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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Show Day yyayyy!! :D This first week of the BB17 season has felt like an eternity, but it's finally here and we've made it with only a few bumps & bruises. haha ;) It looks like Jace is still slated to get the BB boot today and get sent home packing. Audrey's game is heavily damaged, but not totally unrepairable at this point. It'll definitely be interesting to see who wins HOH tonight and then tomorrow's Battle of the Block. Good stuff.

In other news, some of you have been asking about Brian from the comments section & wondering where he's been. (For those of you who are new to the blog, Brian has been following me for years and gives the best insights every season.) I got in touch with him yesterday via text and he's doing great! He's been lurking on the blog, just hasn't commented yet. So yayy for him being back!

Moving on...

The houseguests were on inside lockdown (typical for pre-live show day), so there wasn't much action yesterday/last night.

In a nutshell:
Audrey spent most of her day in her bed, sulking/laying low/whatever you wanna call it. She did muster up the energy to go talk to James in the HOH room, where she tried to pin everything on Jeff, how Jeff is gunning for him, and then asked James if she could be back in the alliance. James told her he's not worried about Jeff, he's only worried about what Austin would do if he won HOH. After their talk, Audrey went and told Jace about her convo with James and advised him to continue to throw Jeff under the bus when he speaks to James.

Speaking of James, he talked to Meg shortly after his convo with Audrey and told Meg how he doesn't wanna work with her (Audrey). Meg expressed concern to what would happen if Audrey won HOH. (*It's BB..she probably will. Usually how it works, right?! lol By the way, Audrey told Steve that if she wins HOH, she's gonna backdoor Jeff.) Meg then told James that Jeff isn't gunning for him at all.

Around 8:15pm BBT, James talks to Da'vonne/Jason and tells them about his convo with she wants to work with them again & how she kept throwing Jeff under the bus. Da'vonne has no interest in working with Audrey unless she wins HOH and pretty much has to. Da'vonne then told James to watch out for Steve because he's working with Audrey.

At 11:30pm BBT, Jeff kinda lays into Jace while in the kitchen (and becomes my new hero for telling Jace off simultaneously). #Bullygate
Jeff: "...I didn't tell you about sh*t, dude!
Jace: (inaudible)
Jeff: "Really. I told you."
Jace: "How else would I know about it?"
Jeff: "How else would you know? I dunno?"
Jace: "You told me."
Jeff: "'re trying to play an Audrey game. Bro, your ass is like f*ckin' outta here! Just admit to it, dude...instead of going around, making up lies, and acting like a crazy a**hole..."
Jace: "You're the crazy a**hole."
Jeff: "No, dude. You're just a d*ck, bro!" (*me hugs laptop, wishing it was Jeff.)

Jeff: "If you wanna play like Audrey..(Jeff cringes)..then so be it, dude...I honestly think that, deep down, you're a piece of shit!"
Jace: "Okay...alright."

Jeff: "So continue your bullying, continue your campaigning.."
This is ongoing and it's a beautiful thing to watch Jace get his a** handed to him by Jeff. Use Cams 3 & 4 on the Flashback Feeds.  

And last, but not least...
The HG's (minus Audrey/Jace) held a BB Prom last night. The best part of that? Steve got a makeover for it and was referred to as "Stefon". ;) Look at this handsome man!!
Jeff: "Damn, dude! You're making me have to step my A-game!"

If you wanna watch the BB Prom, start at 10:15pm BBT. Da'vonne was the "Red Carpet" host.
Austin was Jason's date for the BB Prom. lol Love it.
"Stefon" and Jackie!
**And that's it for the Overnighter! Jace is still going out the door tonight during the live show and we'll get two new HOH's, with one of them getting dethroned tomorrow during the BOB Comp. So exciting!! :D I'll see everyone back here with a new Thursday Live Show post about an hour before the show starts. The feeds will be off/on as production and the HG's get ready for the show tonight, so usually there's not too much to blog about during the day on Thursday's. Of course if anything does happen, I'll let y'all know before tonight. See y'all then!!!!

**Thank you for your support by getting the feeds through the blog!!**

Stay tuned...
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KathyC said...

Yay! Welcome back, Brian! Looking forward to your analysis as always! And glad to see someone handing it back to Jace - this guy just didn't come across well on camera - would like to know how much production had to do with how he played 'his part.'

sunny said...

Wouldn't it be really twisted if there were 2 sets of twins.

Unknown said...

Thanks again Jamie for all your hard work. Kathy I think I get what you might be say with wondering how much production played with how he acted in the house. His actions seemed kinda entertaining bordering on annoying. If he just paced himself and not try to be a big figure in the house he might have made it further in the game.

I hope there is more than one set of twins why because the twin thing hasn't really panned out. Especially with Jace leaving unless someone else step into his place and starts something with Lisa and her twin.

I for one think they brought Jeff and Jackie to early in the game. They should've came in the house in a couple of weeks. That way the houseguest would have had more a reaction to these two. I know they came from the Amazing Race which they didn't win so they seem on the same level as the other houseguest in my opinion

Anonymous said...

I have a question has things been straightened out with Austin is he in on the loop to evict Jace or are they just leaving him out of the loop to do what he wants. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I thought Jeff was the twin.

This Is My Journey said...

Welcome Brian! I was wondering where your comments were. I'm not watching the live show just yet (getting the kids to bed) but I'm really hoping they show the twin thing. My husband doesn't want to know the spoiler so it's killing me when I discuss it with him I can't even use he/she. Hubby thinks it's Jason right now, I'm not sure where his logic is but ok. Lol.
I'm glad Jeff laid into Jace, nice to see people not standing for bullying. I was a fan of Jeff and Jackie (more so him) on AR. I hope he can hang on a while.

Alea Marie said...

I was hoping Brian would've been the twin. Haha

Unknown said...

Every year I look forward to two things: Jamie's amazing blog and Brian's comments :) thank you both so much.

Jamie said...

awww thanks Nicole!! :D Glad to see you back with me (and Brian!) for anotehr year!!!!

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