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Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday: Veto Comp Results

Hey guys & gals! Sorry for the late post, I crashed out after I got home from work. Okay, so the Veto Comp was played earlier today. It was Meg/Steve/Clay/Shelli/Da'vonne/John that played in the Veto Comp. And the winner of the golden power of veto is...

Winner of the Veto is:

This puts HOH Shelli in a little bit of a pickle because now she has to come with a replacement nom. She doesn't wanna put up Audrey..which would be the smartest choice since the whole house wants her gone (except her & Clay, that is). She even asked John if he would not use the veto, to which he said no (like anybody else with half a brain would say.) Clay even offered to go up as a pawn because he "trusts" enough houseguests to get Da'vonne out. What the..?!! *face palm*

So after some thinking from Dumb & Dumber (Clay/Shelli), it looks like it'll be Liz going up as the renom because Liz is "popular" and won't get voted out over Da'vonne. Shelli is the most clueless HOH I've ever seen play this game. You don't go after what the house wants, you ask the veto winner to not use the veto on himself, and then pick a girl that is "popular", while your boyfriend offers to be a pawn??! Sweet fancy Moses, this is a whole new level of stupid that I'm not familiar with. lol Oh, and Liz said she's fine with going up as a pawn..but then had a breakdown and cried a half hour later about going up on the block. So yea, there's that.

Speaking of...I would like to thank @Hellataz on Twitter for this gem of a picture today:

Currently on the live feeds...

Most of the HG's are napping. I only see Austin/Steve/Vanessa currently awake. Steve wants to workout with Austin tonight if they get the backyard back by then.

(They're on inside lockdown as production cleans up the yard from the veto comp earlier).

8:23pm BBT:
While Vanessa is out of the room, Austin tells Steve that Liz will be the renom and Da'vonne is going home this week.

**And that's it for the Veto Comp post! I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter, so I'll see y'all back here then. Have a great Friday night, guys!!

Stay tuned...
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michelaine said...

"Sweet fancy Moses" made me choke laughing!!!

KathyC said...

Yeah - Shelli has seemed a little dense when talking to houseguests about what's going on. She has to keep saying she doesn't understand or doesn't get it. She just seems clueless about what's going on in the house or how to play the game. We'll see if Day can work her magic on the houseguests to save her. Not even sure the phone twist can help her this week.o

DeniseG said...

Why would Liz/Julia agree to go up? This just doesn't make sense!

I'm loving this season so far!

Unknown said...

Your comments are spot on! Exactly what I was thinking, can Shelli really be this dense???

Unknown said...

I hope the phone twist does help Dav stay in house. Not yet willing to let the crazy she could bring to the house go yet.

Gross said...

I wish Jeff would go up.
I wish the house would keep DaVonne show she would gun for shelli and clay. You WANT to keep people targeting each other on the house! It lessens your own target!! Duh!

I'm sad about this week. Maybe Audrey will work some sociopath logic and make it so Day stays:

Just my thoughts.

And yes, shelli and clay HoH....blehhh.....

DizzyDeni said...

I am so sick of our HOH and her minion, Shelli and Clay. First of all, they tell everyone everything that they are thinking and doing. Then they choose the wrong people to go up, and the wrong person to go out. Dumb and Dumber is absolutely correct. I cannot wait until the house turns on the two of them. It should be soon.

jadeangel816 said...

OMG!! I love it! Dumb and dumber!! So true! She's clueless! Ugh😖 She should have let her bfriend act as the pawn! Bye Clay!

Unknown said...

As much as I love Day and the drama her and Audrey bring to the game, I also don't want to lose Liz! The twin twist is great and I want that to keep going. Hopefully she pawns somebody like Steve or Meg instead. I don't see either of them being voted out over Day. It would be absolutely amazing if Shelli nominated Clay and he went home. It would be one of the funniest moves ever made. I would die of laughter. Shelli is a beautiful girl and seems to have good insight until she lets Clay steamroll her. I think without him in the house she would be 100 times better.

Alea Marie said...

Because I'm a LONGHORN & am anti-Aggie's I say buh bye Clay!
Hook em Horns \m/

Anonymous said...

Don't know about Game play or feeds, but Da'vonne diary room sessions always make me laugh. I will miss her

Anonymous said...

Day is funny in the DR

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