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Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Overnighter (+Veto Ceremony Spoiler)

Happy Monday, BB addicts!!! :D I had a lovely day off yesterday, ended up going to a music festival downtown Milwaukee with a girl friend of mine. The weather could've been nicer, a little too overcast for my taste, especially since I'll be spending most of my summer working or here on the blog. Gonna start looking pale here soon enough! haha ;) If you follow me on Twitter, then you know I ended my festivities early just so that I could go watch last night's BB episode over at my friends house (I was too far from home to make it in time) and tweeted with y'all during the show.

Okay, so yesterday that HG's had the Veto Ceremony. The POV winner, Steve, took himself off the block and Jace was the replacement nom by HOH James. As it stands, Jace is still going up & out this week and he's aware of it.

Speaking of Veto Ceremonies, they will be on Mondays for the rest of the season. They're always on Sundays for the 1st week of every BB season. So my days off (Sundays) won't conflict with giving you guys & gals the veto ceremony spoilers for the rest of the season. :)

Moving on....

It seems that Audrey is still her own worst enemy and all of the house (minus Clay/Shelli it seems) are onto her and her web of lies. I'm gonna cover the juicest parts of the night from the live feeds. Throughout the day yesterday, houseguests were busy comparing notes on he said/she said stuff & figured it out the source of it all was Audrey. Let's jump into the Overnighter, shall we?! :D

11:50pm BBT:
HOH Room
James was going to sing a song to Jace about "long hair, don't care" during the Veto Ceremony yesterday, but he never did. However, the song still got back to Jace and he sang it, leaving the HG's wondering how he heard that song. (*cough* Audrey *cough*) James was curious how it would've gotten back to him, Meg told James it doesn't matter anyway since Jace is going home. Audrey, of course, deflected as usual and blamed it on anybody else (even included Clay's name as the possible source).

Fast forward to a little bit later...

12:42am BBT:
Meg/Jason/James have a little pow wow in one of the bedrooms. They wonder why Audrey wanted to talk to Clay alone & kick James out of the HOH room. They suspect that maybe Audrey/Clay have a Final 2 deal together. Note: At the time of this convo, Audrey/Clay were indeed talking alone in the HOH room.

Jason: "It's her. I know it's her. I've known it's been her for a long time!..Act like we squashed it but just know that she's the one leaking information."
Meg: "That's my gut feeling."
James: "The question is, what do we do about it?"

Jason goes on to say that he talked to Clay earlier and how Clay isn't "blinded by her" either. Meg warns Jason about talking to Clay regarding Audrey because it could come back on him. (*Oh how right she is!)

Jason then talks to Clay later on (1:02am BBT)...

...and of course, like Meg warned him about, Clay went and told Audrey everything (1:05am BBT).

Audrey said she's gonna "lay low" for the rest of the week & tells Clay to do damage control by sticking to Jace like glue so that he doesn't trip up her game anymore this week before he leaves. So like a good boy, Clay runs off and does just that.

1:35am BBT:
Storage Room
Jackie tells Jeff that Audrey "needs to go". Jeff said the problem is that Clay/Shelli have "too much trust in (Audrey)".

Jackie: "I dunno.. I just don't trust (Audrey)..she's always lying about something."
Jeff: "Mm hm...once Austin & Audrey are out, this house is gonna be a lot better. Audrey is not on my agenda right now. Austin is. Audrey is not my immediate threat, Austin is. Austin I wanna get out immediately."

NOTE: Liz told Jeff yesterday that Austin has been throwing Jeff 'under the bus', hence Jeff's dislike for Austin.

Jeff tells Jackie that all the other HG's see through Audrey except Clay because he's so "naive".

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Jace is going home this week and he is making sure to tell everyone that if he goes, then get Audrey out next. Currently on the live feeds (10:16am BBT), Jason/John/Shelli/Austin are talking in the backyard (non-game). Current topic is past seasons of BB. I'll be back in the afternoon with a shiny new post for y'all! Until then, enjoy the $5.99/month live feeds!! :D

Stay tuned...
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Unknown said...

OMG I thought something had happened to you! I've been trying to get to your page since BB17 kicked off last week. All I was getting was the "2 weeks til BB" update and I was panicking.
Apparently, I needed to clear my cache. *blush* You were here all along! I don't know what I'd do without you. BB wouldn't be the same, that's for certain!!
Gladly getting feeds & making a donation to keep you alive!!


Jamie said...

haha awww!!! Glad you made it back for another season with me yay!! :D Thank you so much (in advance) for your support of the blog! Couldn't be here without it!!!!

Unknown said...

I love how Jeff and Jackie are secretly working together and trying not to draw too much attention between them. Thank you for your blog Jamie! Who do u think, so far, will go far and who will go home? Do you think Liz and her twin will make it to week 5?

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