Nothing too much happened on the feeds last night, though there were a few things definitely worth mentioning. I'll cover all that in the Overnighter.
9:34pm BBT:
Storage Room
Vanessa/Johnny Mac
Vanessa tells John that once she talks to Shelli, she'll come find him so that they can talk. John says okay. Vanessa said she wants to see if Shelli wants her to use it or not. John said he wouldn't expect her to use it anyway.
10:22pm BBT:
HOH Room
Vanessa asks if she (Shelli) wants her (Vanessa) to use the veto or not and if she does, it "doesn't have to be Audrey" as the renom..she mentions Steve and Becky as options. They then start talking about Audrey and how to approach her being the replacement nom on Monday.
12:00am BBT:
HOH Room
Jason tells Shelli why Audrey would be a good replacement nom. They go over all the things that Audrey has done..alliances, lies, etc. Jason said that Shelli it would be good to put up Audrey this week because she'd definitely go.
**That's pretty much it as far as game talk goes. Audrey doesn't know she's going up. Austin told Julia (11pm BBT last night) that it looks like Audrey is going up. Seems that Vanessa will use the veto on Jason to save him this week. She tried to make a deal with him earlier in the night with him (Jason) and his closest allies (Meg/James), but Jason said his only ally is Meg. So we shall see what happens at the Veto Ceremony on Monday! Today is Sunday, my only day of the week where I have the afternoon off. So I'm gonna go enjoy it. Don't forget to watch the show tonight at 8pm EST, it'll be the Nominations/BOB Comp episode. See y'all tomorrow with The Overnighter! :D
Stay tuned...
Really hoping Vanessa uses POV on Jason***
66% of the vote belongs to 3 folks - Johnny Mac, Jason, Meg. I could live with that final 3.
Happy Sunday Funday Jamie!
I'm really hoping Audrey goes up on the block, and is voted out. This game is starting to bore me.. We need something to change things up in this house.. I really wish they would go back to having one HOH. I think having 2 HOHs is messing up the game play..
I really hope Vanessa uses the veto to save Jason..I'm not ready for him to leave yet...and will someone please backdoor Audrey once and for all.
I totally agree with you, I can't stand the 2 HOH thing.
Why doesn't Vanessa use the veto on Johnny Mac? I thought she promised him safety last week.
I hope Vanessa uses it to save John- she owes him! I don't want Jason or John to go- Audrey is a great replacement nom and send her home! She's very Whiney!
I agree!!
@DeniseG, that was my thought! Johnny Mac should be good until jury as far as I can tell. If Vanessa doesn't keep him safe, I hope he throws some shade her way!
The tornado warning in my area made me miss half the show tonight :/
After all they asked of Johnny Mac the last two weeks...throw the BotB TWICE, then asking him to NOT USE THE VETO ON HIMSELF (which he intelligently refused to do), I find it ridiculous and insulting that Vanessa would not use the Veto on him. If I were John and that happened, that would be the end of Vanessa and anyone else that asked him to do those things the last couple of weeks. DUN! (to quote Natalie BB9)
It's better for her to use it on Jason because he's a bigger target than Johnny...if she takes Jason down, Johnny will win against who ever the replacement nom is...the same is not true for Jason. So she should take Jason off and replace him with Audrey...everyone will vote Audrey out and both Jason and Johnny will have survived another week...I hope it plays out exactly like that.
I have to agree that I'm not quite sure how the BOTB became a fan favourite. I know that all my friends that I talk to absolutely loathe it. I honestly think it makes the game less exciting 😕
I agree,..and i really want john to win this thing!
In the two seasons of Both all we see is the same people going up because no one wants new blood on their hands. If you want 2 hohs the should battle before making nominations but I really don't see that working either.
John has safety no matter what. The only way he would get voted out is if the other house guests get irritated with him throwing BOB. Or if Shelli and Clay no longer need him. So don't worry about Johnny Mac.
Jamie!! There was a house meeting with everyone other than Audrey. Everything was put out on the table. And Audrey is definitely out this week. Hallelujah.
I agree that taking Jason off is easier for their plan BUT it's the principle of it all. Last week Vanessa promised to keep Johnny Mac safe no mater what and she is going against her word. Johnny Mac is safe either way, so this just makes Vanessa a liar which I would think she would realize since her IQ is so high lol, right Austin?!'s all just boring!
Well maybe Johnny will look at it like that and target Vanessa next week for not keeping her word to him..I want her gone after Audrey anyway.
Did anyone else catch Jason say, "Oh great! Now I have to dance with Tweedle Di and Tweedle Dum and Johnny!" (Referring to the Boy Band punishment Jason, Liz, and Johnny got). I think he was referring to the twins and calling them Tweedle Di and Tweedle Dum. I don't think they are fooling anyone any more.
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