Okay, let's get into the Overnighter, shall we?! (Since nothing major happened last night, I'm going to do a summary before heading off to work.)
Vanessa's paranoid that Audrey is America's Player and has it dead-set in her mind that she is. She told this to Liz and Austin last night. She wants Audrey out of the alliance since they can't trust how she will vote, and possibly replace her with Johnny Mac instead. (I can't keep up with all these temporary/constantly shifting alliances. lol) It's kinda ironic that after protecting Audrey this week, she now doesn't feel comfortable working with her. Heh. Go figure. Oh, and Vanessa also thinks that Clay/Shelli might be part of Team America. Umm yea, no.
Moving on...
At 9:08pm BBT in the HOH room, Vanessa/Clay/Shelli/Austin were talking about getting Jeff out this week and Clay said he's "90% sure" he's gonna vote Jeff out.
This led Vanessa to panic a little bit that he wasn't fully sure if he was gonna get Jeff out. Austin talks to Clay about how they can't trust Jeff. Shelli said she's "done" with Jeff and he needs to go.
At around 9:35pm BBT, Austin set up a date night with Liz in the HOH room.
(Suddenly I'm having flashbacks of Caleb and Amber from last season. lol)
The rest of the evening was filled with paranoia from Vanessa (with Clay's lack of being 100% on board at first with getting Jeff out), Jeff trying to get the votes to stay, Vanessa promised James that he's safe this week even if the votes might be close..nothing too exciting to blog about.
**So that's it for The Overnighter! Jeff is going home tonight, but we knew that days ago. Nothing has changed with that. I'll be glad to see Vanessa no longer being the HOH and get some fresh bodies in the HOH room that will hopefully make some bold moves this upcoming week. Who are you rooting for to win HOH tonight??! I'm hoping Jason wins and stays HOH this week, I think he'd make some bold moves and frankly, I need that to happen. Mama wants drammmmaaa! ;) haha
I'll be back tonight with the Thursday Night Live Eviction post about an hour before the show, so definitely check back for that. See y'all then!! :D
Stay tuned...
Amber expressed ZERO interest in Caleb, Liz at least expresses some interest in Austin. Also not every date has to be seen as a romantic jester
Oh Austin… don't be creepy and clingy! I want to root for you so badly!
I also hope jason gets HOH, he's a smart cookie and better than a lot of them at reading people. Austins game play is cringe worthy and I really wanted to like him darn it. His reactions are TERRIBLE
Ahh!! Jamie, you called it! Austin is turning into Caleb 2.0 - I can't help but think that *maybe* production is encouraging Austin to act this way -- or since Austin is a performer himself, maybe he just thinks that a showmance would get him air-time.. !? A week ago, Austin was my favorite and now I'm losing hope that his head is in the right place to win.
I should also point out that there is more to Austin and Liz's relationship that we don't know about. Their chemistry together is flawless
I really did want to like Austin but don't know that I'm team Austin any more. I really do hope that Jason, Meg, or John win HOH next week. It's time to start breaking up the Vanessa, Austin, Liz/Julia, Shelli, Clay alliance. I would love to see Shelli or Clay go home but think it would be smarter to get Vanessa out first.
Austin is NO WHERE near Caleb levels. Amber expressed ZERO interest in him. Liz actually expresses some interest in Austin
I'm ready to see Vanessa go home. She's playing the game too hard and paranoid about everything. How was she a great poker player when she can't seem to keep calm about anything? I agree that Audrey needs to go home and heck, if Vanessa or Austin follow her that's fine with me. Austin is overly protective of Juliz and it's a little creepy. Shelli and Clay don't bother me as much anymore.
I'd love to see more action from Meg, James, and Jason. Jason is great at reading people and I agree that he'd make some big moves.
At this point I think a John, Meg, or Becky could be favorites to win bc they don't seem to threaten anyone nor do they have any real enemies.
I'd like to see Johnny Mac and Steve win HOH.
I would also love to see Jason as the new HOH and stay that way. He would make some changes! I don't care for Vanessa and would love to see her on the block, even if she doesn't go. Would love to see her squirm!
I am completely TEAM BECKY, I dont even know why but I think shes a badass, who survives a train hitting them in the face!!! And then looks that good without plastic surgery!
I do agree she doesnt have any enemies even though she was a HOH.
I feel like when you have such a large amount of houseguests (16) when it used to be what 12? There are isnt enough of screen time for all the house guests. So once some of the bigger threats are out the house, I think it will get interesting.
Also "ultimate pawn" john is becoming a badass in competitions and I think everyone in the game has a good chance of winning vetos, so we dont have a victoria this season thank god.
Also what the fuck has steve been doing? He's kinda lame, and he isnt even geeky funny. But jason saying no to the hug was hilarious! That was a serious umm bye felicia moment
Jamie can we get some polls going? I love doing them
A few things for me. First Austin is NOT Caleb at all. It's hard to judge him when every time he goes to explain his gf situation we get fish so we have zero clue what's going on there. He gets very mixed messages from Liz about her feelings for Jeff and he's in a tough situation with thee protecting the twins so I cut him some slack. If we want to rail on him then this Judas stuff in the DR is where I get annoyed.
As for Vanessa's gameplay, I think she is getting paranoid because she just stayed in the HOH way too much this week. Terrible play but I expect the paranoia to dissipate when she returns to the masses this week. As someone who has ADHD I can attest to how over the top it can make you and when you get rolling it can be hard to slow down and think clearly.
Audrey is killing me with her game. She thinks she is off everyone's radar and she is starting back to the web of lies game. Ask Ronnie from S11 how that goes. She needed to fade into the shadows for several more weeks but she is making even those who want to help her skeptical.
I don't care for Steve (HG- my name is also Steve). He looks uncomfortable in his own skin, and when we see him in the DR, I have the overwhelming urge to shake him for his lunch money- and he's supposed to be the HG I'd most identify with as a geek!
I'd keep Vanessa a little longer. Her style of paranoia is keeping things interesting. Having no one but the floaters left would be dull. Meg, Becky, and Jackie are all boring. Whenever we see them, my girlfriend pipes up "who the f**k is this?" Their blandness causes four letter words of disgust.
Austin and Liz do not have chemistry. She thinks he's creepy but he's all over her so she doesn't know what to do except shine him on.
JohnnyMac really nailed Audrey by comparing her to Medusa on the show last night. I hope he and Jackie or Meg win HOH and put up the people that forced them to be pawns. Make Shelli and Vanessa throw the BOB and POV. Or Austin and Clay.
I'm not liking Vanessa too well... she is too bossy... For some reason I really like James. He needs to win hoh OR get really close to a few ppl to make sure he stays safe... im assuming that he's still safe tonight, hopefully:)
Did Clay and James kiss on the lips last night? I thought I heard someone ask them to do it again?!
"Shake him for his lunch money" classic!!!! LMAO
Yes they did and James actually volunteered to do it again without any prompting.
Thought he had a girlfriend back home
Austin does.. Did? Lol
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