but it's a no-go.
10 mins later, Austin/Jeff/Meg talk and Austin promises his vote to her (Meg).

2:08am BBT:
Vanessa/Julia (Liz's twin)
Julia admits to Vanessa that her & Liz are twins and playing the game together.

Vanessa: "It's true?? It's true?"
Julia: "I know you're not gonna tell anyone but.." (*Uhhh wrong.)
Vanessa: "I'll protect you then."

3:06am BBT:
HOH Room
Vanessa walks into the HOH room...
Vanessa: "I have like, the hugest news! Can we lock the door?"

Vanessa confirms for Clay/Shelli that Liz/Julia are twins. She said they (Austin/Vanessa/Clay/Shelli/Liz/Julia) can all be an alliance together, once the other twin enters the game and they can use that to their advantage. Of course, Dumb and Dumber think this is a great idea, followed with lots of "You are amazing!" quotes from Shelli to Vanessa. 

Vanessa: "She said they have to survive through 5 weeks (before entering the game)."

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So it still looks like Day's gonna go home, unless something drastic happens today/tonight. Day won the Last Laugh, so she will cancel out 3 votes but sadly, that won't be enough to save her at this point. Since it's Live Show Day, the feeds will be on/off all morning and early afternoon until the live show tonight, so I'll see y'all back here for the live eviction post. I'll be doing live spoilers during the east coast showing for all of you who can't/won't be near a TV tonight. See y'all then!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Wyatt Angle said...

There's not one formal alliance in this game? Will there be one with Julia on board? I bet every other alliance, it will dissolve and metamorph into some other loose alliance.

Wyatt Angle said...

There's not one formal alliance in this game? Will there be one with Julia on board? I bet every other alliance, it will dissolve and metamorph into some other loose alliance.

Lea said...

NO!!!! Not DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

This seems to be the season of BB with the most alliances, or sudo-alliances.

Unknown said...

Aww, I hope Day gets the votes to stay! I really like her!

Unknown said...

She's one of the most intuitive players this season. Also her and Jason are some of the most entertaining! As Jason said they aren't afraid to snatch a wig, lol!!

Unknown said...

Day is one of the most intuitive players this season. Her and Jason are hilarious and entertaining. As Jason said they aren't afraid to snatch a wig, lol! Not ready for her to go!

Steve Robbins Art said...

@Wyatt, @Tony: IMHO, I'm actually pleased there's not significant codified alliances yet. Last year's BB was an amazing clinic on group control dynamics, but it was also amazingly boring, as The Snake maintained an unshakable voting bloc that NEVER EVER had a non-unanimous vote cast during the regular season (don't quote me on that- I don't recall the voting patterns for the first few weeks in BB16).

If fractured allegiances is what it takes to prevent all-same votes, I say great, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Steve it's better with it all mixed up. Chaos makes it more fun.

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