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Thursday, July 2, 2015

BB17 Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, ladies & gents!! :D Tonight is the 1st live eviction of the BB17 season. As always, I'll be right here to update everyone that can't be around a TV tonight and post the spoilers of tonight's live show. (This is your warning, if you don't wanna know who gets evicted or win HOH.)

Tonight's live show starts at the usual 9pm EST time, so make sure you have your snackies and beverage(s) of choice ready to go.

Here we go!! :D

9:00pm EST: 
Show begins...

9:14pm EST:
Coming up...Twins Twist reveal & Kathy Griffin.

9:20pm EST:
Twin Twist: It's Liz & Julia..we already knew that, though. ;)
They're going to cast their vote together & then switch places live.

9:21pm EST:
Jace & Jackie give their final speeches. Time for the votes!

The Votes:
*Jeff votes to evict...Jace
*Da'vonne votes to evict...Jace
*Jason votes to evict...Jace
*Audrey votes to evict...Jackie
*Steve votes to evict...Jace (COMMERCIAL BREAK)
*Liz/Julie vote to evict...Jace
*Austin votes to evict...Jace
*Meg votes to evict...Jace
*John votes to evict...Jace
*Clay votes to evict...Jace
*Becky votes to evict...Jace
*Shelli votes to evict...Jace
*Vanessa votes to evict...Jace

1st Evicted HG of the BB17 Season is:
Julie told Jace about the Twin Twist. He was shocked.

9:34pm EST:
BB Takeover time!! Kathy Griffin to go to the backyard. (There was audio problems.)

The "Power of the Last Laugh"...a telephone will appear in the house and the 7th person who answers the phone call will win the power will be able to keep 3 houseguests from voting. (*WOW!)

9:44pm EST:
HOH Comp (1st of 2) is underway!

1st HOH Winner is:

9:52pm EST:
HOH Part 2 begins! 

2nd HOH Winner is:

Up next, Kathy Griffin is gonna tease the HG's with this weeks twist.
End of show! Back to the live feeds I go! :D

**Thank you for your support by getting the feeds through the blog!!**

Stay tuned...
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Anonymous said...

I wonder if Audrey wanted to evict Jackie to try to make it look like Austin.

Unknown said...

I think we all know who will coincidently answer the phone on that 7th call.

Ellyson said...

I'm glad 2 girls won HOH! Girl power!

Victoria said...

How long does it take the feeds to come back up after the show ends?

Gross said...

The twins are amazing!!! I can only tell them apart by the moles on their chest.

I think everyone will figure out Audrey voted for Jace Cuz she's sketchy like that. I've always wanted players to vote a different way for the sake of drama.

Becky didn't need to win HoH, nor Shelli.
It's gonna be an interesting week!!

Jamie said...

they're back up already! :D usually only takes 5-10mins post live show.

Unknown said...

Please help me understand why no one likes Jace. Granted, he seemed a bit annoying (streaking in the yard, "bro code," etc.), but I still don't get why the whole house wanted him gone. I don't have the feeds btw.

Steph said...

Having issues watching LIVE feeds on my tablet. No matter what camera angle I touch it shows old feed from last night after talent show. No ff button or live button. New to the live feeds but I'm frustrated. Am I not doing something right

Unknown said...

Loving this season so far. The twin twist is great hope it goes far. If u look closely Liz and Julies nose and eyes are slightly different.

Ashlee Lopez said...

I can tell the twins apart cause one has a chubbier face an the other is more long an skinnyer face. Sooo sad Jace had to leave.. looks like the house is gunning for the stronger competitors this season.

Jamie said...

the feeds were wonky last night, it was on CBS's end. All fixed now it seems!

Obsidiandog. said...

I don't know about women, but most guys can spot a blowhard like Jace a mile away. He overdid everything to compensate for his insecurity. Any guy that comes in right off the bat listing all the reasons he's fantastic means he's afraid to let people find out on their own. His method of campaigning for votes was to threaten people. He was a hotdog, a showoff, and a bully. With a stupid hat.

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