Okay, so last night, the live feeds were very active!! ...unlike during the afternoon, which bored me to sleep haha ;) In a nutshell, Audrey's game is pretty much finished at this point & I'll be expecting her departure next week depending on who wins HOH, etc. The whole house (including her minions, Clay and Shelli) are against Audrey. I'll cover the timeline of events below, but just wanted to get the summary of last nights happenings first.
In other news, Da'vonne/James/Meg (and I believe Austin, too?) all know that Vanessa is a poker player. (Vanessa had told Da'vonne she used to be a poker player before she became a DJ).
The meaty part of the night starts shortly after 9pm BBT, so I'm gonna gather up some screenshots and details and I'll start posting them below.
9:17pm BBT:
Backyard/Pool Table
Da'vonne: "She's coming for you (Jeff)."
Jeff: "Who?"
Da'vonne: "Audrey."
James: "Ooo!!"
Da'vonne: "(Audrey) tried planting the seed that you and Meg were in a showmance and was like 'So what are we gonna do 'bout it?'"
Da'vonne goes on to say that Audrey asked who she (Da'v) would rather have stay: Austin or Jeff, and she told Audrey she'd rather keep Jeff. Da'vonne said she told Audrey she doesn't think Jeff/Meg are in a showmance together and that they're just friends.
Jeff: "Damn, she's crazy! I think we're all on the same page that we need to get her out!" (re: Audrey)
Da'vonne: "Mm hm."
By 9:26pm BBT, Jeff was stewing about this new information of Audrey wanting to target him.
9:27pm BBT:
He pulls Austin into the lounge room and tells him about Audrey wanting to gun after him.
They compare notes & figure out that Audrey was in a couple of alliances. Jeff said he's now targeting Audrey to take her out of the game. He tells Austin he knows the two of them (Austin/Jeff) got off on a bad start but that they're cool now and he won't put him up. Austin warns Jeff to not tell Clay anything because Clay (and Shelli) are close to Audrey.
Their convo ends. Jeff goes and tells Liz pretty much the same thing. He also ended up mentioning to John & Becky (kind of) later on how "crazy" Audrey is.
9:53pm BBT:
Backyard/Pool Table
Against Austin's advice, Jeff tells Clay that Audrey is "acting weird" & making up rumors. Clay defends Audrey. A minute later, Jace walks by and Jeff tells him he wants to talk to him later (about Audrey).
At 10:54pm BBT, Clay goes & tells Audrey/Shelli about what Jeff said.
By 11:04pm BBT, Jeff and Da'vonne talk about how to get Audrey out. Jeff said they would have to backdoor Audrey to get her out. Jeff said he can manipulate Liz to go after Audrey. Da'vonne said she'll talk to Liz. Jeff agrees that's a good idea.
Da'vonne: "We gotta get (Audrey) outta here. She's trying to be the puppet master."
Jeff: "And it's not working."
Da'vonne: "..and we figured it out."
Da'vonne goes on to say that Audrey just started planting the "Meg/Jeff Showmance' seed that day.
Fast-forward to..
11:29pm BBT:
Audrey fills Meg in on what Clay told her (regarding what Jeff told Clay) and how Clay doesn't know where Jeff heard that from (it was Da'vonne, as we all know) but she (Aud) thinks it might have been Da'vonne.
Audrey goes on to say that if she wins HOH, she's going after Da'vonne.
By 12:18am BBT, Audrey went and asked Jeff who told him that Audrey wanted him (Jeff) out. Jeff said it was from Jace.
12:52am BBT:
Storage Room
Jeff tells Clay the whole house is against Audrey and basically he should be too. Jeff said that by even telling Clay all this, is making him (Jeff) vulnerable because he knows Clay could run back and tell Audrey everything.
Jeff: "She's been creating a lot of problems...she said a lot of things to Austin and Liz that finally came out and they're throwing her under the bus now..she's like a saboteur...I told you not to ask (Audrey) and you did..I played stupid and told (Audrey) it was Jace that started it...(Audrey) was the one who started the me & Meg rumor.."
Clay eventually tells Jeff (by 1:05am BBT) that he's also on-board with getting Audrey out and to let the others know he's down to get her out of the house. By 1:20am BBT, Shelli/Audrey start grilling Clay about his convo with Jeff. Clay tries to deflect, Jeff ends up joining the convo and lies to Audrey. This is ongoing, but I need to move forward with the Overnighter.
At 2:18am BBT, Clay/Jeff were filling Shelli in on everything and getting to join the anti-Audrey movement when all of a sudden Audrey catches them talking in the lounge room.
They play it off as if they were only in there to talk about Jace.
By 3am BBT, Jeff made his rounds to Jason/Da'vonne about the anti-Audrey movement going on.
3:25am BBT:
Jace & Audrey fight.
Audrey told Jace that the plan was to backdoor him the whole time. Jace doesn't believe her, but said he does believe that it's because of Audrey that he's going home.
Audrey: "Everyone was trying to backdoor you because you make people feel uncomfortable!"
Jace: "Quit trying to make me look like the bad guy with Jason.."
Audrey: "You lack self-awareness.."
Jace: "Have I made people feel uncomfortable? You are a master manipulator! You're trying to control.."
They start yelling over each other.
Jace tells Audrey that she's the next one to go home. Da'vonne gets up and leaves. (*lol!)
Audrey: "Who's against me, dude?"
Jace: "Everyone."
Audrey: "NO ONE!"
Audrey goes on to tell Jace how he's gonna feel like "the biggest moron on national television" when he gets evicted.
Jace: "Not at all."
Audrey: "Yes you will."
Jace: "Just cut your sh*t, get outta here! No one wants to talk to you."
This is DEFINITELY a must-see on the Flashback Feeds!! (If you don't have the feeds yet, they come with a free 1 week trial and just $5.99/month after that.)
**And that's it for The Overnighter! Jace is still going home on Thursday unless there's some magical twist that keeps him. Audrey is enemy #1 in the house (Clay/Shelli told James super early this morning that they're on board with getting Audrey out), so next week will very interesting. Can't wait!! :D hehe I'll be back with an Afternoon Post in the next few hours, so check back for that.
Most of the HG's woke up around 10:30am BBT this morning (1:30pm EST). The morning has been filled with a mixture of "Let's get Audrey out next" convos and non-game related convos. Nothing of too much importance.
Currently on the feeds...
12:24pm BBT:
James has the HOH camera and is going around the house taking pics. James is joking how he wrote that he doesn't trust anyone in the house while writing his HOH blog. lol Steve tells him about how GinaMarie's HOH blogs never made any sense (*omg I remember those.)
See y'all back here in a few hours! :D Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!
Stay tuned...
Meanwhile, my boy Johhny Mack is chillin in the background! I like him a lot!!
yep! him and Becky both. They're doing a great job at laying low :)
Johnny got it made in the shade drinking a glass of lemonade thinking about getting paid
I don't think Jace is going home. Probably going to isolate him. I'm guessing with the longest season yet someone will be coming back into the house eventually.
Hate to see jace go but it is what itis.#upset
Don't let Audrey win HOH #BB17
Kathy n Zingbot should live in the BB HOUSE for a week. #hillariou bb17
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